Metamorphosis Chapter 3 [Doctor's Trenchcoat]

"mother i have to visit my friend in the hospital can you fill out an early release... i did this weeks homework last weeeeek maaa... pleease?... he is at the timberwood hospital.... didn't you hear?... a robber came to his house...

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The Beginning With No End (Chapter 8)

"hiya babes, sorry i'm heading to the hospital..." i sent the text and awaited a reply. "ding" i checked my phone "why?! are you ok?!" the message came through quickly, panicked, following the same fear of narei.

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A Casi 10 Años Después del 2000

La euforia y la sorpresa estaban por doquier, menos cerca del hospital, todo parecía muerto. en parte quedarme aquí tenía su ventaja, las horas valían doble.

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odds are against me

We had arrived at the hospital as she got me a wheelchair i checked my watch. 11:00 it is going to be a hard day.

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Problems at high school ch3

The whole way he was on his way to hospital all he felt was the agonizing and impassible wall of pain that loomed over him and crushing him. " arrrgghh, make it stop!!! make it stop!!!!

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Chapter 2: The recovering begins

A whimper came from kuro as he dreamt of something, his paws moving as if running or chasing something, his ears ticking from side to side hearing the noises of the hospital.

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Failed Containment- Chapter 15: The Tarantula Project

Gone was the dark eternity, zeig awoke from his drug-induced coma to find himself in a dark hospital room. between his legs, lapping up the rest of his cum, was stephanie, looking up at him as she worked.

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The Unlikely Friendship

The few days in the hospital were daunting since all he had was a tv with 5 channels and his phone (which was filled with sympathy texts like "get well soon" and "miss you!" from friends).

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My story gay christian pup 3

\*one day later i'm now laying on a hospital bed dying but not knowing it\* "devin they are about to hook you up to the machine", my mom said trying to hide her tears so i went to sleep couple minutes later god said to me "wake up child you are healed'' so

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Blood, Sweat, and Diesel: Chapter 13

It was apparent that the room i had been confined to was on the top floor of the hospital, and in a rather isolated hallway, too. the nearest rooms showed no signs of occupancy.

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Hals und Beinbruch Teil 2

Felan träumte wirres Zeug, unter anderem das er auf dem Eis festfrieren würde oder das er von einem Überdimensionalen Puck verfolgt und schließlich Gefressen wurde, wovon er auch aufwachte. Denn es umklammerte ihn Tatsächlich etwas. Es war natürlich...

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Catherine's Clinic

Even as Catherine sat atop Jose, his still-hard dick inside her wet nether-lips, there was a secret that Catherine was holding from Jose, despite saying she would tell him just a few minutes before. Jose was having performance issues of a sort. His...

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