Devout States of America Timeline

Uniting with falwell and other national groups in a joint front against the 'secular menace', according to a speech he gave during a press conference, the president further consolidated his power and influence among the christian right.

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A tail of magic and mystery chapter thirteen

Once the procedure is complete and we confirm that you are pregnant, we will have a press conference. "and what will this procedure do exactly?"


Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #15- Mayor May Knots

Her mind went back to the embarrassing press conference in santa ana, and the interview slip-up with t.matt latrans (coyote) after her trade to the des moines blanks.

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Reckoning Moon part 3

The press conference was over, now the anchors were recapping everything. they had my picture up. a mugshot from a few years ago when they caught me dealing at the mall.

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Hurricane Kim Chapter 11

Well, come on then, the media is here for the press conference of me declaring this a zone of safety. having this little girl attached to me will either get me reelected or killed.

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Scars Ch. 1

The reporter was talking about some story about this politician getting snappy at a guy at a press conference; nothing new or out of the ordinary in the city of midna. midna was a somewhat large city, nothing too special about the place.

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Jasper's Porn Stars

. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the next morning, jasper called a press conference which appeared on all major news channels. "good morning everyone."

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #17- A Lot of Forward Thinking

"i'll text ya after the post-game press conferences," said whiskers. "same place as usual?" "of course!" exclaimed diego. "unless you know another place with a good steamed sole?"

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #8- The Ides of December

* * * _thursday 10.00pm pst_ after the game, the spectrums attended their usual press conference, where questions were less about the game and more about the loss of jackson price, and about the future of the team.

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Zootopia: The Wilde Bunch - Part 4 - The Task Force

Mayor lionheart is going to hold a press conference in an hour where he'll be warning citizens to stay off rooftops unless absolutely necessary. i also have swat on standby for when we find out who this bastard is."

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The Towel Boy - The Lion's Share of Embarrassment

The press went insane after robbo's public confession of love, asking mainly about that during press conferences and very little about the game and the pillagers' spear tackle. the offending hooker was banned from playing in the next season.

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Charlemagne's Stolen Secret - Part 3

Mark brin said, "i know i may seem out of touch with the common man having a press conference on the deck of my own personal submarine.

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