Krystal New Ally

Will you be my guinea pig?"** ** krystal picked up the cup and gulped down the wine.

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End Game - Chapter 18 - Revenge

Gatomon has been using me for everything from a punching bag to guinea pig to a sex toy." "you had sex with gatomon too?" palmon clasped her mouth shut, the 'too' just slipped from her mouth. gomamon's eyes flew open as palmon's words sunk into him.

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An Unconventional Arrangement

If i had to guess what this is about, they probably have a bunch of chimeras that they need to socialize into human society somehow, and if you want to be their guinea pig, they'll pay for your accomodations..."

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An excerpt from the autobiography “The Feral Cub”

His name was stephen, and stephen must have had some pretty fucked up parents to sign him up to be the guinea pig to test out the feral child who had nearly strangled someone to death with his teeth. stephen was a red squirrel, stereotypically so.

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Don't Mess With Magical Objects

"there's no such thing as the occult," rebecca had protested when nana braxton had told her of her attempts to transform a puppy into a bird, or a bird into a guinea pig.

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Bremlur and His Farm

He had played intimately with 5 of each of the following species (not all of which come from earth): alpacas, cats, camels, cows, dogs, donkeys, fallow deer, foxes, ghevals, goats, guinea pigs, horses, llamas, pigs, rabbits, reindeer, sheep, tanoccs, water

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Added Pounds (Vore/TF Story)

An eager guinea pig as well, perfect for everything the deer wanted to waving his ass side-to-side as it hovered enticingly over the fox's head, leaving milo on edge for the moment when he would actually be immersed in the deer darkness.

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Steamy Extremes

Besides, the longer this whole testing cycle took with him as its guinea pig, the more free massages he had been promised in return!

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Between a Cock and a Hard Place

He had taken to bondage, and used her as his little guinea pig for his restraining experiments. he never did any thing too painful to her beyond the normal contortionism. this time was simple though.

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Section 2

Though it didn't take her long to figure out i'd end up being the guinea pig. when she went to voice her disapproval rebecca spoke up in response. "don't go there jade the last person to tell him that, he actually did it right in front of them.

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The Flesh Trade, pt. 1: Mason

"do you always use yourself as the guinea pig for your experiments?" "not always...," replied mason. "only on ... uh ... critical projects like this one." the otter hmmmed and grinned, nodding a bit as if he understood something now. "ah... i see."

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Indifference: Chapter One - Born Lovelorn

A fat guinea pig named richard was sleeping in the desk on his right, with the side of his mouth leaking drool, arms folded under his head. the one on the left was empty. the language arts teacher was a haughty-looking beaver: mr.

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