A Starfox Adventures Parody 6: To the GateKeeper

He wasn't sure if it was tech or some sort of old thing that she had brought from her planet, some sort of mysticism like the telepathy that the cerinians had, but whatever it was, it was useful.

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Starfox - Exclusive

Her desire to have a child and continue the cerinian line won out over her desire to keep herself unattached and she eventually relented. she was pleasantly surprised, of course.

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Star Fox: ELPH - Chapter 7

_i had asked them how the elph knew about cerinians already. we aren't exactly a far-spread race, and most of the lylat has never heard of us. it turns out that experiment files on cerinians predate the elph's construction...

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Chapter 8: Everyone's in Love

Faffing about is a rather cerinian pleasure." "faffing?" "taking unnecessary time to do something that should've been straightforward. a cerinian loves nothing more than a good faff, love." "yeah, but you and i?

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Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - The Ship

Http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/applejack)) asriel dreemurr ([http://undertale.wikia.com/wiki/asriel\_dreemurr](http://undertale.wikia.com/wiki/asriel_dreemurr)) fluttershy ([http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/fluttershy](http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/fluttershy)) krystal (cerinian

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Cautiously, she reached up and scratched behind twilight's ear, feeling a strange excitement in her attraction to a creature that so resembled a cerinian horse.

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Courtship of Frogs (A Canon Star Fox Story) Chapter 1

The part cerinian had a similar look and his girl walked up so they could hug. "so... we're alone now. and i know you very well to know you didn't come here just to see what was going on..." "you got me there..."

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Star Fox: ELPH - Chapter 10

Whatever's happening to my brain with this whole cerinian genetic modification stuff, i'm not that good with it yet. but i know one thing very clearly."

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Chapter 10: Learning to Fly Together Again

He turned to his wingmate and answered, "that, my friend, is krystal's native language of cerinian, which fox has learned from her."

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Chapter 8: Bliss

They then to their astonishment heard the fox speak in what they had to assume was cerinian.

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Lovin' A Feline Chapter 6

"you're all doing well and it saves us the time waiting for you to come to the wedding," the part cerinian commented. "well that's not the only wedding that will be happening," panther then said. "we've got some other news as well."

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