A 'Haww'-fect Costume - M/F to M Donkey costume TF

Her toes merged into one big lump, bones to one thick, solid cannon bone, and then - her nails darkened, widened, black keratin soon covering her entire foot - her foot had merged, _transformed_ into the suit's hoof, and her other foot soon did the

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Dragon By Day P8

By the time the two landed on the bell tower of the cathedral ashimaru and ellowyn had been released from their merged state, the ghostly dragon landing next to their still draconic body.

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Fuzzy Navel - Chapter 4

Saeila woke with a gentle start caused by a stern kick in her middle. She yipped and sat up quickly thinking something was the matter with her lover. Her hands kneaded the large dome attached to her, carrying the form of her mate within. "What's wrong...

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Joining Forces, P2

The other two heads snapped and reached for the two felines as their chests continued to merge into something powerful enough to support their merged form.

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These are crazy times we live in, you know? I mean, think about how much the world has changed since Archmage Calton came up with his system to distribute magic more evenly. I imagine he must have known what it would do. Magic wasn't restricted to a...

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Setting Up A Node

They weren't merely slithering in the alien flesh but merging with it, morphing into something more cocoon-like and dragging him back with it.

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Knotted Up (CTF Story)

The less he could move, the closer he was to completely merging the kobold into his hungry, pulsing cock...and he was already having a bit of trouble moving around inside there without moving the entire kobold around with it~ "w-what's that mean??"

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Merge - 14 - Dias Ex Machina

#15 of merge matt and kael are both cornered into making impossible choices. who will ultimately pay the price for their decisions?

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[c] A Lack of Certainty

Unlike annie, who spent most of her time as herself, most of silv's days were spent merged with his summon, maelstrom.

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Encountering New Species

At least this monster knows how to show him a good time, the merged creature managed to dryly think before panting as it thrusted in slightly deeper.

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The Bal'Kar Blitz (5/10)

As the bull transformed on top of him the fox, which was still mostly his vulpine form, had taken his hand and ran it under the clothes of the dragon before neatly slicing them away with the sharpened bone blade that his fingers had merged into.

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A Chance Encounter

"since you're new to this i felt like a full merge would be a little overwhelming, so instead i had you do what would normally happen with organics that you fancy taking control of.

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