Startide III -- Intro

Supposedly... and automated hull breech repair is underway, but beyond that its all up to you. feeling better yet?"

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Missing In Action

"hull breaches on levels three and one. warning boarding parties in bound, armoury in-accessible due to hull breach. docking bay in-accessible due to hull breach." "crap without weapons we can't defend from the boarding parties."

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Lakeside Leisure

The fox grunted, hauling himself onto the dugout and skillfully vaulting over the side of the hull. at long last, he was lakebound. sakara made himself comfortable, or at least, as comfortable as he could get on a solid, oak hull.

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Galaxy: part 1

We have no engines, minimal shields and hull damage. the sector leading to the escape pods is sealed because of a hull breach and we cannot reach them."

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Great War pt. 1

The ship creaked and cracked as the atmosphere started to deteriorate the hull, he didn't have long. he went to the belly of the ship and began to activate the machine that lied within.

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Meeting the Neighbors

At this point the anti-gravity cushion began to take effect and negate the gravitational pull on the hull.

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Into the Horizon: Information Stolen

The metal of its hull shouldn't exist yet, and its weapons are far too powerful for this time period.

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The Patchwork Soldier part IV (revised)

The miniature electromagnets stuck me to the metallic hull, while still allowing me enough freedom to move around.

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The Patchwork Soldier part IV

The miniature electromagnets stuck me to the metallic hull, while still allowing me enough freedom to move around.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 8

"i've been searching the hull and i've found some interesting points of impact." captain redding clicked an acknowledgement. "nothing breached the hull but it whatever collided with this ship looks organic.

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