Redemption: Reminisce

Many of you know me, many of you do not. It doesn't really matter much anymore. Moved to for a while, but had a snowball's chance in Hell in a virtual sense. If you are under 18 years of age, or if it is illegal to view adult material in...

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Furries University chapter 2: F you!

Chapter 2: F you! Kitsune looked out the window and saw FU in the distance. He then put his head to the screen and began to wag his tail. "Damn it" shouted Ryu grabbing Kitsune's tail and yanking "I can't drive with that thing in my face". ...

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Life as a anthro chapter 2 alex the unfortunate elven

**Chapter 2** **Alex the Unfortunate eleven** An arrow went fling through the air making a wheezing sound as it struck its target dead on. Then a Man...

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Called to Duty (What Went on Before, Chapter 3 )

Here it is, chapter three. Yes, STILL no Yiff. I PROMISE it is coming! Til then, have some story! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Rukbat D'Sagitrus ran through the woods, her feet knowing the way well as she did so. She wore...

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Liberty and Justice for all: Chapter 3

Holy crap. First off, i wanna apologise for taking so damn long! Things have been happening. But anyway, the third chapter is up. Sorry to anyone who was actually looking forward to this... Ok, look, i worked hard on this one, so i'm asking everyone...

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Young Love, First Love (What Went on Before, Chapter 2)

THIS IS CHAPTER 2 of What Went on Before! READ "Birth of a Dire" FIRST! Again, apologies for the shortness of this chapter. This is actually quite a lot later than the last, 16 years have gone by! Enjoy! ...

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Secrets Revealed(5): Rite of Passage...

I'm not going to bother writing a disclaimer since I trust that everyone that has read my stories is of age to view such material. If it's offensive, I apologize. Once you read the story, I would like you to post a comment about what you liked or...

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A Spartan's Tale

Just a quick story following a Spartan at the battle of Thermopylae. Thanks to all my watchers for the past support. I hope y'all like this one. As always, helpful criticism is always welcomed and appreciated. * * * Thermopylae 480 BC ...

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The (#) [C}um {D]umpster

An empty lot with no purpose once sat across from the Cums-A-Lot Hospital. That is, the hospital that used to be the number one sperm depository anywhere in the metropolis of Los Chiorkas. Where Los Chiorkas resided was in the area between New York...

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First Stage

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is gonna be a series of stories that I'm going to put up here. It's something where I call home, Near-Future Fiction, since I have a plan for a Science Fiction story later XD. I'm going to aim for short to medium length and...

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The Dawn of a New Age: Trials and Tribulations - Act1/Chapter1

Act 1: Armageddon Chapter 1: A Mundane World Every time I open my eyes, my weary eyes, I see things that I simply don't want to see. The bright flashing numbers on my digital alarm clock telling me that I'm late for an appointment down at the...

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With Her by my Side

Please enjoy and feel free to leave feedback. I promise a true sex-scene in the next chapter. I don't know how long Dan and I were in the bathroom for, but by the time we got back to our room Danielle was sleeping peacefully, and when I woke...

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