For a Case of Beer

This would be a sort of theoretical scene to the massive tank girl story i've got planned. its all in the experimental stages at the moment (i'm turning out about half a page a day), but its getting there.

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Dr. Artemis' Journal, Entry 2

While it is admittedly unusual to see bacterial digestion of that sort as far back in the digestive system as we found it, it appears that some of the breakdown products from the digestion are atp-like substances that could theoretically be absorbed

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243 Hard Lines

The need to share means that it has to be someone attractive to the both of them, and preferably somewhere between them in age, and the purely theoretical discussion of what they both might like is meant to draw mother and daughter together.

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Believe – Chapter 18: Caring

Sure, red had taught her to read the tracks to discover a prey and he showed her how she could capture it theoretically, but she never hunted a real animal.

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Hunting Death- Travelling Alone

It theoretically will wake me up if anything goes wrong but there's no guarantee that it won't walk headlong into a trap or try to climb up a mountain or down a cliff and once i wake up other than direction i'd have no idea where i am in relation to anything

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Otter Cave (Vore Story)

Perhaps the deer was just teasing them, playing around with the fact that they loved mouths so much...but the thought that they could just disappear down their friend's throat at any moment, it kept otter on the edge of their theoretical seat...

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Genetic Children-Log 04- Did you know your hand is wet?

But alas, human and bird dna were not compatible because the hollow bones that let birds fly, also made a human body too frail to be of any use, sure it would fly theoretically, but the wingspan required would be ridiculous with normal human bones, and if

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Everything you want to know about Cheshires - Chapter 0

The reason for this will be made apparent very shortly after i am executed and should satisfy the theoretical reader's needs.

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A Professor's Lament

For example, by turning on the right set of genes, you could theoretically turn a household cat into a saber-toothed tiger. however, you still can't just turn a cat into a dog this way; they just don't share the same evolutionary path.

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A young tiger in college gets a little practical and theoretical instruction in sex. it was all too wonderful, all too overwhelming.

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The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 29

The wolf you saw has already rated a level two individually in theoretical combat tactics. now with practical observation he would rank a one. he commands earth as if he was trained in it.

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The Vincent Chronicles - Prologue

theoretically, there could be individuals who develops omnikinesis. historians argue whether or not merlin possessed this ability, and scientists insist that such a power could never be obtained by any single entity.

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