A werewolf guide: Magic

For example, the glyph that affects fredrick and valrez when written out in runes is 'synchronization, affect two, duplicate and infect when touched.' when fredrick returned to pick up val, the glyph duplicated and attached itself on him.

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The Last Hour

Omega leapt up at fredrick, her large eyes taking in every detail. fredrick still appeared relatively humanoid, but his unhealthy skin and unnatural starved belly unsettled her.

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Online Escape

Less than an hour after denise had cleared her plates, pricilla dictated to the weasel to tell fredrick the cook to start preparing several batches of the butter scones she liked.

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Dragon Slayer? Part 1 The truth

You see our friendly dragon wasn't dead and it grab fredrick before he could even scream and snapped him in half it was a sicking sound . i lay there as it began to rain slowly i could feel the warmth slowly leaving me.

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Need Part VII - Interwoven

"what i didn't say but should've is that if fredrick came here for you, i'd kill the bastard. no hesitation.

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Spellbreaker: Invocation of destruction

Matthew nodded, diverting his attention to melissa and fredrick, offering them his hand. "hey, guys. long time no see. fredrick, you look like you've been either working out or hiding melons in your arms!" fredrick laughed and squeezed matthew's hand.

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Choices Part I - Interwoven

fredrick and brett turned to look right at him. the latter seemed surprised, but fredrick looked absolutely disgusted to be sharing the same relative space as william. he understood, of course; he felt much the same way whenever fredrick was around.

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A Monumental Era

fredrick said as he looked over brandon's shoulder before turning back to tyler. "how are you doing over there buddy?" "how do you think?"

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Spellbreaker: Twisted faith

Matthew, distracted from his grimoire, was watching esmerelda and fredrick spar. he had to admit to himself, he was watching esmerelda more than fredrick.

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Flames Part XII - Interwoven

fredrick was dead. his blood-father's mission of revenge was without its greatest figurehead. they'd _done_ it. a sigh from tobias opened william's eyes.

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Master of Aura Chapter Twenty-One

He turned his head at fredrick then, who was just leaving the center behind us, with pidove standing on his arm, freshly revived from the exam room. "and that's fredrick, he's been traveling with me." "what was that pokemon you rode in on?"

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Freedom of Expression

She and fredrick did not speak much besides the constant food orders. it was probably why he was the most senior member of the house staff.

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