Tales of Auldrant Part 1: Metamorphosis (T.o.C.)

Auldrant_ part 1: metamorphosis table of contents prologue: reminiscence (part 1) chapter 1: encounter chapter 2: karaoke chapter 3: ordeal chapter 4: greif that burdens chapter 5: anger that relinquishes control chapter 6: fear that paralyzes


Uncatchable: Bulbasaur

Wiggling what little he could with the paralyzing toxins stopping most of his movements. not that he'd be able to escape at this point with half of his body already claimed by the bulbasaur's plant.

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Love is Color Blind Chapter 7: Fragile Night

Kuyomi tried to help, but then he got paralyzed by something and got knocked out. the umbreon's heart started to beat staggeringly fast, making the beeping on the monitor frantic, and he began hyperventilating.

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warriors, lost love and memory

She looked in joy at me, and released her paralyzing hold on me. i flung my arms around her neck, and she flung her arms around my. we started a passionate kiss, our tongues intertwining with each others, before strey broke of.

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Ran into the King

Bron began to speak again "my needles secrete a powerful nerve paralyzer. they also prevent the victim from talking. ten of these bad boys can take down an ursaring. those guys over there will be out for hours."

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Journal of The One-Eyed Dragon Entry 6

I would have my way with her a few more times, making sure to keep her completely paralyzed while marius was allowed to pop his nuts all over us.

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A Chimera's Hunt

Shwoopy gulped on the paralyzed fox's head with excitement. he'd eaten foxes before, but never one this tasty. he purred and lapped at its chest and listened to the melody of whimpers now coming from deep in his throat.

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Digimon Defenders Biographies and Supplemental 1.0

paralyze breath - gazimon emits a noxious cloud of black gas that paralyzes, stuns, or knocks out an enemy floramon - former slave to succubimon since she was a child, has trouble adjusting to being a free digimon.

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A Feline's Hypnotic Vacation

He is now paralyzed with fear by those scary eyes. the poor little guy couldn't even more a single muscle. as suddenly as he was paralyzed by those eyes, meowth started to feel a bit tingly and strange.

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Chapter 8- Death’s Edge

"we had to paralyze your body while we performed the surgery." "thanks." crystalia sighs, once again able to feel parts of her body. the doctor steps back out of the room, once again leaving the two young dragons together.

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Changing Seasons: Fall 2010

All his limbs were completely paralyzed. he couldn't move or even try to prevent whatever was going to happen next. the drunk and deranged woman stabbed the child on the stomach.

Thunderstruck, Part 1

Her eyes became paralyzed with fear and so too did the rest of her body as searing pain spread from her neck. two stingers had suddenly embedded themselves on her skin, pumping her full of venom.

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