
Calling him nonsensical and irrational, i held all the cards and he could barely play. now that age has worn on my ego and esteem he rises like a fanciful dream, whispering horrid thoughts into my head.


POETRY: Ode to the Wannabe Dragon Slayer

Only in fairy tales, can man defeat a god, dragon-slaying's but a nonsense for small children to applaud.

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Starting Runescape Clan

(you don't really have to be a furry, although it helps for common grounds and all that nonsense) 2. you must have at least a combat level of 20 3. you must have at least 20 in all skills 4. you must be a member (obviously for clan stuff) 5.

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Scaly and Furry Adventures in Skyrim 2

"if you don't stop talking nonsense, i'm going to have to take steps of my own." "nonsense? why, but the very state of friendship is nothing but lovely nonsense. the matters of the heart and its emotions are as silly as drunks." "that's it.

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Chosen of Ashurha III: The Gods Hunger

Vorel could tell the naked woman had only the barest grasp of arabic, but the insanity didn't help make her speech any less nonsensical.

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Star Fox: Inertia - Ch. 11 of 12

"delightful, sure, but everything on their planet comes with a generous helping of nonsense." "you can't handle anymore nonsense?" he swooped back his ears with one paw. "not at the moment." "hmm." her emerald eyes shone at him.

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Just Watch (Dog TF)

He used his words to disparage and deconstruct and de-mystify nonsense. nonsense like this! searching his brain, he knew what he wanted to say - he just couldn't make the sound. "much more realistic. oh, and dogs don't stand on two legs... so..."

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All-Time High S1E24

"nonsense. i may not excel in this department, but that's no excuse to give up before it's over. face it, kelly. you're going to lose this race whether you like it or not," declared persephone.

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Do What You Do- chapter two

In her ear "girls, stop this nonsense!" a smooth voice comes from behind the siblings. they both spin around to see chase smirking at them "that's better." jade shakes out her fur and sticks out her tongue.

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Rattling Van's Trip (Otherwise Untitled)

The jackalope paused to listen for the fox in the passenger seat who was currently plunking away at some video game nonsense. all was as well as could be foreseen, to linda's consideration.

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51 Shades of Hay - Chapter One -

"nonsense," lord silvermane laughed, the smell of multiple martini's in his breath, as he threw a arm over charlemayne's shoulder.

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Affiliated Student Bodies, chpt 3, Starting the band

Brian: nonsense... it means you can reach more than one group of people with your music. brian: if only we had a few more people we could get a decent band going here.

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