The Symbol? - Chapter 4

**~Arriving at the party~** When we arrived at the party, it was already stacked! The house the party was being held at seemed pretty huge. But for some odd reason, this house seemed extremely familiar. I couldn't put my muzzle on it, but I have a...

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Do You Love Me 8

"Nick!" Finnick yelled, watching as Nick ran out of the apartment. He struggled to put his shorts back on and Fangs did the same. As quickly as he could manage, Finnick dashed out of the front door, bolt as quickly as he could down the stairs and out...

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Dreams: Chapter 2

Chapter 2. Waking up with the need to piss, I found that Marcus was using my chest as a pillow and was sleeping on his stomach with one arm across my chest. I really didn't want to wake him up so I started to push him gently off of me. However...

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Dreams: Chapter 1

"Marcus! Please don't..." "No, NO! Fuck you. How could you do that? Were you even thinking?" "Please it was a mistake babe. I promise I won't do it again." "You won't do it again? How can I be sure of that? I gave you everything I had,...

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Dreams: Chapter 4

Chapter 4 (Sorry for the alignment issue. I will try to figure out WTF) I could not believe what happened last night. Marcus feel asleep in my arms as we cuddled in bed. We didn't do anything besides look at each other in complete bliss. It felt...

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Dreams: Chapter 3

Chapter 3 I felt like doing something really special for Marcus, and being new at this "liking a guy" thing, the only thing I could come up with was to cook him something nice and from scratch. I knew some of the things he liked such as steak,...

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Otter's Embrace

otter's Embrace. ? Tsumi Moogle '11 Characters ? Themselves. -Knock-knock-knock- Dylan smiled as he waited, hearing the faint sounds of movement behind the door, the awareness of the peeping-hole being put to use before the soft click...

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Let Sleeping Dragons Lie

"I'm telling you, I totally did," Oswin called out confidently over his shoulder as he soared through the sky, his wine red scales glistening in the warm sunlight. He and his friend, Mazi, were making their way back home when they found themselves...

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The Monster Lies Chatper 4

### Chapter 4 "Why can't you slam your muzzle shut for just a moment? I told you, someone's coming!" a male voice said, clearly apprehensive about something. "Cumming? Someone's doing that indeed. Quite vigorously, if I might add. The way you...

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The Monster Lies Chapter 3

### Chapter 3 When she woke up, everything felt a lot warmer. Skan stood right next to her, his warm belly pressed against her side. "Sleepy kitty finally makes eyes." "Skan..." "No no no," the male placed a soft paw on her head. "I know what...

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The Monster Lies Chapter 2

### Chapter 2 Skan decided to return home at sunset. As hard as it was to leave the shore of that mesmerizing pond, they had to return before their family started worrying. The way the light reflected off the surface of the rippling water provided an...

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The Monster Lies Chapter 1

### Chapter 1 Nights have gotten warmer lately, but few were as warm as tonight, when Skanita had a ravenous male pressed upon her back. The victorious cougar had no need to dominate her. His licks alone caused the female beneath his soft belly to...

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