Why \\\\\\\\Yes on 18.\\\\\\\\

I puke several times at the horrific sight and the horrible sounds of bones breaking inside the huge maw-grinding machine... hj: we..., we didn't knew about that part. please, one more question. tell us about you; what are you doing now? mr.

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Don't Fear the Reaper: Part 5 (Sequence 2)

He felt cords snap and pipes crush and metallic bones break violently in his hands...then he dropped them to the ground, twitching slightly...they were both still semi-conscious.

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Scavenger Assassin

Another dodge...amiri drove his fist into a metal bar and jembulika could almost hear the bone break.

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Chpt 16- War Diaries I

The sickening sound of his bones breaking makes me sick to my stomach even now. we may have learned that king greaves has kidnaped tia to get to luna and i but still, i turned into a monster.

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The Marked Chapter 1

I could hear bone breaking muscle ripping and blood gushing out of the fresh wound it was exciting and.... i wanted more.


The Walk Back

His stomach spasmed and she heard bones breaking, even from where she stood. muscles bulged along his stomach and chest. fine hairs grew from his face, covering him in a light brown fur.

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Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 11 - Acheron

Landing with loud bone breaking force in the sea and along the shore. one landing next to them on a spire impaling itself on the stone spike.

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Evolution of the Xenomorphs Ch3

The other xeno followed matt delivering a bone breaking blow to matt's chest and jaw before sending a powerful kick to his gut sending him against the wall in a jumbled bloody mess of pain.

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Stories of Skye: Chapter 1

He felt the bone break, and screamed as well. he looked up. he had shot the stag. it bound toward him with an arrow in its neck and slammed its antlers into skye like a soldier kills with his halberd.

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WWW.ZCC.Topia Part 1

breaking cracking splintering where coming from under the buffalo´s hove.

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Red Moon: Chapter 4

He yanked hard and there was a sickening sound of flakes of bone breaking away as it was pulled out with the mushroomed bullet. dmitri had held still the entire time.

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Red Moon Rises

bones breaking and realigning, she attempted to run. failing, she tried at the very least to kneel, but was limited to an awkward, quadrupedal state. much of her clothes tore and fell from her shifting form.

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