The Blog of Spike Taylor - Part 2

#2 of spike taylor more exciting adventure as we hear a fat nerd whine about being forever alone, and we only care because he's a werewolf and it's approaching a full moon.

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Taken by the Black Night.

This is the first story I've ever really written so please excuse my horrid writing ability. Warning this story contains mild violence, a make out scene between M/M, some bad language. If you don't like any of the previous mentioned things, don't...

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A Blast From the Past: ch. 5

"WAHHHHHHHH! Hehe! AHHHH!" Rose yelped at the loud squealing cry, rolling off of Kaga her body still messy with a frown she stood up slowly and looked down herself, she was dry. Picking up her pants and shirt and bra and looked to Kaga shoving him...

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A Blast from the Past Ch. 4

PLOW! "Jesus!" Max ducked his head, it seemed a revolver shot off not far by... the bang was sure loud. It shot over most of the assualt rifle shots. Sighing, Max reached around his back grabbing one of the two grenades he had left on him, turning...

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Dearest Husky Ch. 5

"spike... pst... spike..." nik peeked over the couch looking down whispering to spike, "you okay... need me to get you a glass of water or something?"

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A Blast From the Past Ch. 3

A haze lifted through Kaga's eyes, as time passed. Day's went on ahead against Kaga's will till the next important memory for Kaga. For Kaga, this day was the day... of.... * * * "WAHHHHHHHHHH!" "Congratulations Sir it's a girl!" ...

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A Blast from the Past Ch. 2

Still running through the wings of the encampment, Max held his brother in arms to him feeling blood run down the reptiles body, it scared him, skidding to a halt growled and jumped to the side before being seen, it seems... they made the best move as...

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Blast From the Past: Chapter 1

Kaga was a rhizard. What's a rhizard you ask? That's not really important, but it's a reptilian humanoid from lands far away. This rhizard...was in war, not his place, never his place. He was always the peaceful type, never one to pick a fight. So why?...

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Dearest Husky: Chapter 4: REVISED

spike would still be here and not be out there... ya know? sorry i sound so stupid right now..." he chuckled and looked to kiam before saying, "kid... i was always jealous of you... you and spike... you had such a great friendship...

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Dearest Husky: Chapter 3

Kiam looked up at spike and frowned, "spike... i know you... you don't react like that over... little things... what's going on in that head of your's?"

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Dearest Husky: Chapter 2

spike walked out of his room. kiam licked his lips and looked back to see spike standing towards them with a odd look on his face, little droplets of white on his lip he looked to spike and frowned before turning away.

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Dearest Husky: Chapter 1: REVISED

It's spike, he just got home..." "spike!" kiam yipped, "he's been gone for two weeks! is he okay!?"

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