Confederacy of the Red Nebula

Grunikan fleet eradicated 599 pc grunikans launch counter offensive at white star protectorate; eyrie, hircumite and passiva fleets form protective line at boundary.

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An Endless Voyage chapter 61:

"we will all sleep easier once the fleet is back in hyperspace, admeral." yuri added. "what ship has the best food in the fleet, admiral?" maverick said. "i mean since you visited all but one already today." "the new j.d.s.

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Ship references part 1

Status: intact note, was not completed in time for the xian war, but recently joined the fleet. ........ h.m.c.s.

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Spiral Nebula - Epilogue

The drach'n fleet had barely engaged in the main battle before they witnessed the second klienestov use the battle as a distraction to sneak pass the fleets.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Seventeen

The fleet was hunting down the remaining resistance from creeper ships but it was dragging the fleet a little thin since the creeper ships were fleeing the onslaught.

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an endless voyage ch 38

They gave their all in performance a' their duties, fer the good a' the fleet, an' they'll be sorely missed."

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Expedition: The Mask Falls

fleet at which point their paths dipped very close to the fleet and the dots were spread wider as they led back home.

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The Annihilator and Its General

Mist and alluzar's fleets were going to be the first to attack then followed swiftly by bull's and adaverdiz's fleets. mist went into discreet cloak and started to move in, his ship maneuvered right in front of the enemy fleet.

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Into the Horizon: Power Contested Part 3

Bane then thought of the two fleets that were on there way. "commander, there are two more fleets on there way, their intentions are unknown. try to get in touch with the rest of our fleet and get reinforcements as soon as possible."

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Galactic Conflict: Call to War

His speech had done much to rile the fleet, "for glory!" many were already in full battle mode, "for the dominion!!" the roar of thousands of souls sounded over the entire fleet.

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The Neo's Alpha Project Part Two

Quickly they moved down hallways and through various doors until they stepped into a fleet disembark area for fleet use only.

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chapter 8: Survivors pt2

After half an hour, the enemy fleet was nothing more then a field of dust. "imperial fleet, i thank you for your assistance" galinoth transmitted. "you are most welcome guardian vessel, what should i report to my superiors?"

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