The History of Talon Lightbringer

after the war of the skys (a battle of air demons and dragons), i was pulled aside by a great meeting of lords; dragon and otherwise. they knew that the peace we had only days ago earned could end in but a word, or even silence.

Out the Airlock: Chapter 1

Working as a police officer in freedom city wasn't exactly how she envisioned her life after the war, yet it seemed to fit the former pleasure slave.

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Chapter 1 Incident

#2 of red snow after the war, many scientists began researching into the xerlian's gift, after many years of careful planning it was time to put their plans into action.

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prequel to GOJ/GNY chapter 11

"father, everything has gone great after the war ended. hunting has gone better than expected. last i'd checked, my brothers are doing fine and mother is great as well." he said sitting down at their graves.

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An overview and history of my Galactic Conflict series

Founded after the war of 2070, much of the galaxy have standardized their time keeping ways to federation standards.

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In the Cold Mountains

My unit was redeployed when the new government we helped install after the war, collapsed. now we were looking for the former dictator and war-criminal that fled to these mountains.

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Para-Imperium Core Worlds

The fighting raged on for months, then abruptly, it ceased less than a year after the war had begun.


Midway pt. 5 Like Mind

And of course there were the things i could have gone without seeing like the many homeless, and the decrepit state of land still untouched after the "war of the mad king" generations before my time.

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Memories of Green

This was all when insurgents used to fight back, and they still did after the war for a little while. it was a different time.

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"Polecat", chapter 4

"so," nico would lead into that, "did you ever do stuff like that after the war? do y' still do it now?" "only once or twice.

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The Twisted Begining pt3

He lived about a hundred years ago, but he disappeared shortly after the war. it's rumored that he came back and died in these very halls...but no one knows for certain.

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