Character Sheet: Eros.

He cannot rid himself of the node that contains the genetic phenotype of his original form, but a newly assimilated person will overwrite the assimilation node that was acquired prior.

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A Change of Pace, 1 | by Serathin

He realized that askim had been one of them, brent kissing him in the locker room in order to assimilate the german shepherd before something caused him to stop.

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Setting Up A Node

In part that was true as the bal'kar wolf continued his assimilation of the wall and cavern, vira watching in shock as the tendrils latticed over one another while burrowing into the stone.

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Husband's Only Poker Night: Assimilation (Preview)

The link to the story is located here:** [**husbands only poker night: assimilation**](

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Broken Things - Chapter Four - Finale -

Bucky's frown returned as he assimilated this information. "i have...feelings? these are not programmed responses imprinted on my positronic mind. i - like these, these feel..."

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Just Another Game Night (3/5)

As conri looked down at his arms he realized that they didn't look right and that he needed to at least even them out, feeling the rubber spreading and assimilating him as he looked around before finding it.

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Eight Days at Renzyl's: Day Three

It's a rather fascinating species, i've considering using it as a means for speedy planetary assimilation, what with all the heads and such." "planetary assimilation?" conri repeated.

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Venting your Problems 2

A monster inside and out, she thought to herself as she used the information that she assimilated and used it in order to open his computer.

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A Change of Pace

All of them would rather be assimilated by me rather than lose what i have given him, even you with your resistance gravitate towards it."

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Unauthorized for a Reason

The rubber had assimilated everything and the rubber wolf was merely grunting and groaning against his gag as he was fed more information much more quickly.

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A Swan Song (4/6)

After two assimilations the alien knew what he was doing, pressing the tip against the opening and allowing the rubber to seep inside before going any further.

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Darkness Bubbles to the Surface

As the alien flesh that had completely assimilated the appendages continued to swell as the tentacle pushed inside of him.

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