Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Shadow of Light 1

Just like him, it was all black; eyes still a deep red as it closed in on it's pray, a small totodile.

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A Twisting Ladder to Heaven Ch2 : Brothers

The totodile's eyes widen at the sight of the blade and the trainer dives forward and snatches up her pokémon. gin gives me an odd look, "overreacting much?" "don't hurt my gile!" the trainer says shielding the totodile with her body.

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Attack of the Voracious Were Furret

Guzzle's hinds bent up and back against his chubby gut, the totodile devolving into incoherent pleads for mercy. **chomp!

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Winston and the fruit

Selma walks over putting a hand on his cheek "it's okay... relax " she dries his tears comforting the totodile also still hearing his belly gurgle some more winston calms down some "y-you aren't mad at me?"

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Into the Dungeons- Nothing but a Dream

With a jump, aloe flew over the snared totodile. wow...this dream was amazing. she felt so much stronger as a pokemon. she wished she would have dreams like this more often!

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A Different Kind of Training - part 6

Charmander cried out in pain, and attempted to scratch the totodile off unsuccessfully. "get off you little pest!" charmander exclaimed as he continued to attack the reptilian pokemon.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Worlds - Chapter 9

The totodile squirms against viggy. viggy tries to calm him with a gentle touch to the head, but the totodile continues wiggling. "not fair...head start..." viggy tilts his head at the pokemon in his arms and lets out a huff.

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Bonding Session

._ : the totodile heard a zipper being pulled then glanced at the lucario hovering next to her. lisa pulled out an available pokèball and held it next to the other female. "your choice."

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An Experiment in Breeding 6: Stimulus Training

As far as the little totodile knew, most breeding pokémon focused on one partner and one partner only, and that seemed to be the case with the majority of everything outside of a ditto.

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 4

The bellowing of a miltank was a big enough distraction to draw my attention away from my totodile for a split second. soon enough, her cries of terror instantly made my blood freeze.
