The Human Species Ch. 74 - Extremely Speedy Lucario

Eleven years ago she had stood in this very stadium, undefeated and unmatched. indeed, such would still be the case had it not been for ethan and his wretched trick room. brendan sighed.

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The Bronx vs. The Bayou - Part 4

Bruno got an undefeated record and got way more fights than mini martin mcgregor. you nothin' but a puffed up cruiserweight, boy! hell, you a light heavyweight.

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Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Thirty Four

They were brave, strong, valiant, and most importantly, undefeated. the gods descended, and brought with them the first peace the world had seen in generations. to the brave army they had watched, they bestowed a great gift." "sorakineism?"

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Qest Primal - Chapter 30: Radiant Light

Rakkan, the undefeated?" she asked. "you know about him?" "of course, anyone with a tiny bit of knowledge of the martial arts world would know about rakkan. he's a celebrity in the world of fighting." "hm, guess you have a point there.

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Best of 2011-2012: The Writings

The skunk says, "hehe yes, but let me introduce myself, i am the undefeated skrunk conway, you're opponent for tonight."

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A difficult "arm wrestling" challenge

Nobody has ever defeated me before, but an encounter with a sexy pirate, and with an evil cat, will give me difficulties to stay undefeated. i hope you like it!

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The Trainer Portal (Pokemon TFs)

Together, they battled many foes, and jon would eventually go on to stand as the champion of the league, undefeated at that.

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Chapter 9: Trials of Love

He had the powers of digimon and was undefeated in battle yet the idea of his or should he call them pups?....well either way the idea scared him in a way that he hadn't thought possible.

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Cops and Robbers

He was entering his third match undefeated, and he looked the part. he was all lean muscle, his solid gray hair trimmed short to reduce his weight. he stood at 5'11 and participated as a middleweight at 185lbs. "i'm getting through the day.

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Memories of a Forgotten Past: Chapter 1

The legend, as rukan knew, was his undefeated record amongst the yakuza fighting rings. some say the rukan was shinigami himself. rukan and ruki knew this wasn't true but the fighting was necessary in order for them to live.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 10: Prelude to the Apocalypse, the BLACKFANG unit's motives!

He was undefeated and well known. however one day he died from an internal illness and his remains were captured and stored till this day. his genes are still said to be alive with in the remains of his body and with them his g.o.n.s.

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In My Wildest Dreams Part 8 Ten Feet Tall And Bullet Proof

We were both undefeated this year, so someone's streak was going to be broken. both of us knew that barring a catastrophe i would win, i was honestly the much better runner.

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