The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 28

Heated and glowing red claws gripped onto the ledge he aimed from below, all four finding pawholds immediately. for some time he relied on strength alone, as expected the heat was unable to eat through mountain.

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This Is My Story Dasher Cheetah

Sitting back down, he was about to begin talking when a hole appeared and kitty stepped thru on four feet, a large clump of black fur in her mouth and red claws.

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CotJ II: The Last Stand Act 2 Part III

A red claw responded "maybe the intel is crap?" an evo trooper asked "i said check those corners!"

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New Journey Chapter 31: Sunyshore

Seth took it, mindful of his long red claws. volkner pulled him up, wrapping an arm around his shoulder to make sure he could stand. "i'm okay." seth croaked. his throat was dry, and he ached all over, but he could move.

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Broken Condom

I thought i was but breathing in the gunk on red's claw i can barely stomach the stench of the bar as i'm forced to take whiff after sniff of it all. "looks like you're learning your place slut. i better change that and get back to it.

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To Be Somebody...Final chapter

A red claw suddenly punched mothgaria in the jaw, sending her twirling to the side. standing in front of her were those weird twins that she saw cyrno talking with. the male, being the one who punched her, lunged again while the female landed near shiva.

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Danvers - This is Me challenge, shades of the past, shades of a future.

The red reflection shrugged "so i went a little wild am i not allowed a little revenge after all it was you," his reflection pointed and accusing red claw at sam "you who royally screwed me over.

A Treat for the Pet.

The truth was, three weeks after the canine had indulged a certain bird digimon with his overpowering fetish, gaomon's feeble will had been shattered and tethered to falcomon's red claws; neither of them were against it, however; and this dinner had actually

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Anthropia: The Crimson Eye Chronicles 1

The komodo dragon then walked to a large painting of his employer, the plaque below was polished and reflecting the moon light "well chancellor red claw your days are numbered" he said before turning for the door.

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The Wurm King

The female kobold spoke up again "i chief of red claw clan ahnya. what slaves name?"

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CotJ II: The Last Stand Act I Part IX

A red claw sniper spoke as the raptor like creature reloaded his sniper rifle. "but we need that guy i just talked to for the seer's plan, don't we?"

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