The Call of the Wretched Sea, Chapter 2: Below The Sun

Twilight turned her gaze from the sun, feeling it vanish, the call of the beast rumbling the wooden hull of the vessel, shaking her soul forever.

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Star Fox: Ascension #09 SACRIFICE

The fire and brimstone mire had unleashed consumed the arwing as it flew by, the explosion blackening its hull and sending it spiraling out of control before it crashed into the great fox's hull.

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Chapter 14 – This is the Way the World Ends

"take out a section of his hull here!" skye sent a target solution to spencer, "we're going to make a hole in his emp dampener."

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Bone King

A blind shot split little bitch's hull wide open at the base of the turret, the metal peeling like a flower in bloom.

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Elsewhere, Chapter 1: Displaced

"but the hull looks mostly intact, so this is probably the only shot we're gonna have before we run out of air." kamala smiled.

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Rogue's Redemption Ch. 1

She saw corpses strewn about the hull, cruelly rigged together with various tethers, shredded hull breaches, and noxious gasses escaping. karus flipped the _marco_right-side up and headed towards the narrow pathway between the star's coronas.

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23 (DSV Nautica) Wrecked

With coordinating from de'an, they began to charge the draconids that had been thrown from the hull. with a couple of faint thumps, they hit the draconids head on, and peeled the third off the hull when his stunned comrades hit him head on.

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Last Stand of The Frej [Prologue]

As he stared out the viewport, the first beetle-like scavenger ships began to inspect the hull of the "sword of damocles", in an attempt to make a quick buck.

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Pursuit of Purgatory: Part one

Was it healing....looking upward i fee that the rest of wounds as still the same but on this one spot the hull looked fresh and new, for three metres in every direct to hull had repaired itself.

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A Visitors New Life: Touchdown

As she approaches the ship she notices the damages and is horrified at the extent, from the massive plasma burns on the hull to the shorn of starboard side wing. " what happened here?

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Stellar Dreams, Chapter 3

"no captain, the outer hull was clear, everyone was staying to the inner sections, as per your standing orders during combat.

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Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 21: Phantoms

Everyone paused to look around and saw two figures racing toward them along the hull of the station.

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