Hoarding Love

He sank between her mistress' breasts, swallowed whole by the kitsune's voluptuous shape while he pressed on his thumb. thumb. ting. thumb. ting. thumb. ting. thumb. ting. thumb. thumb. thumb. he kept pressing on the application, but nothing came.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 76

swallowed whole... "sorrin!" taberah was shaking him now, tugging on his arm. "look at me!" shapes in the storm, dark and empty shadows, broken and shredded by gusts of wind, buried in the snow, cold and dead. "sorrin! please!"

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Tuki and the seal (leopard seal/dolphin vore)

It was just a dim shape by eye but he'd seen enough things swallowed whole to know what was happening as the two shapes merged. "sure enough," said ner. he and his companion each sent out a chirp and examined the result.

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End of Pledge Week

The shouts of the panther were soon muffled as he fell into the wolf's mouth, slid down his tongue to the back of his throat, and then was swallowed whole!

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Why Not to Meet Online Friends

The fox didn't even have a chance to squeak something in protest before he was swallowed whole.

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A sergal self love

It was strange to be eaten by himself, seeing the inside of his own body in a slow pace, feeling his clone tongue wrapping against his body, tongue that was moving down toward his legs and paws and he was being swallowed whole.

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Giant Kobold Cruelty

The dwarf was consumed just as slowly as her lover, gradually fed upon, savored, and then swallowed whole and alive.. "so, drex... think we should take this buffet along with us?"

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Tale of a Dragonborn - Chapter 3 - Mercenary

So either i get my head cut off by johnny here, or i get swallowed whole by a worm that could be bigger than a friggen city." there was a silence once more. "there is no way you can even think of me saying yes to this."

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Prologue to Unity

"don't worry, if you're swallowed whole i'll be sure to have your homework mailed to your room." fox chuckled; for a werewolf who would rather fight an army of humans than merely talk to their general, scythe wasn't too bad of a guy.

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The Tides of War

whole... she listened to not a word i said, and as a result, her heart was devoured by the yomi's darkness, and she became its queen.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 77

swallowed whole... "sorrin!" mellah was shaking him now, tugging on his arm. "look at me!" shapes in the storm, dark and empty shadows, broken and shredded by gusts of wind, buried in the snow, cold and dead. "sorrin! please!"

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Jeremy: Chapter Three: Days Of Summer

With a head bob of the crow the duck was swallowed whole. finished with the duck it looked around the park. jeremy and his subject made eye contact. he stood hundreds of yards away but did not feel safe from his massive creation.

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