At the Mercy of the Grey Skins

Kor felt the black ichor swallow his wide feet. it rose, covering his muscular calves and thick thighs. the ink like substance had no smell and was warm to the touch. soon his crotch was smothered, it crept up his bushy treasure trail and over his navel.

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a tale of dragons part 20

The lycanthrope growled and slammed the now dead man in the chest, lifting him off his feet and sending him sailing backwards, where he landed flat on his back, a small spurt of blood spilling from his mouth and more of the red ichor flowing freely

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Trick or Treat

A small, but deep wound was there, slowly drooling a bluish-black ichor. "poor thing," silv sighed, reaching out to touch the wound. the creature flinched away from his paw, but silv smiled. "please, i can make it better.

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Trench Warfare

In the hole in my abdomen, i watched a slime covered black tendril raise from the floor - covered in its virulent ichors, and push into me - and though it could have, it did not pierce my guts. not directly.

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Prisoner of the Yellow Sign – Part 2

In another a doctor in a spotless lab-coat drew ichor from the veins of a throbbing heart that was wired directly into the wall with rubber tubing.

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Portrait of the Autist

Like ichor, it burned him, and aided the mask's crumble. but he was strong in his weakness, and he forged the mask anew. this was the arm of the whirlpool, he knew, this state of mind. the edge of it's hungry suction.


Predilection: CH 12: Aftermath

My mind flew to the dark altar, sanguine ichor flowing from its sides. his mocking form stood in the bloody pool, eyes taunting.

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-the threesome of siblings ambled onward, the thoroughfare of magnum was pitted with ichor and varieties of lost appendages and innards.- -erected in the span, a titanic citadel which voltaire up kept as his domicile, abandoned many millennia ago it stood

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The Dragon Trap

Black ichor trailed across her sex and vent as the creature pulled free, a smear of black across her now swollen belly as he stroked up against it. "hssss...wonderful. you will make a wonderful host my dear.

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Commission: Light in the Darkness

He grabbed his flashlight, giving him just enough vision to see the elk, mouth coated in ichor, rearing back to bite down into his tail.

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A Peeking Kindness

His body almost seemed like a dark spot beneath the sun flowing with a sort of ichor they couldn't quite describe. it looked and felt dangerous from where she stood but something kept her from being frightened.

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Male Gatomon

Izzy asked, finishing dabbing up the ichor. "it's still very numb." tentomon replied. "but i think i'll live." "ugh... what happened here?" a voice asked behind them.

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