The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 14

"i can only hope that you wake up and decide that you no longer need your medallion before it's too late. because iris, the horrible truth is that even blood spoils" iris looked at the ground, the paw that held the medallion began to shift uncertainly.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VI Chapter 7

She saw the fucker stopping near the medallion, head lowered, eyeing her treasure from up close.

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The Bacchus Club - Chapter 1: Atrium

He proceeded to insert the two chips into an empty spot on the medallions' backs and closing a small acrylic lid over them, which clicked in place healthily.

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Transformation - Chapter 1-10

Running from one side of the medallion to the other, was what looked like a cut from something that had gouged a deep trench into the medallion.

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How I Found It All: Part VII

"so, where does this medallion come in?" "this medallion was created by my sister. marbles was a mage, arch-mage, actually. she was a very powerful wizard, and immortal. i don't understand why she is not here."

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The test

He was still holding the cool medallion to his forehead when he opened his eyes again and found the cave shadowed in near darkness. it was dusk outside.

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A Horrible Accident

The only thing remaining was the heavy silver chain and two medallions that had slipped from around his body as he shrank.

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Fates of the Unicorns 16 - Changes

She thought the worst was done when the dragon let go of her tit and the medallion, but then her nipple took the full weight of it and she howled once more!

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Unstable Affection: Imp

After they were done claearing out boars, a few humans and gathering apples finnaly came the time to go into a cave to the north-east with a crazed orc with a medallion that needed to be taken care of.

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Hearts & Swords

Said the fox as she also reached into her pack, pulling out a medallion of her own. as the two twins let their eyes gaze upon her medallion they realized who the two chosen where.

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Within The Cave

The trembling youth wrapped it around his hand and shoved it down into the water to try and grasp the glowing medallion. the magic pulsed in the small confines of the cave. the medallion was older then the native's that had lived here. far older.

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Leia smiled and picked up the artemis medallion. "here goes nothing..." leia rubbed the medallion three times, then waited. almost instantly, with an accompanying flash of lightning and thunder, artemis and apollo appeared in the office/den.

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