Fighting Fursecution: Entry 2 - - - Prolouge

, a cure which humans would rather hide from us through fear they will need it themselves one day._ _all i want is to be human again.

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For a friend

I'm just lucky i brought it with me, this flower can also cure any known disease known on sauria but with this aparoid poison." "we don't know if it'll cure him or just delay the toxin from spreading." "falco!"

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Meteorite Slime Friend 20

"don't worry, we also found a cure all potion for any disease that should turn you back to normal." "a cure all potion? you mean this can cure cancer?" "yep!" "why haven't you told the public yet?!"

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Born for Loyalty Chapter 11

"so you have the cure for what ails us? i couldn't find it in my library." "i do have a cure for you and in my brew for you. here is the book of cures, shame it is not among your tomes."

Pitch Episode 14: The Minor

"i want the cure," i said. her demeanor shifted. i'm sure she knew i was alright at that moment. "what?" "the cure, our deal was if i stayed you'd give me the cure, i want it," i said.

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new beginings for a tortured soul chapter 1

Mozoze looked himself over and saw that his body was cured. mozoze: "i'm cured.. i'm cured.. oh thank you my lord," tears formed in his eyes from the shear happiness that he felt.

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Biohazard Chapter 1

They did it using the same technology that biotech genosys used for their cures. cures that used animal dna and gene splicing to treat just about every disease and problem you could think of.

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Shattered Salvation, Draft 1 CH 48

"i need that cure." "i don't care." alex took the injector out. "she made a second vial, it's for you." "no, it's for me." she took a step forward. tristan growled and she stopped.

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The Reluctant Hero

And the world would either have its cure or lose its last hope.

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Chapter 56: Survived The Fight of the Life.

I'm sure they will find a cure." zane convinced him. "they just don't know how or where." al gave him a weak smile. "i know that you don't want to believe it. but face it; there is no cure for the glitches."

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Shattered Salvation, Draft 1 CH 36

It's the cure!" alex stared at her. "what cure?" the suspicion in tristan's voice echoed alex's frame of mind. there had never been any discussion of a cure existing. "there were two formulas in the fabricator's buffer.

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Beacon of Hope

However, due to the high risk of finding a cure, many scientist have to be exposed to the virus in order to make a medicine and perform tests, but usually failing to make one a cure that works in time and ends up a pokemon.

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