Lunar Cargo by ChakatTailswisher

She opened the cargo bay doors and stepped out onto the lunar soil before activating her personal jets which propelled her along the ground towards the crater.

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Distant Earth CYOA part 17

The harrier's captain had impeccable aim and had landed their pod perfectly on the cargo bay. his heart jumping into his mouth, the rabbit jumped into the ship.

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Extreme Measures

Wyrnn demanded, wyrnn then rushed down to the cargo bay where the shuttle was. the eos rushan's engines roared hard as it picked up speed, the cargo bay opened and a shuttle flew out and headed over to me.

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Stuck in Orbit: Chapter 8

But before he could the orc let out a growl and sprinted around him, bare feet slapping against the cargo bay's metal floor as he ran through the cargo bay and out of the door into the hallway. well that was rude, moah thought.

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A Servant's Heart, Chapter 9

"let's get started then," meriah said as she turned towards the cargo bay. jason laughed and followed.

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The Star Lancers: The Curse of Cortes Ep. 6

She looked to the large cargo bay door on one side of the bay. "disengage the locks, manual open." crew turned physical controls as pairs of loud thuds reverberated across the cargo bay.

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Simulation realities: The start of the second day

"still in the cargo bay." finishing my breakfast i said "hey rach, come with me to check this guy out, stop me if i try to kill him."

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Mayday!!! Mayday!!! Mayday!!! (1)

We are having 550 souls on board. 520 passengers, 13 crew members and 17 pokémon in our cargo bay. " " understood afc heavy. " once that talk was over, martin said to jeff.

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Omega Kinetic Prime

Lief leaned into the generators as he caught the pods and set them perfectly into their carriers in the cargo bay. he pulled the final pod up on screen and made note to put this pod into the pressurized cargo bay. _and the last pod is a passenger.

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Into the Horizon: Power Contested Part 2

He doubled his efforts to get to the cargo bay he entered though; there was a transporter in the room that could be used to escape if they could only reach it. "no," he thought to himself as he ran.

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Out There, Ch 6

She called the ship's computer of the comm again and remotely opened the cargo bay doors. imacha staggered forward, dragged himself half way up the ramp then collapsed on the spot.

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