Pandemic-Day 44 5:03AM 1/6/2023-Chapter 14-Horror

Will cameron, an 11 year delta force vet and his brother, 11 year old rafael, a simple suburban kid, survive the cross country journey to silverton, texas? or will they become six's latest victims? lately morning had been my worst enemy.

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Tales of Adventure Chapter 2

The sun above shined brightly on a lightly clouded sky. Yet despite this, Enek felt like shit. His body hurt just about anywhere he could touch, and quite a few he couldn't. The feeling of being on fire and chilled like ice at the same time was not a...

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CYOA: Rustwater Chronicles Pt4

=== B) "Mistress Amarith's Alchemy Lab" huh? Sounds interesting and maybe even profitable === Enek put aside thoughts of the basic supply shop, the canine tanners and their weapons, the mewlings of some girl on the street, and even the rumbling of...

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A poem inspired by the text based rpg, flexible survival written by evan hamilton flexible survival copyright nuku valente \*\*\* -dedicated to the brave men and women of 2nd battalion, 5th marines- \*\*\* \*\*\* my bloodstained rifle still in hand

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Bon Voyage...

Bon Voyage... The waves calming, the sun setting so slow I keep my eyes closed as my emotions grow You loved this time of day When night was just a moment away We wandered the sky, moon taking charge of our destination Now, our final one...

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Alice Dippleblack in On The Run Ch1

I never like killing things, but we need to if we plan to survive. you'll figure it out. it's either us or them, and i kinda like us."

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Life Goes On: Part Six - On the Road to Recovery

Ok so if you haven't figured it out yet this is a zombie horror survival novel. there is strong language and violence.

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The Suicide Message

Every time you resist the urge to slit your arm or throat you become an inspiration to others don't give up hope no matter how hard the situation there is always a reason to live you do matter you are worth something never give up never give up survive

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The Bond

They managed to survive alone out there with no help. we can't leave them."

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Solid Ground CHapter 1 (Draft)

Solid Ground By Htedomsa Cecil wiped off his oily paws on similar oily over all's. The old Challenger was getting to be a piece of work, the old fox thought as he drew himself up from under the car. Well it ought to run for a while yet at least. The...

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Survival: Part 1: The Beginnings.

I am subject f150, and i will tell you the story of the world after the edison from the eyes of one who survived. i will tell you the story as seen through my eyes. my name is wade johnson, and i survived the edison.

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In the World After: Chapter 1

Luckily, i had survived. the one i had decapitated, now laying a pool of blood, had been the one that had survived the shot to the head. dusting myself off, i saw small flecks of blood splattered all over my traveling cloths and my fur.

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