S1 Ep 36 Karma pt1

Mr sliver asked , "so are we being married?" athena asked, sounding like a broken record with some hurt in her voice. "no." artemis calmly said as amber clinged to his arm. "what the fuck?!

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slivers of sanity guide me to seek more than a dream to stress only with the mess of hypocrisies around me, toward the sea of existence, following every free flowing stream into the unknown, filled with answers unearned among shadows, in the deep blues of

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S1 Ep22- The Beginning of Despair

What the owner (mr silver) and the ceo (ms sliver) did not know is that athena had developed a plan for these "magic gauntlets" and wanted one for herself so they gave her that wish... or rather the plans for it into motion.

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Hungry shark hands at the ready, i feel among the memories emotions left to dissipate among my past holding again, the sands of time that didn't, couldn't last picturing more than what is shown i delve into many "might haves" that are times already known slivers

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Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 3: Meow Like an Egyptian

A sliver of shame came to me; not only had i resisted crawling back until the last minute, but now i had to sew some doubt and fear into caroline's mind.

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Games We Play - Chapter One -

Raising an eyebrow, alex snorted and picked up a slivered carrot then popped it into his mouth. "i'm a herbivore, i don't eat meat..." alex grinned. "you should try it sometime, being a vegetarian is good for you!"

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By the Light of the Moon

The silver moonlight slivered through the bare tree branches on the hot, heavy autumn night, crisp and clear in slices along the ground.

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Reprieve (Ch. 10.5?)

Over the course of four thousand years of mixed blood and perhaps a few strategically placed blessings with especially promiscuous naga, every citizen in the kingdom has some sliver of each of we four in their souls.

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The Eclipse

He looked skyward once more to see that the moon was but a sliver of its former self. it was happening. he made his way slowly toward the center of the clearing, removing his cloak and allowing it to fall in his wake.

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Dragon Heart 8

Brandon wore a bright sliver suit of armour, a long blue cape flapping behind him, he wore no helm but his hair grew longer and changed from its dark brown, to a light yellow.

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Where Minds Lay

The mascara matches the outfit with a black sliver over the top. i try my best to not apply anymore from the spray bottle. it looks fine. leave it alone, dreya.

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When My Mate Wants to Have A Little Fun

Styler finished his cocoa leaving a brown liquid mustache he looked down at it as he slowly start trying to lick it off, styler is just lucky enough to have sliver fur not brown.

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