Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Mossdeep City and Shoal Cave

Gardevoir in a battle of attrition against another psychic type i had full confidence that he could win. gardevoir was a very determined pokemon and extremely powerful against even a fellow psychic type.

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PokeNNN - Round 6

Upon leaving the bathroom, he successfully made his psychic seal on his crotch and went to sleep.

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the adventures of voi

After figuring out what i was doing the scientists built a collar to block my psychic powers they made it so that no matter how strong my psychic powers got they wouldn't overload the system.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Fuchsia City

"use psychic!" through the smoke, kadabra used his psychic abilities and located weezing who was in amongst the smoke hiding. the psychic landed an impressive blow and forced weezing down on to the battlefield.

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Life Debt

Now he owed his life to a psychic, and not just any psychic, the second most powerful in pokemon lore. "so...i guess i owe you one then." he spoke, his voice full of venom and anger at the situation.

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Character Sheet: Nathan Glassred

Amnesia: shields his mind against strong psychic blows.

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(Not) Easter Six and the Pleasurable Illusion

_ because he had not gone up against a strong psychic before. he tried to remind himself that two psychics fighting each other was different from a non-psychic fighting one.

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Commission: To See Beyond Today

Pulse after pulse of cum leaving his balls were met with pulse after pulse of psychic stimulation, the two of them fully connected in both body and mind.

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Burning for you - Wild Fyre

Sabrina, as well as every other female in the family, including katrina herself, had some level of psychic ability. sabrina was extremely powerful, her abilities matched that of some low level psychic pokémon.

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Turning the Tide

Fortunately, when the psychic detected her powers, he made the very great mistake of trying to bull his way into her mind, obviously assuming she was a lesser psychic like him.

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New Dangers Lurking

You see, i have something far more effective than a psychic or a deal at my disposal, something that will take only seconds to accomplish the same effect. thanks to you, i have this marvelous chemical."

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Perceptional - Pt 5: Over the reaction

Most would simply explain it as "he's just psychic" or hand-wave the issue. mark wouldn't stand for that.

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