Shade's Adolescent Problems

Shade shivered slightly with discomfort, now that he doesn't have his cloak on he feels exposed to everything. The elements, disease, prying eyes, and most of all the two little kids who will not stop staring at him. Earlier the wolfess struggled to...

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Finding the Alpha Wolf: Chapter One, A Rough Landing

**Chapter One:** A male rabbit stepped out of the confines of a small tavern and out into the sun. The landscape before him was an open field filled with tall golden grass gently swaying to the whim of the cool breeze navigating through the stalks....

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The ladylike way of saying "Please Fuck Me" Part 3

That scent. Each breath you take you can still smell the memory of him in the air. Mixed with the scent of each guy that had past you that day. The scent of him. The scent of... it. The sound of your own claws digging at the wooden desk in front of...

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Once Upon A Nightmare

Michelle and Abigail had been walking in the forest with Edgar and Russell on a nice nature walk until a minor distraction of direction separated them. "Boys are so bad with directions" said Michelle "(laughs) Yeah no kidding, must have been something...

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SR short story: Ava's bad night

It was 9:30 at night and Ava had just arrived home from work. It was in the middle of the halloween season and she hated working through it. She grumbled as she opened the heavy steel door of her 1995 Jeep Cherokee and stepped out. "Fucking customers....

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Sexy Short 1: One Second

Soothing waves of ecstasy emanated from her groin; the chains that held her down were taut, her stomach was sucked in to the point where her bottom ribs protruded, and her hind paws danced and flexed wildly. The mouse always wanted to explore the...

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Feeling Sheepish

Stephanie leaned against the table as she talked to her friends, her legs underneath it twisting together as she held herself back. As much fun as she was having out at the club, getting drinks and feeling the thumping bass rushing through her body,...

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The Yard Sale

The First Sale. ~Yard Sale, find all your needs here~ a mouse read off a huge sign as she drove by a grassy field with rows of tables set out. She looked over at the broken computer sitting on her small car's passenger seat "Useless garbage," She...

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Wild Cubs

Ah... a quiet Saturday afternoon on a suburban street on the outskirts of Firewall City by the name of Durham. At house number five, a young lioness was quickly cleaning her room. With the speed and energy common for a cub ten years of age, she put...

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Target: Unexpected Job

\*Note\* Hello its Demonking here and I bring to you a story. Wow I havn't uploaded anything in a long time so maybe this will do me. This isn't my story but a friend of mine on Gmod who doesn't like to upload stuff using his real name or create a fake...

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Upskirt View ($5 Commission)

Upskirt Shot Story Fridays. Fridays were always the most interesting days for Sigma, ever since he met...him. That was the only way he had to refer to the guy, just as 'him.' The feline wasn't even sure if 'him' was even a male, but he doubted...

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Comforting Mommy

Comforting Mommy ........................................................ This story contains incest and if this ain't your forte then I suggest you get going. Enjoy...

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