Stories From Elton High | Chapter 15
"wait, didn't you read the fine print?" "no." arden shook his head; a feeling of uneasiness was beginning to grow at the pit of his stomach. "well, the winner has to present their essay in front of their school... otherwise you forfeit the prize."
Brad briefly glanced over the cover page, a long winded version of the company's goals, and the obligatory fine print warning against fraud at the bottom. brad's attention was pulled away form the paperwork as he heard chad's belt unfasten.
How to Become a Centaur
How to become a centaur commissioned by amberhoof based on art by agropuer __________________________________ when a mysterious package shows up on his doorstep, thomas tries on an amazing centaur costume without reading the fine print...
It's Just So Immersive!
He had to come to accept that he agreed to a contract without reading the fine print. the goat casually splayed out a large hoof. he motioned to the fox towards that massive hoof as the smaller male grimaced.
Inner Demons
Of course there wasn't exactly a fine print, not that the wolf would have read it. he spent that night following the instructions in the book, gathering materials, and drawing diagrams in the dirt.
Extreme Measures
When the typical routine fails, the doctor suggests a less orthodox approach with a high rate of success, and the wolfess signs up for it without reading the fine print monday s m u t !
By Day One Way, By Night Another - Chapter Five -
"did you not read the fine print...that i could _amend_the contract, at my whim?"
The ATC Chapter 2
So, he had waited his week after reading the fine print and coming in everyday after school to be taught about the creatures, how they act, how to respond to different things, and general information on the tools and toys.
Stop! Thief!
And so on and so forth, yaddayadda fine print, and you know the drill. update: more excess whatchajiggers, little buggers what look like this: â. again, sorry to any people that get bumped off the front page. don't hate me.
Stories From Elton High | Chapter 17
Had i read the fine print, i would have realized that i would have to present this essay to the entire school; i would have backed out and looked for other scholarships.
"wait there has to be a mix up" zynko said, the polar bear just laughed "didn't read the fine print right?
Enclosed Wires
In fine print on the top right of the visor on the helmet, it reads 'selenium battle suit; therion software'. codec leans back and crosses his legs for a moment, "therion software?