Decisions and Sacrfice Fourteen

_ he wondered looking around the new martian city eden. _'everything is alien to me. there's nothing here for me, no one here for me. just vinnie, and a ruined view of the freedom fighters.

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This Rock

#2 of atomic mars fresh, hand-crafted martian dog smut, aged nearly two months! seriously, though, a little slice of life between an engineer and her geologist friend.

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Welcome to the B.U.S.T. Club - Episode Seven

Marvin the martian was back on the main mtp world's surface in a gym-city. it was a city designed with every building made to be lifted.

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They careen like planets, collide like martian asteroids, in an endless dance of gravity and friction. but earthly dances must at some point end, and the pair gravitates toward the dance floor's edge, their orange frenzy turned lavender.

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Both throttle and vinnie had ignored their sensible sides, and both had decided to go on a crazed alcohol and drug binge; which ended up with a quarter of chicago in ruins; martian limericks and legends carved everywhere in a desperate act of preservation;

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Is There Anybody Out There?

Also, consider this my break up notice and my discharge from the martian army; effective the moment you finish this sentence.

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Oracle: The Dream

All around were the distant stars and he realized that the stairway led from his bed to several miles above the martian surface. he was in deep space now.

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Chapter Three - Nightlife

This was an understandable mistake, for not only were varlosans rare in the martian hegemony, but they were quite unique among the galaxy's sentient lifeforms.

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Shattered Freedom

While they try to adjust to this upheaval, friends made come back begging the biker mice to aide in their rescue of other martian life to bring back mars once again. right until an old foe comes back with a plot to destroy all from within!

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None of us are free, if one of us are chained.

But thanks to a 10-year-old martian boy who found the flaw that all the grownups overlooked. the power needed to holo-camouflage such large areas release a /lot of energy/ which is easily detectable from space.

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"bryce, we still need a crew who'll work for free though," allen said as bryce cracked open a small cooling unit, pulling out his favorite drink: beer, specifically, martian ale.

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