SENTIENCE - Chapter Three - Long Fall

They just didn't think they'd be letting their expensive cargo hit the ground at 80 meters per second.

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Something Rudimentary - Chapter 1

Approximate size is about ten meters long, five wide, moved at ten meters a second. this is no chase, though, the rover is no longer moving." miitsan let out a grunt. "then what in between, chief?"

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First Encounter

It took half an hour to walk up to sabrepeak drop, a five hundred meter drop that was ideal for flying. the terrain was mostly dominated by scrub at this altitude. "i'll go first." mira declared.

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"Amnesia?" Chapter 4

It was barely large enough for him to wiggle through, but after about two meters, just when he was beginning to worry, his reaching arm fell on thin air just as he put his weight on it, and he tumbled out onto the floor, which was about half a meter away.

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Myth And Legends Chapter 3

Jezeca followed only to have the prop meter maid brought with her. a meter pole hit her in the belly. jezeca staggered back holding her belly. "okay that hurt."

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A wonderful dream

About six meters tall, probably around twenty-five meters from nose to the slightly arrowhead-shaped tip of the tail. the giant wings were folded onto its back and sides. "if only this wouldn't be a dream..."

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Victory Scare

Only another..... 800 meters to go?_ i looked at the watch on my black furred wrist, which read 16:30 in minutes, as i passed the 800 meter marker at the edge of the woods. i picked up my pace, my lungs burning and my legs beginning to feel like jelly.

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Ronin - Kapitel 1: Nächtliche Heimkehr

Flackerndes kerzenlicht beleuchtete den raum weitestgehend, wodurch ein blick auf die karge, fast spartanische einrichtung möglich wurde: auf der linken seite befand sich ein knapp zwei meter hoher und ein meter breiter kleiderschrank, daneben hing ein etwa

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It Slithers

"sure, and this is in no way some spooky story you made up just to tell me to try and scare me for halloween," was judy's response as her ears twitched upon hearing another nearby meter click.

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Drachenmenschen - 10. auf der Flucht

Das tor kann 200 meter rechts, oder 500 meter links sein, alles würde noch passen. dann die höhe... 20 meter, 200 meter... - ich weiß ja nicht mal, ob es über der wiese ist, oder draußen über dem tal.

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Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 5

The caring meter was a barometer-like meter in a heart-shaped case atop a two-meter tall red and white barber-pole striped tower; the meter itself was indicated by a half-circle of hearts of increasing size to the left with numbers marked from 1 to

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Terveta-Chapter 2: Hostiles (Part 3)

The alpha got closer and closer to the hostile until it was only meters away. the monster turned to stare over its shoulder and uttered a single roaring cry before it reeled and attacked.

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