Happy Go Lucky

Silence filled the room while the husky buried himself underneath the covers and sidled next to his otter companion, who was murmuring sweet compliments concerning a certain wolf-husky hybrid in his sleep.

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A show of character

hybrids all different sizes and ages most younger then me one or two slightly older but all female, ok this is how it go's before the first stage the judges get a quick look at us, then the first stage judging is the first lap around the

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Life in the Apocalypse: Chapter 27

Still with a firm grasp on the spear, stryker kicked smith away from him as they re-materialized near the ceiling, making the husky hybrid release his grip on the weapon and fall towards the ground faster.

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Waking the House

She knew the signs of a hangover when she felt it and the last thing the feline-husky hybrid wanted to do was jerk up and feel the headache spike into something that was a torment.

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Life in the Apocalypse: Chapter 28; Finale

A flash of green caught our attention as stryker stepped out of the shadows, clutching the moaning and exhausted-looking husky hybrid by his neck. "more fire... and now more ice. that just leaves but one ability left to take - ferrokinesis."

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08. Coll

The Forest Through the Trees08 Collby Assilsasta  (¯`·. .··¸.-~*´¨¯¨`*·~-.,-( Longing to Reunite )-,.-~*´¨¯¨`*·~-.¸··. .·´¯) Katie lay on her bed looking at the ceiling fan as it's blades whirled overhead. It had been nearly two months since her...

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The Forest through the Trees 09 Quert by Assilsasta(¯`·._.··¸.-~*´¨¯¨`*·~-.,-(_Mountain Town_)-,.-~*´¨¯¨`*·~-.¸··._.·´¯)   Katie looked out the window as they drove through the snow covered, winding mountain road. They had spent the last two days on...

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Humiliation #6

For wolfy and harley, it was an opportunity to get away from the embarrassment that the young wolf and husky hybrid had felt mere hours ago.

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Wolfy's Woes

He gave him a friendly smile at the obviously nervous blue-furred wolf/husky hybrid. "y-y-yeah we do...i'm...wolfy." the blue furred pup said with his face burning bright red. "oooh yeah! i see you in the yard during recess sometimes!

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Humiliation #3

They were all half-wolf, half-husky hybrids, with a myriad of different hues to their fur.

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04. Nion

The Forest Through the Trees04 Nionby Assilsasta(¯`·._.··¸.-~*´¨¯¨`*·~-.,-(_Prevarication_)-,.-~*´¨¯¨`*·~-.¸··._.·´¯)Sonet and Donovan arrived at the meeting grove apparently well ahead of anyone else. The main clearing was large enough to accommodate...

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