A tale of a Fox and her Brother: Chapter 3

"headshot!" he yelled and grinned at her, she pouted, "no fair!" she playfully bashed him on the arm with her controller, "hey that hurts!"

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A Barren Affliction - Chapter 2

The grainy headshot in the fox's file just didn't do him justice. his orange-russet fur shined in the harsh laboratory lighting, and what he could see of the fox's build was very promising.

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Mad Surfer Kapitel 4: Einer für alle, Alle für einen

„kann´s kaum abwarten dir zu zeigen wie man guten headshot verpasst!", prahlte brian während sie im leichten regenschauer zu brians wohnung gingen. „pass du mal lieber auf das ich dich nicht von hinten messere.", erwiderte luke lachend.

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My Roomie Pt. 1

headshot!!! take it bitch, eat my nade you whore." you see that 150 pound piece of fur, scales, and major case of potty mouth over there playing call of fur: modern murrfare™, yeah that's me.

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A Game Night

So did mason, it seemed, disposing of some mooks with ease with headshots while alarms blared. "fuck," he hissed. "up there on the balcony!" i told him. "i got that."

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Ch. 9: Gifted Marksman

"pfft, haven't you ever seen someone get a headshot before?" bart asked, annoyed. he reloaded the crossbow and fired, striking half an inch to the right of the first bolt. "again."

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To Pay A Man's Respects With Blood 1 - Randy's Beef Hold-Up

With that, me and cal starting firing rounds at the robbers. 2 headshots in unison to the leader and a subordinate and a shot in the chest later to another subordinate, there were 3 down and 2 left as they hid behind cover as me and cal did behind a couple

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Inferno High - Chapter 3

headshot, too." [me] "so?" "with a magnum." "ha ha ha... that was fun." [alex] "dude, how much halo have you played?" [ted] "a lot." [alex] "more than is naturally possible." [me] "hey! being gay is called unnatural sometimes."

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Isolation-Excerpt 22-Primal

The bot with the launcher crouched down and shouldered it while the other raised his fal and lined me up for what i assumed would be a headshot.

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The Society, CH 32

"you can't heal a headshot," martin warned. frank scoffed. "no one ever aims for the head." denton looked at the lion. "you've been shot before?"

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The Winner Takes It All(Vore Ending)

Not to mention i know i can eat more than you can," he added snarkily as he got his target with a headshot. soren proceeds to look at his younger chubby bro from the corner of his eye.

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the Fur Riots- Completed!

_ one of the members of the unit fell, dead with a clean headshot, the rest of the unit scattered towards cover, looking around the ground level entrance way they saw nothing that gave away the shooter's position.

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