
Story by Zackyena on SoFurry

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Instead of becoming a trainer, Brendan decided to stay in Littleroot to be a mentee to Professor Birch. During a routine inspection of natural pokemon life on the small Route 101, Brendan finds himself confronted by a bloodthirsty beast. The events that followed changed Brendan in more ways than one.

"It was a dark, cold night. Just like this one. The forest was silent. The air was still, no leaves stirred. The boy sat down at his lonely campfire for warmth. He tore off a piece of his shirt to dress the wound he got from stumbling earlier. Unfortunately for him, the beast can smell blood a mile away. A small tree rustled in the distance. The boy's head shot up to the direction of the sound. He stared into the darkness for a moment, before another bush on the other side of him stirred. He struggled to stand up, prepared to fight whatever creature was stalking him that night. A low, deep growl replaced the silence of the forest. The boy picked up a burning stick from his campfire and pointed it in the direction of the sound. Slowly, a black creature emerged from the darkness. Eyes red like blood, teeth sharp and wet with saliva. SUDDENLY-"

A growling sound interrupted the story. The faces of everyone drained of color before they all screamed.

"Guys, guys! Relax. It was just my stomach... I haven't eaten anything..."

"Ugh, you asshole!"

The group of scouts almost collectively let out sighs of relief.

"I'll get you something to eat before you give someone a heart attack next time." A young scout said to the one rubbing his stomach.

The scout walked over to one of the coolers, shuffling through the items.

"Finish the story!"


"Alright, alright." The oldest scout cleared their throat. "The beast and the boy stared each other dead in the eyes for what felt like forever. The creature gnashed it's teeth as the boy waved the torch at it. They shuffled in circles before suddenly, the beast made its move. It ran at the boy, before pouncing and-"

Another sound of growling interrupted the story yet again.

"Hold on, I found a sandwich. Tell your stomach to stop growling."

"That wasn't my stomach that time..."

A bush rustled in the distance, and then another. The scouts huddled together, keeping an eye on all directions. From the north, the creature stepped out of the shadows. It's eyes red like blood, teeth sharp and wet. It roared before sprinting at the group and pounced at the screaming band of scouts!




"That wasn't exactly how that night went. Let's start from the beginning..."

Day One

Brendan's eyes flickered open. The bright shine of daylight flickered through his window. The boy yawned, stretching his arms above him, before plopping them back down at his sides. He stared at the ceiling. It'd been years since Brendan decided to study under Professor Birch to become a professor instead of a trainer. Brendan often thought, even dreamed, about what his life would be like if he chose to become a trainer. Although being a professor-in-training meant he mostly had to stay in Littleroot, understanding and studying pokemon had to be just as much fun as training and travelling the world, right?

He rubbed his eyes and groaned as he sat up in bed. Throwing off the blankets, he turned and let his feet rest on the cold floor. Brendan shivered a little and stretched again. He has been exhausted recently. Professor Birch had been sending him on nightly inspections of the pokemon just outside the town. Route 101 was a small route that only really contained three species of pokemon: Poochyena, Zigzagoon and Wurmple. The Professor believed new species could eventually move in someday, or one of the current ones could migrate somewhere else. Marking down their sleeping habits could tell him if they were slowly dissipating from the area or plan on staying in large packs.

Brendan finally got out of his bed. He scratched his bare back before going over to his closet. He had his old tight-fitting trainer outfit hung up next to his junior lab outfit. Brendan sighed with nostalgia, before pushing his trainer clothed to the side to unhook his lab outfit. It was a much more casual set of clothing. Jeans, a solid red-colored t-shirt and a lab coat. He slipped his white cap over his brunette hair.

Going downstairs, he ran into his mom, who had breakfast laid out on the table.

"Brendan! Eat something before you go over to the lab! You know what they say, breakfast is the-"

"-the most important meal of the day. I know, mom!"

The two smirked at each other. Brendan grabbed a slice of toast, scooped a fried egg on top of it and took a bite.

"Thanks mom! I'll be home late tonight again." The boy said as he walked to the door.

"That man is going to work you to death." She put her hands on her hips.

"All in the name of science!" Brendan chuckled to himself and left.

While heading towards the lab, Brendan looked and saw his childhood friend, May sitting on the steps in-front of her house. She was looking at her pokedex. She completed the Hoenn pokedex a couple of years ago. Since then, she's mostly stuck to becoming a stronger trainer. For now, she's staying home for a while before heading out somewhere in the region again.

"Hey, May!" Brendan spoke up to get her attention before waving.

The girl smiled and waved back at him. Brendan smiled back before making his way inside the lab.

"Ah! There he is!" Professor Birch yelled across the room. "Come over here, my boy!"

Brendan walked over to the excited professor. He's only ever this excited when he has some sort of new, and usually inevitably pointless, plan.

"All your nightly inspections are finally paying off!" Birch smiled. "You remember that day when you helped me out when I was being chased around by a Poochyena?"

Brendan nodded and raised an eyebrow.

"Well, that day I was planning on releasing "the three" pokemon out there. However, I didn't expect the pokemon living there to be so... territorial. But now, it seems it's quieted down quite a bit and now I think we should attempt that again!"

"Uh-huh...." Brendan replied in a skeptical tone.

"Now, now. Skepticism is how one inevitably fails, my friend! Just to be sure, I'll send you out for just a couple more nightly inspections. Then we'll have a go at it!"

Brendan looked over at the three pokeballs on the table. Treecko, Mudkip, Torchic; The pokemon Brendan and May were supposed to have when they became trainers. However, when Brendan decided to become a professor instead, they got left behind. May thought it wasn't fair if she took them and left Brendan none if he ever changed his mind. So, they stayed there in the lab. Brendan occasionally took them out to play or study with them. Treecko was probably his favorite of the three. If he was going to release them out there, he definitely wanted to make sure it was safe first. He turned back to the professor and nodded once more.

"Ahh, good! For now, we have some semen samples to study that Professor Kukui sent over from Alola!"

Brendan groaned.

Night One

"I've packed you some snacks in case you get hungry. Remember, no need to stay too late! Just wait until the route goes quiet and then you can go home" Professor Birch gave Brendan a pat on the back.

"Yes sir." Brendan acknowledged.

He grabbed the bag of snacks, his notepad and his flashlight, hung up his lab coat, and headed out the door of the lab. He passed through the small town, making his way to the entrance of Route 101. After stepping out of the town limits, he took a quick look through the long grass. It's nighttime, so most pokemon tend to go deeper into the forest surrounding the route to sleep. Brendan took his flashlight out of his backpack and began heading deeper into the forest.

The light of the flashlight barely breached the darkness of the forest. That was alright, though. His regular camping spot wasn't too far in. A while ago, he tied a couple of flags around key tree branches to lead him in and out of the dense forest, after getting lost for a third time. Along the way, he picked up some twigs and branches for his fire. Eventually, he made it. His small campfire from last night still has some hot charcoal smoking underneath the burned wood. He took his backpack off and set it on the log he used as a bench nearby. He took the wood he collected along the way out of his backpack, along with a pack of matches and began setting up the fire. The flame started low but eventually caught onto the rest of the wood, providing a comfortable warmth and suitable light to help Brendan see the surroundings. A Wurmple crawled into the light, then looked at Brendan. Brendan stared back while opening his notebook. He scribbled something down before reaching his finger out to the tiny creature. It squirmed back a bit, then slowly moved towards his finger. For a moment it stared at his finger, then suddenly lunged and bit it.

"Ah!... Fuck... Rude!" Brendan said to himself, sucking on his bleeding, injured finger.

The Wurmple scuttled off after Brendan added something else to his notebook.

Wurmple is an ugly little asshole

He huffed in frustration before he looked around to see if any other pokemon were in observation distance. Coming earlier would probably be easier than late at night like this, but the Professor always loses track of time. Brendan sighed and closed his notebook, huddling up close to the crackling fire. Something else crackled behind him, though. A dry leaf or a twig. He slowly stood up and surveyed the surroundings. Some bushes shook behind him, he quickly turned, but more bushes on the other side shook as well.

"Professor Birch...? May?" Brendan gulped.

The forest went silent again. Brendan could only hear the snapping of the fire and his quickened breath. He stared into the never-ending darkness of the forest. Waiting... hoping that whatever's out there either left, or comes out and gets what it wants. A low growl interrupted the dead silence. Right in front of him; a dark, intimidating creature crept out from the shadows. A Mightyena... Eyes red like blood, teeth sharp and wet with hunger-induced drool. The beast licked his maw, growling and circling poor Brendan. Brendan turned in time with it while slowly reaching back and picking up a burning branch out of the fire. He waved it in front of the Mightyena, who didn't appear to be fazed at all. A couple more agonizing minutes of ominous circling ensued. The beast snarled at Brendan, angry and bloodthirsty. Suddenly, the creature attacked. It launched itself off the ground, directly towards Brendan. Luckily, Brendan managed to react quickly as the adrenaline pumped through him. He struck the creature as hard as he could with the stick, sending it backwards. The Mightyena yelped and fell back to the ground. Brendan stumbled from the blow-back, but regained his footing and smirked at his luck.

His smirk soon faded into a frown. The Mightyena picked itself back up, snarling much more angrily than before. He pounced at Brendan again, but aimed lower. The beast bit down onto a pocket of Brendan's jeans, then pulled. Brendan fell backward, knocking the back of his head on the log behind him. His vision blurred before going black.

Some time passed before his eyes flickered open. Brendan groaned in pain. His head was throbbing.

"Ngh.... fuck.... Wh-"

The boy was laying on his stomach, face down in the dirt. Brendan lifted himself on his elbows and knees. Before he could stand up, a pair of paws set themselves on his calves. Feeling the paw pads on his bare skin, Brendan looked down at himself and realized he was completely naked. A sudden wet sensation began against Brendan's backside. From taint, all the way up to lower back. Brendan shivered and looked behind him. The mightyena was running it's tongue along his ass.

"N-no! eugh!"

He squirmed in a futile attempt to escape. The Mightyena was stronger than Brendan thought, though. The beast pushed itself down on Brendan's legs harder, leaving him unable to even squirm. Mightyena kept licking, thoroughly soaking Brendan's backside with saliva. After a couple more long licks, the beast started focusing on Brendan's entrance. The tip of it's tongue penetrated his hole, slowly moving deeper in.

"No! Plea-... nng..." Brendan moaned out.

Brendan squirmed again, but this time in a bout of awkward pleasure. Mightyena's tongue swirled around deep inside of the boy, forcing another moan of pleasure out of him. The creature's snout was right up against his hole, attempting to push it's tongue even deeper inside of him. Brendan gasped and moaned, shivering with the strange wet feeling he was experiencing inside of him. He could feel himself getting hard, as much as he wished he wasn't enjoying this. He looked underneath himself, seeing his member start to twitch and fully harden. Behind his, though, he saw Mightyena's own cock. A thick, red tool hanging out of its sheath. Before Brendan could react, the Mightyena slid his tongue out of him. The boy couldn't help but let out a soft whine. The beast removed his paws from Brendan's calves, then quickly threw himself on top of the boy before he could attempt another escape. The Mightyena's cock prodded against Brendan's hole.

"wh-.. fuck. No, no no!"

Mightyena pushed himself inside of Brendan. The boy yelped. The beast's cock was long and thick, easily longer than his tongue, and made its way even deeper inside Brendan. Thankfully, the saliva and wetness made it slick enough to easily slide in. The Mightyena eventually pushed himself far enough in before it began thrusting into Brendan. Brendan could feel himself squeeze around the pokemon's cock in protest, but it seemed to only make the Mightyena pant and thrust harder. Lowering his head in humiliation, he gripped the dirt beneath his hands. His cock throbbed, a string of precum hanging out of the head, swaying in the air as the Mightyena pumped himself inside of Brendan. The beast's knot and balls slapped against his ass, filling the forest with a sound of wet plaps.

Suddenly, the Mightyena halted his thrusting. Brendan raised his head, feeling the hot breath of the canine against the back of his head. He felt something larger being pushed inside of him. The Mightyena was trying to fit his knot inside of Brendan. Brendan clenched and whined in protest again, but it was no use. The wetness around his hole allowed the knot to slowly stretch his entrance and make its way inside of him. After it finally went in and Brendan's asshole closed around the beast's hilt, the Mightyena slowly moved itself back and forth. Brendan could feel his cock throb and pulse inside of him. Mightyena panted harder, lightly growling. Brendan groaned and whined. Suddenly, Mightyena howled before Brendan felt hot, thick streams of cum fill him up inside. The sensation threw Brendan over the edge. His own dick twitched, multiple strings of cum shooting out onto the dirt. In the euphoria, Mightyena leaned and bit Brendan hard on the shoulder. Brendan yowled in pain.

After Brendan was filled, and both of them calmed down a bit, Mightyena lifted his leg and threw it over Brendan, now facing away from him. The beast lifted its back paw against one of Brendan's ass cheeks, pushing in an attempt to pull his knot out. Brendan, exhausted, could only let out more pained whines. Eventually, the Mightyena managed to pull himself out with a loud pop. Brendan's member dribbled the last bit of cum he had at the feeling of sudden emptiness. The Mightyena leaned back and licked the excess cum off his own member before shaking his fur and walking off into the night.

Brendan, injured and used, was exhausted. The beast's cum slowly leaked out of his ass, dripping down his taint and off his balls. Satisfied and humiliated, Brendan weakly reached out to his torn clothes. He placed them in a makeshift bed and laid his naked body on top of it. He eventually fell asleep, kept warm by the small, still-crackling campfire next to him.

Day Two

The rays of sun shimmered through the leaves of the forest's towering trees. The fire had dwindled down to smoking ash. Brendan woke up, lying on his back, to a familiar wet feeling. This time, he was laying on his back. He groggily looked down, seeing a Zigzagoon lapping up cum off of his torso.

"Ugh... Shoo, get out of here!" Brendan waved his hand at the Zigzagoon.

The Zigzagoon chattered and ran off. Brendan sat up, looking down at his cum-covered stomach and cock. A wet dream? He shook his head. Standing up, he grabbed his bottle of water out of his backpack, pouring the water down his body. He used his ripped shirt to scrub himself clean of dirt and cum. Thankfully, his underwear and jeans weren't too badly damaged. He pulled them on carefully, his legs still wobbly and ass still stinging from the events last night. He gathered up the rest of his things and began making his way out of the forest.

Eventually, he made it back to Littleroot.

"Brendan!" His mom frantically ran over to him. "Where were you? You were gone all night, we got so worried! Is that a bite on your shoulder?!?"

"Mom, I'm fine. I just need to go home and get some clean clothes."

"That's it. I'm telling Professor Birch that these nightly routines are done this instant!"

"Mom, please. I'm okay, I promise. I want and choose to go on these. It's not the professors fault." Brendan sighed, but couldn't help but smirking at his mother freaking out.

"Hmph... alright, but at least let me clean that bite."

They both went inside. Brendan put on some clean clothes and let his mother clean the bite mark the Mightyena left on his shoulder.

"So... a fully grown Mightyena was on the route? Huh..." Brendan's mom repeated back to him while dressing his wound.

"Yea... After this I'll go tell the professor. It could be a breakthrough!"

Brendan's mom smiled and shook her head.

"I'm so proud of you. I'm just so worried, too."

"I know. But I promise, I'll be OK" He replied.

His mom finished dressing his wound. With a hug, Brendan ran out the door to the lab.

"Professor Birch!" Brendan barged in.

"There you are! Where have you been? The whole town was worried sick!" The professor turned to meet the boy.

"Professor! In the forest... a full grown Mightyena!"


"You heard me! A fully-evolved Poochyena was out there! And... attacked me, but still! What are the odds of a Poochyena evolving in such a weak pokemon environment?"

"It's... an incredibly small chance, but possible that one grew strong enough, I suppose." The professor paced. "Are you alright? How did it attack you?"

"Oh... it uh... it just bit me, knocked me down and then ran away."

"Hmm... aggressive... Would you- no I can't ask that of you"

"What? Professor I'm willing to help with anything!"

"You were attacked! I wouldn't want to send you out there again."

"But i'm fine! I promise!"

The professor sighed.

"Alright. If you want to and are willing, I could use you out in the field again. I want you to see if the Mightyena is still there. Hopefully, it isn't. I'd give you a pokemon to protect yourself with, but the three here are far too weak."

"It's alright, prof. I'll bring something to protect myself with. I'll grab some leftovers from home and head out. Seeya later, professor!"

"Be careful and good luck!" Birch shouted back.

Before he could make it to the exit, May shouted his name.

"Brendan!? Are you seriously going back there?" She jogged over to where she stopped him.

"Well.. yeah. This could be big! A changing environment or a rare opportunity to study a stronger pokemon outside it's habitat. Or-"

"So? You could get attacked again! Or even killed!"

"Don't worry, May. I brought protection this time!" Brendan gave a tap to his baseball bat.

"Hmph... Just... Promise me you'll come home safe this time?"

"I promise."

May leaned forward and kissed Brendan on the cheek, causing the boy's face to turn a deep red.

"R-right. Seeya tomorrow!" He turned around and swiftly made his way into the forest as May watched him go.

Night Two

Brendan made his way back to his campsite. Chucking the twigs and branches he's collected along the way into his fire pit, he lights it again. He set his backpack down on the log, along with the baseball bat he grabbed from home. He couldn't ever hurt a pokemon, even an aggressive one, but at least he'd be able fend it off in some way this time.

Hours passed. The sun was completely gone, now. The moon began it's ascent into the sky. Brendan sat on his log, staring into the fire. Reflecting on what happened the night before. A Mightyena being on this route was next to impossible, yet there one was. Not to mention getting raped by it, let alone any pokemon. Was it sick? From what Brendan's read in the professors library, there hasn't been sexual assaults from pokemon at all. What made this Mightyena different?

He wrote his thoughts down on his notepad, excluding the sexual aspects. That's when he saw a patch of black hair on the back of his hand.


He tried rubbing it off, thinking maybe it was just something he caught on a branch. After that didn't work, he pulled the hair.

"Ow!.. Wh-"

Suddenly it began spreading along his arm, then both arms. He frantically stood up, but fell backwards over the log. He noticed the fur growing on his legs as well. Before he could sit up, he felt something growing on his lower back. Pointed ears grew atop his head. His jaw pushed forward, creating a snout. At this point, he was covered in fur. His sounds of terror turned into growls and yelps. The rest of his body began distorting, not even his clothes could withstand the force of the transformation. His jeans and underwear ripped open as his legs morphed into canine-like hind legs. His shirt was torn to shreds when his arms stretched, hands formed to paws with sharpened claws at the end. The fur even enveloped his cock, forming a sheath around it. His balls grew a considerable size, forcing a pleasured moan out of Brendan. Lastly, his dick pushed itself out of its sheath. Now, it was a large, leaking canine cock. The sensation of his balls and cock throbbing and morphing sent him over the edge, shooting a considerable amount of cum in the air and on top of him. He panted with pleasure, licking around his maw to clean up the cum that splashed on his face.

For some reason, he still wasn't satisfied. He had a growing lust that was barely quenched. He needed to fuck something, someone... to cum. Anything to satisfy himself. This must've been what the Mightyena felt. The need to fuck and breed something. Brendan-turned-mightyena got onto his four legs, looking and sniffing for anything around. All he could smell was the crisp night air, the fire, and himself. He whined. Maybe he could pleasure himself for now. Anything to calm this burning need.

The cursed beast curled against the log, licking at his cum-covered sheath, bringing his cock back out. It quickly grew harder and back to full mast the more he licked. He carefully wrapped his maw around it, pushing it deep inside of his mouth. His long, smooth tongue caressed the side of his twitching shaft. The creature moved his head up and down, swallowing the precum that flowed out of his dick. He felt the build up in his balls. The transformed pokemon moved his head faster, wanting to milk as much cum as he could out of himself. The knot pushed against his lips. His cock throbbed, shooting rope after rope of hot, thick cum down his throat and inside his mouth. He slowly pulled himself out of his mouth, and a puddle of warm cum along with it.

But it still wasn't enough. For the rest of the night, he rubbed, licked, and pawed at his cock in an attempt to satisfy the raging desire inside of him. Next time, he needed something more.

Day Three

Brendan woke up covered in cum, just like the day before. He groaned, sitting up and staring down at himself. He was his normal, human self, again. His normal, human cock still leaking a bit and his normal, human hands wiped the mess of jizz off his face.

Last night felt like a dream. A very vivid and unfortunately, a real dream. The boy looked around for his notebook, hoping at least one of his possessions wasn't covered in mightyena cum. He found it lying in a patch of dirt underneath his backpack. Brendan flipped it open and wrote about his experience, or as much as he remembered, anyway. He remembered turning into the beast, then a very satisfying orgasm. After that seemed like a fuzzy memory. Like trying to remember your entire dream, but only being able to piece bits together.

Brendan shook his head. Maybe it was a one night thing. Hopefully, anyway. Either way, he's going to keep this a secret. All the way to his grave, if he has to. He got up and poured water down his body like yesterday, cleaning off most of the cum from his body. A sudden realization hit him, though, as he reached for his clothes. The transformation last night completely ripped his clothing apart.

"Fuck!" The boy yelled out loud.

He can't go into town naked. Maybe he could sneak himself in. It was morning again, though. People would be searching for him again like yesterday. The naked boy cringed and sighed to himself. Picking up his backpack and holding it in front of him, covering his most intimate parts, he made his way back to town.

"Brendan!" His mom ran over as he stepped into the entrance of town.

"Why are you na-"

"Mom, please, let's just hurry and get home before someone sees us."

"Brendan!" Another familiar voice came from the near distance.

May ran up, but halted in her steps when she realized Brendan's lack of clothing. Her cheeks flushed Red, eyeing the boy up and down before forcing herself to keep a straight face and eye contact.

"Brendan... are you alright? Were you attacked again? Where are your clothes!?" She questioned.

"I'm fine. I wasn't attacked. The Mightyena wasn't even there this time. I just... err... lost my clothes. To a Zigzagoon."

"A Zigzagoon took your clothes off of you and ran off with them?" May raised an eyebrow at Brendan.

"No I was... changing. Then he came over and took them."

May could see Brendan was blushing harder than her at this point, so she didn't question any further.

"Huh... looks like your wound completely healed, too." His mom observed.

Brendan looked at his mom, then at his spot on his shoulder where the Mightyena bit him. It wasn't there anymore...? The transformation must completely heal the host in some way.

"Uhh... I made up some cream from some plants in the forest. Must've worked better than I thought." The boy replied.

"Alright, let's get you home and clothed" His mom said, wrapping her hand around his shoulder and taking him home.

May watched them walk off before going to tell the others to call off the search party.

Brendan, now with a fresh set of clothing, walked over to the lab for his daily briefing with the professor.

"Brendan! I heard a Zigzagoon snatched your clothing. Those little buggers love stealing anything and everything."

"Y-yeah... Anyways, I think I need at least one more night out there before I release the pokemon." Brendan told the professor.

"Oh? But, May told me you didn't even see the Mightyena this time."

"Right, but I think we should play it safe and make absolutely sure that it's gone, and we can safely introduce the three there."

"Alright. If you're absolutely sure. Try to keep your clothes on this time, eh?" Professor Birch heartily laughed and gave Brendan a pat on the back.

Brendan rolled his eyes, but chuckled along with the professor. For the rest of the day, the professor lectured the boy on various topics. However, Brendan couldn't stop thinking about the night before. He wanted to help with the experiment, but he mostly wanted to go back out there to study himself, and the effects this new... curse had on him.

The sun began setting, which meant it was time for Brendan to head back out to his spot in the forest.

Night Three

Brendan sat alone on his log, naked, next to the dwindling fire. He wouldn't need it lit for long. His fur should start... sprouting any minute now. The boy looked up at the sky. The moon was peeking itself out on the horizon. He could already feel a strange tingling sensation in his body. After scribbling down his current situation in his notebook, that he now dubbed "Wereyeena Transformation Study", Brendan took a knife he brought with him out of his backpack. Since he's cursed, might as well experiment with it, right?

The boy took the knife in his hand, putting the blade down against his opposite palm. He squeezed the blade and pulled on it quickly.


Opening his stinging palm, the blood dripped onto the ground. A patch of black fur grew out of his wrist. It was starting. He made sure his backpack and clothes were a safe distance away, tucked under a tree to avoid getting sticky again. However, Brendan's second test for himself was to see how long he could go without giving into the raging desire of lust he felt when he turned.

Brendan cleared his mind, standing in the open and waited for his transformation to finish. The fur quickly enveloped his body before his legs bent, forcing him to get down on four-legs. The boy's hands and feet became paws, his nails grew into sharp claws. Brendan's face stretched out, forming a menacing snout with several extremely sharp teeth inside his maw. Ears and a tail grew themselves out of their proper place. Before long, the hardest part of staying placid during the transformation; His cock grew, but was replaced with a sheath as his balls enlarged considerably.

It seemed to be finished. Brendan was still lucid and had his own thoughts. For now, anyway. He looked down at the hand-turned-paw where he cut himself. The wound seemed completely healed. Then, he looked between his legs. He saw his sheath and balls, but no throbbing red cock outside of it. Good.

Along with his transformation, he noticed he had the abilities of a Mightyena. The smell, sight, strength and nature's call to mate. No discernible differences from the regular pokemon of the species. Speaking of which, he could feel his mind beginning to fog. The cold breeze could be felt on the tip of his dick, which was now slightly poking out of its sheath. Brendan shook his head. He has to try to keep a sound mind for as long as possible. However, fighting the feeling only seemed to make it come onto him stronger. Maybe if he satisfied other senses he could distract himself. The transformed pokemon sniffed the air for anything that can distract him from his growing lust. Two scents in particular stood out. The strongest one was right next to him; his own blood. Mightyena are said to be able to smell blood, among other things, from miles away. The next scent was moving, though.

The newly formed Mightyena lowered his head to the ground, sniffing along the trail. Eventually, he found the source: a Wurmple squirming it's way through some tall grass. His stomach grumbled at the scent of the juicy bug. The Wurmple seemed to finally noticed the giant canine towering over it. It began attempting to squirm away, although in vain. The animal instincts of the Mightyena seemed to fully take over Brendan's mind. Without hesitation, Wereyeena bit down on the midsection of the bug, avoiding the sharp spikes on either end of it. He swallowed the chunk of flesh before walking off, satisfied.

Upon coming back to his camp, Wereyeena found a Poochyena sniffing the patch of Brendan's blood on the ground. The Mightyena growled, causing the Poochyena to jump back and let out a startled yip. Wereyeena took another whiff of the air surrounding him. All he could smell and think about now was this Poochyena, and how he was going to plunge his cock deep inside of it. The beast inched towards the smaller pokemon. His eyes seemed to glow with the pent-up lust inside of him. The Poochyena could see it as well, slowly trying to back away from the creature. Before the Poochyena could make a break for it, the Mightyena pounced at it, forcing the pokemon onto it's back with the creature's big paw pressing down on it's stomach.

Wereyeena brought his snout close to the pup, sniffing it from head to crotch. He poked the little pokemon's balls with his nose. Male or female doesn't matter to the creature, as long as he had a nice, tight hole he can pump his seed into. The creature pushed his snout against the Poochyena's hole, licking and penetrating it with his tongue. Poochyena whined in pleasure. Poochyena squirmed, feeling Wereyeena's tongue deep inside of him, coating its insides with warm, wet saliva. The Mightyena's thick cock was already halfway out of its sheath.

Eventually, he pulled his tongue out and proceeded to place his member on top of Poochyena's stomach. The Mightyena's rock-solid member was almost as big as the pokemon. Poochyena looked down, then began licking the precum leaking out of the tip of the cock that was nearly poking him in the face. Wereyeena let out a sort-of sigh of relief, finally getting stimulation where he most needed it. He could also tell the Poochyena has finally submitted to being his fuck toy. The pup wrapped it's paws around the Wereyeena's dick and moved them up and down as he kept swirling his tongue around the tip of it. The buildup of tension Wereyeena was experiencing finally exploded out of him. Mightyena howled into the night as hot strings of cum soaked Poochyena's face, mouth, and the ground around his head.

Poochyena lapped up the rest of the cum off of Wereyeena's twitching, spent dick. The Mightyena did his unevolved friend a favor and licked clean the rest cum on its face. A sudden sound disrupted them, though. A faint chattering in the tall grass. Wereyeena stalked over to the grass before pouncing on top of the sound. It was a Zigzagoon seemingly pleasuring itself. A small, red and fully-erect dick sat out of its sheath. Must've been watching Mightyena and the Poochyena. Wereyeena picked the Zigzagoon up by gently biting its neck before bringing it over and plopping it down next to the Poochyena. The beast licked it's maw, already craving another session. Another sound interrupted them yet again. This time, a low growl belonging to a familiar creature emanated out of the bushes. The original Mightyena that infected Brendan was back. It must've smelled his blood too... or the obvious pheromones parading the air.

The other Wereyeena stepped up behind Brendan, pressed his snout against his entrance and sniffed. Brendan huffed in sudden pleasure. Wereyeena seemed to recognize his victim and gave a little lick, possibly to assert its dominance over the other. The original Wereyeena made its way over to the two small pokemon who were already erect and submitting themselves to the two Mightyenas in front of them. Wereyeena leaned in close to the Poochyena to smell the lingering scent of cum from Brendan. He snorted in dissatisfaction and stepped towards the Zigzagoon. However, Brendan snapped at him. Zigzagoon was his , he was done with Poochyena. The original Wereyeena didn't take kindly to Brendan's aggression. It snarled and snapped back. Both Mightyenas began circling each other, reminiscent of when human Brendan and the same Wereyeena circled each other the night they met. The first Wereyeena attacked first, pouncing on Brendan and causing them both to tumble onto the ground. Gnashing of teeth and barking ensued as they rolled around in their ball of aggression. Wereyeena sunk its teeth into Brendan's shoulder. The human-turned-Mightyena yelped in pain and clawed at the beast, causing a gash along it's chest.

They both rolled away from each other, panting while regaining their balance. The two were equally matched. Fighting would just be a pointless endeavor and it seemed both realize that. The beasts looked at each other and growled, but were interrupted by the two smaller pokemon walking up to each of them. Poochyena licked Wereyeena's scratch wounds. Zigzagoon was playing with Brendan's sheath. Wereyeena cringed at the licks, it stung a bit but felt better. The beast looked over at the other Mightyena, who was already staring back at him. Zigzagoon had his cock almost fully out of the sheath. The little pokemon started licking it, from balls to tip. Brendan closed his eyes and let Zigzagoon service him. Wereyeena huffed and put a paw on Poochyena's head, forcing him down onto his cock, already hardening from watching Brendan and Zigzagoon.

After both Mightyenas were rock-hard, they both almost simultaneously pushed their fuck toys onto the ground. Both of them seemed to be using this as another way to assert their dominance. The small pokemon faced each other with their asses and tails up, ready to please their respective dominators. Brendan hunched over the Zigzagoon, positioning himself to enter. He pressed his tip against it's aching hole before pushing himself inside. Zigzagoon yelped as his hole stretched around Brendan's twitching bestial cock. Poochyena made a similar noise as the other Wereyeena pushed himself inside. Both of the smaller pokemon could only fit about half of their lengths inside of them. Brendan slowly began thrusting instead of Zigzagoon, pushing his twitching cock in and out of the tight pokemon. Wereyeena, on the other hand, took a more rough route, breeding the Poochyena like he needed it. Pumping his thick cock in and out of the panting, whining pooch. Zigzagoon pushed itself into Brendan's caring, yet lustful thrusts, wanting to please his superior and enjoy as much of him as possible. Brendan let out a long sigh of pleasure, feeling his massive dick squeeze into the small pokemon was an amazing sensation.

Poochyena mostly stayed still, not risking any movement that may disappoint the Mightyena thrusting hard inside of him. The small pokemon tried to relax himself, but his insides squeezed around Wereyeena's member, only making the bigger pokemon hornier. Both of the smaller pokemon looked at each other's euphoric faces. Their small, leaking cocks forcefully rubbed against the soft soil beneath them. Brendan wanted to knot the Zigzagoon so much, but the younger pokemon could never take the rest of the length, let alone his aching knot. Wereyeena looked like he felt the same as he kept pushing as deep as he could go in the Poochyena without hurting it. All four of the creatures were getting close. The two Mightyena's stared at each other with anger as they shot their loads of warm cum inside their respective pokemon. Zigzagoon and Poochyena both whined as they shot a string or two of their own cum onto the ground in unison. The four of them stuck to their positions for a moment, panting and cooling down. Wereyeena was the first to slide itself out of its bottom. As before, he gave his cock a lick to clean it before walking off into the night. Brendan pulled himself out of his Zigzagoon, a flow of cum immediately leaked out of its ass.

Satisfied and tired, Brendan laid down on the ground, resting his head on his paws. The two smaller pokemon curled themselves up against him. They all drifted off to sleep.

Day Four

The rising sun glistened through the dewy leaves of the trees. Brendan woke up again, used to waking up on the ground at this point. The Poochyena and Zigzagoon were gone, having most likely left earlier. The boy picked himself off the ground. As he stretched, he noticed his leaking erection. Although it was usual for Brendan to wake up with morning wood, it definitely didn't leak precum like this. A fresh feeling of horniness washed over him as his brain seemed to fully wake up.

"Perhaps this part of the Wereyeena curse isn't exclusive to my beast form" Brendan told himself.

He picked up his pen and notepad, scribbling his thoughts into the pages. His twitching member still hasn't gone away, so he decided to take care of it before he went back to town. Brendan sat against the tree before he began stroking himself, making sure he shot his load onto the ground instead of himself.

Clothed and chipper, Brendan strolled into town. This time there didn't seem to be a search party looking for him. He saw May helping his mother with her garden in front of his house. May looked up to meet his gaze before smiling and waving at him. The blushing boy waved back before routinely making his way to the lab.

As he walked in, he looked at the three pokeballs on the table. Brendan got his fill of Poochyena and Zigzagoon. Wereyeena needed something new to fuck. These three would have to do for now. But, what about after? Maybe he could rotate between pokemon, or...

"Brendan! How's the forest?" Professor Birch interrupted his thoughts.

"Oh! Uh... good, good. I think it should be safe to release the three out there."

"Great! Now, I think we should release one at a time to play it safe."

"Oh, of course. I also think I should go stay the night with it to make sure it'll be alright."

"Great idea! We'll make a professor of you, yet!"

The rest of the day went as usual. Brendan spent his time with Birch, learning the ins and outs of becoming a professor and what it would entail. As well as helping him with samples or smaller projects he was working on. As the day became late, it was finally time for Brendan to head back out. He stepped over to the three pokemon. Who should he reintroduce first to the wild? More importantly, which one would be more satisfying to stick his cock into? Treecko would be the most obvious choice to release first, given it's a grass pokemon. However, Mudkip was soft and wet. Perfect to play with. Brendan's mind was foggy. Reason or Lust? Both feelings seemed to fight within himself. He's been having fun with this curse so far, what's the harm and continuing that fun? He grabbed Mudkip's pokeball and made his way back into the darkening forest.

Night Four

His cum landed on his chin and stomach. He let go of his cock, letting it rest on his thigh. Brendan hasn't even turned yet and he was already burning with lust. Hopefully, this wouldn't get any worse. The boy got up from the base of the tree and sat on the log before beginning to write more things into his notepad.

-Increased hormonal levels, even outside of beast form.

-Possible pheromones released when in beast form?

Other creatures seem to get horny around him. Even his human self was surprisingly horny when the original Wereyeena was fucking him. Perhaps another ability was to secrete a pheromone that made living things hormonal around him. Either way, he'll be able to confirm it with Mudkip. He grabbed the pokemon's pokeball from his bag. Brendan sent out the pokemon. The Mudkip appeared in front of him. It looked around, seemingly very confused.

"Don't worry, little guy. I'm letting you go! Me and Professor Birch want to see if you can make a life out here."

The Mudkip understood, but still cocked its head at the professor-to-be. Brendan saw the moon begin to rise on the horizon. His fur began to grow on his body.

"It'll be oka-yyyyyyyyyyyyyyygrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

Brendan's voice shifted mid sentence, growing deeper and eventually into incoherent growls. The Mudkip's eyes grew wide and became visibly scared at the sight it beheld. Brendan shifted, distorted and transformed in front of the trembling pokemon. Finally, the freshly-transformed Wereyeena howled into the night. Mudkip yipped in fright and turned around to run away. The Mightyena swiftly stepped on Mudkip's fin, stopping the pokemon in its tracks. Mudkip turned around and flopped onto its back, submitting to it's captor.

Already, a red tip was making its way out of the amphibians cock slit. It seems Brendan's pheromone theory was true. Wereyeena licked its maw as he removed his paw from the Mudkip's tail. The beast, like usual, was already almost fully hard. Ready to fuck his next victim, he pressed his leaking tip against the Mudkip's entrance. Mudkip was a lot smaller than Poochyena or Zigzagoon, though, and probably wouldn't even be able to take the Mightyena at all.

Willing to try, though, Wereyeena held down onto Mudkip as he pushed himself into the wet little pokemon. Mudkip yelped in a mix of pain and pleasure. Mightyena's large cock could barely get an inch in. Even after pushing harder, Mudkip was just too small for him. Letting out a snort of frustration, Wereyeena pulled back out of the erect Mudkip, who was too busy pleasuring himself to react noticeably.

Maybe he could sneak into the town and retrieve the last two pokemon? All three of them could service him better than a single tiny pokemon like Mudkip could. The question barely required a second though. Wereyeena needed a release, no matter what cost. He left Mudkip alone to play with itself as he made his way to the town to snatch his last 2 victims for the night.

It was around midnight by now. Most, if not everyone, should be asleep. The beast snuck his way up to the window of the lab. His only way in would be jumping through the window, picking up the last two pokeballs, and making his way out of town before anyone noticed.

With his bestial strength, Wereyeena leapt into the window, shattering it before he landed back on the ground inside the lab.

May just managed to get herself into bed before she heard a faint sound of glass shattering. She ran over to her window, looking at the direction. Her window faced the back of the lab. The startled girl could see a glimpse of a black creature moving throughout the lab. She grabbed her belt of pokemon and ran downstairs, then outside to investigate. May threw open the door and ran over to the lab, just in time to see a Mightyena with something in its mouth jolting towards the forest. The beast glanced at the shaky-legged May before making its way into the woods. Regaining her composure, May followed the beast back into the forest. She managed to mostly keep up with the swift creature. Eventually, it stopped at a clearing. One with a log and a makeshift campfire in the middle. May hid behind a bush and watched.

Wereyeena dropped the pokeballs on the ground from his mouth. Using his snout, he pushed the buttons in the middle of the pokeballs, allowing Treecko and Torchic out of their containment. Both of the small pokemon looked around, bewildered. Mudkip was next to them, still touching himself. Wereyeena presented his slowly hardening cock to the two new additions. Frightened, at first, but as the pheromones the beast gave off drifted into the air, they both moved towards the thick red tool and began rubbing against it. Eventually, the Mightyena's knot slid out of its sheath and he was fully erect again. Wereyeena laid down on its back. Its long, red cock pointing skyward. The three tiny pokemon hurried over.

Torchic climbed its way to the top of the towering cock, resting its ass on the tip and attempting to push it in. Mudkip was in the middle, grinding his body against the twitching member of the Mightyena. Mudkip's own leaking cock rubbed up along the Mightyena's knot, causing the beast to huff in pleasure. Treecko was using it's long tongue to lick the beast's balls and eventually the rim of it's entrance. Wereyeena shivered as Treecko plunged it's tongue inside of him, moving his thin, wet tongue around and exploring the Mightyena's insides. Torchic used the flow of precum to slide itself onto the head of the beast. Wereyeena bucked his hips a little at the sudden sensation of such a tight hole wrapped around the tip of his cock. Although he can't plunge his cock deep into any one of the three, having all of them pleasure him was just as satisfying.

Torchic lifted and dropped itself onto the slick head of the beast's dick. Mudkip kept grinding, covering Mightyena's knot with its precum and the rest of his cock with Mudkip's natural wetness. Treecko flicked it's tongue against the Wereyeena's sensitive spot inside of him. Each flick made the beast shiver and huff.

They all grew close to climax. The Mightyena's balls contracted with built up cum. Within seconds, ropes of cum shot out of his cock, almost causing Torchic to fly off his dick. After being filled to the brim with cum, Torchic came as well. After the ropes stopped shooting out, the rest of the beast's cum flowed down his throbbing cock. The cum began covering Mudkip, causing the little pokemon to be sent over the edge and began cumming onto the creature's knot. Treecko rubbed itself against the soil, cumming into the ground as he teased the last bit of cum out of the Mightyena's spent member with his tongue.

Tired and spent, the three small pokemon crawled on top of Wereyeena's cum-covered stomach and dozed off to sleep. A rustling in the bushes and sounds of rushed footsteps moving away caused the beast to turn his head. However, he was too tired to give chase. The beast closed his eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep.

Day Five

A final rope of cum splashed against his chest and stomach. This was the second time he jerked off this morning. The two smaller pokemon quickly lapped up the fresh cum, only causing Brendan to get horny again. He doesn't know why these two stuck around. Usually they tend to stay away from humans. Maybe Wereyeena's scent secreted from his human form as well. Brendan also almost vividly remembers last night, unlike the first night where it was fogged memories. It seems him and Wereyeena are intertwining the more time goes on.

The boy shook his head and stood up, letting the pokemon slide off of him. He shooed them away while he got clothed. After managing to tuck his erection under his waistband, Brendan made his way back to town to report back to the professor.

"Brendan! There you are. We started getting worried again. There was a break-in last night!" The professor called Brendan over from just outside the lab.

"Really? What happened? Did the burglar get caught?" Brendan's voice cracked a bit as he played coy.

"No... May said she saw a Mightyena run out of the town, though. Perhaps that Mightyena that attacked you came back again?" Birch rested a hand on Brendan's shoulder.

"Y-yeah, maybe..."

"What's worse is that the beast must've stolen the last two pokemon in the lab, their pokeballs are missing and we can't find them anywhere."

"What!? That's horrible..." Brendan hated lying through his teeth like this.

"How did Mudkip take to his newfound freedom? Good news, I hope?"

"Oh, yes! It went very well... Professor, I'll go back out tonight and take a look for the missing pokemon for you."

"Brendan, if the Mightyena is being bold enough to come into town, he could be even more dangerous than ever!"

"Please, Professor! I know those woods now like the back of my hand, and I'm very capable of protecting myself!"

The professor sighed.

"Alright, alright. But, if anything happens to you, your mother will murder me."

"Hah, Don't worry. I'll have it written in my will that she can't touch you."

For the rest of the day, Brendan helped clean up the lab with the professor and his assistants. By the time they finished, the sun began setting, giving the sky that pinkish color that only made Brendan even more excited for night to begin. The boy kissed and hugged his mom for the night before heading towards the exit of the town. However, he saw May standing there, blocking the path.

"H-hey May!" Brendan said as he walked up to her.

"Brendan, I really don't think it's safe to go out there tonight..."

"May, you don't have to worry. I promise I'll be alright"

Brendan eyes the nervous girl, his childhood friend. Her body has grown to become quite... desirable. The boy could feel his cock already starting to twitch, leaking a bit into his boxers.

"Fine... but we need to talk when you come back tomorrow, okay? I saw something last night and-"

"Sure, sure. Right. I got to go, May!" Brendan cut her off before running off into the forest.


Brendan had a raging erection and a wet spot was already becoming visible through his jeans. A small patch of fur was already beginning to grow on his hand. He definitely wasn't going to stay around for her to see that. As he ran into the forest, his transformation began. Eventually falling on all four legs, he howled into the night.

Night Five

Wereyeena pushed his knot against his lips as he came down his throat again. The never-ending burn for lust just wouldn't go away. He found and fucked a few Poochyenas, but after filling them with his cum, he still wasn't satisfied. The cursed creature needed something new. His mind kept going back to earlier when he checked May out. Brendan has never done that before. He'd never thought of his childhood friend in... that way before. The aching desire was almost agonizing to the beast, though. He needed... he needed her. Yet again, the hunger for pleasure won over Brendan's reasoning. The curse had control over him.

The moon shed its light onto the town while sitting high in the sky. It should be late enough for everyone to be asleep. Even though they had a burglary, it seems, conveniently enough, that no one was posted outside to keep watch. The creature swiftly made his way over to May's house. Her door would obviously be locked, but maybe there was a window he could manage to get open. Sniffing around her property, he came across a small basement window. After kicking it with his paw, the hatch snapped open. Wereyeena was just small enough to shimmy his way inside the opening, landing on his four legs on the basement floor. He stood still for a second, listening for any indication that he might've been heard. Still silent.

Making his way up the stairs onto the main floor, then up the set of stairs to the second, he found himself outside of May's bedroom. Fortunately, the door wasn't completely shut. With his snout, he slowly pushed open the creaking door. The girl shifted in her sleep. The beast inched his way over to the bed, drool forming at his mouth in anticipation. Wereyeena bit the edge of her blanket and pulled it off gently, only causing May to stir slightly. In a swift movement, he leapt onto the bed gracefully, making sure not to shift the bed too much. Then he stepped nimbly over her until his maw was inches from her, hot breath hitting against the unaware girl's face. May only wore a loose t-shirt that was riding up, exposing her thin stomach, and some tight panties. A string of drool fell onto the girl's face, finally waking her up. First, she sleepily wiped off the drool from her face before opening her eyes. It took about a second before she made out the blood-red eyes staring back at her. After another moment of processing what was happening, a blood-curdling scream escaped her mouth and filled the room.

The scream was cut short as the Mightyena covered her mouth with his paw, stifling the scream. May writhed around in her bed, pulling the pillow from under her and smacking the beast with it. Brendan watched from Wereyeena's eyes as his childhood friend frantically attempted to get away. Any feeling of guilt was immediately replaced with the need to fill her with his seed. Keeping his paws on her to keep her down, he leaned down, grabbed her shirt with his teeth and ripped it off, revealing her supple breasts. May just struggled harder. The beast then pawed at her panties, slowly pulling them down enough to be able to grip them with his teeth and rip them off as well. The girl's small, thin body was barely comparable to the big beast on top of her.

The fact May was still struggling worried Brendan a bit. Shouldn't the pheromones have worked by now? Maybe it only works on other pokemon. He wishes he could show her that the creature on top of her was him. But, the need... the want. It came before anything. His cock sat out of its sheath, resting against May's stomach, pooling precum on top of her.

"Mmmph!" came May's muffled voice, realizing what was about to happen.

Wereyeena shifted himself, positioning his cock and pushing the tip against the lips of her pussy. With a movement of his hips, his rock-hard member slid inside of her. The Mightyena's paw slipped off of her mouth. Instead of a scream, the girl moaned. Her tight insides stretched around the massive cock, letting the beast push inside of her more. Eventually he was able to make it all the way inside, something he could never do with his previous victims. His knot pressed against the entrance of her pussy. Wereyeena slowly began thrusting into the small girl.

May couldn't stop herself from moaning. She wanted to run, but... she also wanted to stay. Something was clouding her judgement and wanted her to stay to feel the beast breed her. Unclasping her hands from the paws of the creature, she began rubbing her tits along with the thrusts. Her nipples were extra sensitive. Feeling the massive cock rub against her clit while she massaged her nipples was the most amazing feeling she'd ever felt. She wanted more.

Not even having to ask him, the Mightyena began thrusting faster inside of her, his knot slapping against her pussy with each thrust. His flow of precum and her wetness was making it quite easy for him to pump himself in and out of the small girl.

Wereyeena was euphoric. No pokemon he fucked before could compare to this. He needed to knot her. After a final thrust, he began pushing hard against her pussy. May whined and squirmed, the large bulb seemed way too big to fit in, even after taking the beast's cock. That didn't stop him, though. He needed his knot inside of her. A final push with his hips managed to slide the knot inside of her. May let out a loud gasp.

Both of them laid there for a moment, letting his knot stretch her. Wereyeena picked back up, needing his release. He slid his knot out of her with a pop , then pushed it back in. The massive knot grinding against her clit was almost sending her over the edge. He fucked her with his knot, pulling it in and out, sending both of them into a frenzy of moans, growls and panting. Wereyeena leaned down and sunk his teeth into May's shoulder, causing both of them to eventually reach a climax. May was first, a rush of fluid covered Wereyeena's cock in a slick coating as he pushed his knot inside of her one last time, shooting streams of hot cum deep inside of her cervix.

A few moments passed as they both calmed down. With his knot still inside of her, he flopped down next to the small girl. She moaned with the shift but faced him. His tired, blood-red eyes stared back at her. May ran her fingers through his fur, causing the beast to huff with a warm feeling. The girl kept doing that until he drifted off to sleep.

Day Six


"Brendan, wake up."

A soft pair of lips pushed themselves against his cheek, waking up the sleeping boy.

"Mmm...?" Brendan's eyes opened to another pair staring back at him.

Wait... last night. He- Brendan shot up in the bed.

"May! May I- I-"

"Shhh... It's alright, Brendan." She sat herself up next to him.

She was still naked, he couldn't help but ogle her breasts.

"Hey, eyes up here, professor."

Brendan looked back into her eyes and smirked at the remark. Last night ran through his head like a movie reel. He violated her, yet she was smiling at him right now?

"That was, uh... quite the shock you gave me last night."

"I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you but I didn't-"

"It's alright. I just wish you could've trusted me more to tell me, but something like that... I probably wouldn't have believed it."

She leaned in and kissed him deeply. Shocked at first, Brendan eventually closed his eyes and kissed her back.

"I've wanted to do that for a while, you know."

"M-me too..."

Brendan couldn't help but let his eyes drift from her face again. Before they could get to her tits, he noticed a bite mark on her shoulder.

"Wait... I didn't... Did I bite you?"

May nodded.

"But, that's how the curse gets transmitted! You'll-"

"Brendan, I don't care. As long as I'm with you, I'll be happy. I've been wanting to get out of this town for so long, this gives me a nice excuse for us to bail, right?"

Brendan didn't know how to respond.

"Like I said, it's fine, Brendan. Really. I think the shock went away halfway through you... or I guess your other form, fucking me."

Brendan blushed and looked away.

"I had a suspicion it was you, anyway. I followed you the night before. Or, rather, I followed the Mightyena back to your camp. You weren't there, so I assumed you were dead, or must've turned into that beast since your clothes were neatly sitting on that log. I don't think a dead man gets naked and folds his clothes."

"Anyone ever told you how smart you are?"

"Haha... I just know you."

She pecked Brendan on the lips again.

"Mm... Before you go see the professor today, let me help you take care of this"

May reached down and gripped Brendan's erect, leaking cock. He gave her a bright smile as they both laid back down in the bed.

"Brendan! Did you find the pokemon?" Birch asked the boy walking into the lab.

"No, sorry professor. I'm sure they'll turn up, though." Brendan replied

"I hope so. Who knows what goes on in those woods these days."

The professor grinned at Brendan, a faint glow of red glossed over his eyes.

The End?