A Love Like Ours- Ch.2: Delivery!

**I awake the next morning feeling happy and refreshed. It was beautiful outside as apposed to meteors and planets, so we must've arrived in Traverse Town last night, I stretched and tried to sit up but something was holding me down. I looked down and...

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A Love Like Ours- Ch.1: Make a Wish

**"God, I love Neverland!", I shouted, spinning around in the night sky.** **"You just like making googly-eyes at Peter" I turned to see my childhood friend, Sora, floating behind me. "Oh, like you didn't drool when you saw Ariel last time we...

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Rise and Shine!

"huh," she said softly, her sleek raccoon tail swaying back and forth behind her. "where did that boy run off to..." ari made her way back to the bedroom.

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Troubling News (Ch. 2)

Chapter 2 of the story I am working on, I got some helpful tips last time so as always leave your comments and your votes and don't forget to follow for future...

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Rough Interrogation

This is a work in progress and I plan to continue a full story with this world, constructive criticism is always welcome, any thoughts or ideas are encouraged to be shared. Don't tear me apart too much, this is one of my first serious attempts at story...

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{Tfun}'s first day at school

{Tfun}'s first day at schoolOn the first day of grade 10 for {Tfun}, we was very excited, and very nervous. He was excited because he's going to a new school, and nervous because he's going to a new school. {Tfun} enjoyed his old school, he made lots...


Back for a reason.

I'm back...I don't know why or for what purpose. Only that here I am, Where I was...I can't remember all I know is....Blankness. I take time to look at my surroundings: I'm standing in a field..there are large rocks scattered around me._..Why? It...



Darkness I feel the Darkness growing. Swelling up inside. My life is rather useless. I know I can not hide. The fate which here binds me, The one I can't escape. It pulls me down into that sea, Of blood that I've made. How can i find the...

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Teacher's Pet Part 3

Teacher's Pet: Part 3 A/N This was an anonymous commission, so hopefully the person enjoys! BUT, fair warning to the rest of y'all, there is a LOT of watersports in this story (it's essentially the focal point) AND SOME SCAT AT THE END! I will give a...

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Never Again

Disclaimer: Don't read this if you don't meet the age requirements for where you live, aren't interested in M/M content, a teen having an existential crisis over his sexuality, or homosexuality in general. As a side note, I don't want to use a real...

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Zootopia Deleted Scene

Zootopia Deleted Scene A/N If only this was an actual deleted scene... but yeah, I've decided to dip my toe into the fanfiction waters. This is a _very_ short story, mainly focusing on Nick and Judy; more specifically, Nick worshipping Judy's bunny...

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Kaum's lucky encounter

He held onto the raccoon tighter then before panting heavily, he began filling the raccoon's tailhole with his warm seed.

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