Into the Horizon: A New Home Part 1

"i think we are looking at the base," reported bane. "bane's right," began the officer at the sensor station, "scans of the surface of the planet show a very large underground building complex.

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Never: Chapter 1

Sarah said with a smile, meeting bane's eyes with her own. bane didn't really react, and instead just turned his head to look forward again. did he not feel like responding, or did she say something wrong?

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Chapter 7: Land of many lakes

"no we need to stay together," kel snapped at bane.

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Beyond The Horizon: Rebuilding

With a sigh, he considered how much easier it had seemed, when bane was directing them. now it was up to him and ron to carry on and the job was harder than bane had made it look.

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Never: Prologue

It seemed tonight wasn't one of those nights, though, as nathan could already hear bane snoring on the opposite side of the fire. that wasn't unusual for bane.

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Into the Horizon: Information Stolen

Scott was in the bunk below him, and bane was on duty. all three shared one room, therefore bane and ron shared a bed together. to keep things from being awkward between them bane chose to work night shifts while ron worked day shifts.

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What really goes on in the forest.....

Whipping around, bane was spotted, eyes closed, and tongue lolling out as his penis grew in size. shasta figured the best thing that she could do was sit, so she lowered her haunches, much to bane's annoyance.

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Into the Horizon: A Relationship is Born Part 3

bane was finding the entire situation humorous to say the least. he knew ron was messing with him; after all, ron's species was considerably more sexual than bane's.

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The Familiar

_" the black cat, bane, vaulted from his bed of straw, moving towards the angry mob.

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Behind the Blue Line - Episode 1

bane's laugh was throaty, deep and confident. "i'm going to look at the report of every officer at that scene bane and if i don't like what i see you might not have a badge!" again, bane was unphased.

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A Daspletosaurus' Longing 2

"come, face me if you want, but be aware of the price you will pay", the dark daspletosaurus spoke, looking right into bane's eyes.

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Decadence Chapter Eighteen: Freedom

She hugged hem, then saw lil bane and gasped. "lil bane?! but, i saw you get shot! how are you alive?!" lil bane smiled and replied as he reloaded the gun by flipping the clip upside down. "i am immortal.

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