This short story revolves around his character pal, a brand new greenhorn in the organization smash: size shifters tasked with managing the various giant monsters and assholes that periodically come by to fuck up the town.
Destruction, Dog, Dragon, Dragonien, Giant, Growth, Macro, Mutt, Plausible size difference, Teasing, rampage
The two looked around their surroundings as if only now just remembering that the two of them were the size of giant monsters standing on the edge of a beach full of terrified and confused beachgoers.
Beach, Bulge, Dahlular, Dragon, Dragonien, Growth, Hyena, Macro, Muscle, Size-difference, Swimsuit, Teasing, Winfire, provocative, sizeplay, swimwear
He was going to die either by blood loss or lack of oxygen due to choking on giant monster cock. and it was all thanks to that cunt, carol. she should have said yes when he asked her out.
Blowjob, Boar, Cannibalism, Deer, Gay, Gore, Horror, M/M, Non-Consensual, Violence
All i know is that now stark and i were facing off against not one giant monster, but two, and i wasn't able to move. becky's paw was half as big as i was, so i might as well have been trapped under a boulder.
Action, Adventure, Bear, Betrayal, Demon, Fantasy, Ghoul, Giant, Hyena, Romance, Suspense, Transformation, Warlock, Werewolf, wizard
When i pushed the button i watched as the poison in the sword began to go into the giant monster. i fell with the fly as the poison took effect and began to root the bug intestines.
Bat, Birthday, Fox, Leopard, M/M, Tiger
The scene was about this giant robot fighting a giant monster. rather, to be more specific, five giant robot animals that form into one big robot to then fight giant monsters. stuff children his demographic would like.
Flower, Grief, Love, Sad, Sentimental, Wolf
"it seems like 'giant monsters' would be an extremely solvable problem."
"you'd think so, but somehow it never works out that way." odin gave a weary sigh.
Age Regression, Cat, Dragon, Kobold, No-Yiff, Panda, SFW, Shrinking, Spider Monkey, Transformation, Wolf
Replied alec before he said "i summon another dark angel suzy from my hand and with it i build the overlay network to xzy summon dark angel keith" a giant monster appeared with dark feathers and two yellow orbs circling it.
Angel, Fox, Gay Relationships, Goth, M/M, Wolf, YuGiOh
It was like an old sci-fi tale, with two giant monsters clashing above a city, feeding off electricity and growing even bigger and more bestial as time went on.
Boobs, Chameleon, Character Development, Codename stinger, Fantasy, Female, First Person, POV, Point of View, Queen bumblebee, Sci-Fi, Transformation, electric eel, scorpion
Now black's turn: he went ahead without a word from him until a giant monster, called a behemoth piled. the behemoth took the form of a giant, purple horned tiger that stood on two legs and looked up at black down.
Fantasy, Fighting, Human, Magic, Other, Sergal, Story Series, Violence
One that commanded more respect then any lord they knew of
the giant monster was something to behold. clad in a kilt, with horns capped with gold. the respect he commanded by merely walking in put the nearby scuffles to a end.
Dragon, Story Series, War