The Mystic Sands | Chapter 2

If it wasn't a psychopath looking for ancient relics, it would have been a psychopath looking for an opium dose. what i'm worried about is you doing something foolish and risking your life to protect a hunk of gold.

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Robery and Revenge

The opium was doing its job. jessie felt his aches lessen in his chest. "so now what?" jessie scooted around the fire until he was next to john. the horse sighed. "head west. california or nevada.

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Janet the skunk in reary roughy!

Then again it was a mythical beast with a probable opium addiction. occasionally latita signed for a position change, or shoved the camera dog around.

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Death's Blood Ch. Seven: The Hunter's Heart

"opium", i state. i also spot his pipe, the stem and spout broken apart. "i smelt that, too", the madame replies. "he apparently ate it. all at once."

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The Black Road, Chapter 1 - Law

"so our lovely friends from the east introduced those kingdoms to their little friend called opium. calmed the mind and body making them complacent and ending the bloodshed, of course this didn't end the wars did it?

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The Artful Dodger

I'm reading high levels of opium-based products in your hold. begin descent procedures immediately. consider this your last verbal warning."_ the smuggler sighed.

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The Fox General: The Dye Has Been Cast

One thing i noticed since quitting opium was how sensitive my lungs were even to a distant campfire. taj tapped me on the tip of my nose, "i bet you wish you had a shorter snout now, hm?"

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Oh Calgary - 01 Grimaldo

I found her scent intoxicating, something alien, truly unidentifiable, but with exotic hints of clove, myrrh, and opium. tossing away the shirt, she then caressed the straining tent in my pants. "my, my, is that for me?

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To Dream of Darkness III - CH 57

"when the spell ceased its hold on her, we almost had to resort to opium to sedate her. the sleep spell very nearly failed to calm her." "i am glad to hear that she is not pregnant.

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Hero, Chapter 6 - And into the Frying Pan

Talip must have given her an opium tincture. her wounded arm had been pressed against the paw. there were countless salves and ointments covering it, trying to keep it in place. this wasn't right.

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Hero, Chapter 5 - Out of the Fire

A healer doesn't need opium to put people to sleep when his smell knocks'em right out first!" reya was cracking up at this point. "cool it you two! lets be civilized here! we're not ferals here, you know!

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Book of Changes - 2

After dismissal from the chohmlathais there was breakfast in argos, followed by hashish and opium in turkey, with seconds among the modern states that had risen after the fall of persia.

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