Everything for a Fire Stone

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#14 of Feral Pokémon

From north to south, from west to east, Nico has searched his entire home island for a fire stone, but to no avail. In his desperation, the growlithe even heads to the island's highest point, a snow-covered, icy summit to search the caves for the elusive evolutionary stone. Defying the cold and his growing exhaustion, he carries on until he discovers a strange, reclusive pokemon deep inside the vast mountain who makes him a unique offer.

This story is about a growlithe who meets a mewtwo and gets evolved in exchange for a few minor favors. In addition to an evolution sequence, it features plenty of steamy sex with a hyper-endowed legendary, thorough ball and cock worship, excessive amounts of cum, cum inflation, size difference, and impregnation with male pregnancy as the mewtwo turns Nico into a mother. I wish you a fun read, and I'd love to hear your thoughts and comments on this story!

A deafening, eerie silence enveloped Nico as he entered the dark cave on the snowy mountaintop. After just a few steps, the howling blizzard that had raged around him faded to a distant murmur, and it also became much warmer, the growlithe's breath no longer condensing in front of his muzzle. Yet, a mighty chill jolted through his body as he couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched, although he was surrounded by nothing but bare, lifeless gray rock, not even the withered remains of any vegetation in sight.

"Breathe. In. Out. It's just a dumb cave. Nobody lives up here. Nothing to be afraid of," the male whispered to himself, taking another nervous look around before he shuffled deeper into the winding, twisting tunnel on his desperate quest for a fire stone. After scouring the entire island up and down three times over the last few weeks, he still hadn't found one, while all his peers had evolved months, some even years ago, leaving this spot as the only one he had never checked. After all, why would there be a fire stone in the coldest place in the world?

Then again, he would never know if he didn't check, so he pushed on. Even when the tunnel branched out into more tunnels, some leading him to dead ends while others led back where he had come from, he didn't stop moving forward, scratching the walls with his claws so he wouldn't get lost. As long as there was another unmarked passage waiting for him, there was some hope left to drive him further.

At least that was the growlithe's original plan, because just when he thought he had found a completely fresh, spotless junction after an hour of restless wandering, he unexpectedly exited the cave through the same entrance he had entered it through. Standing in the whirling, freezing blizzard for a confused moment, the male then turned around and hurried back into the darkness with a frustrated growl, slashing the rock before he sprinted down the tunnels in a mad dash. He hurtled through the darkness for another ten minutes before he collapsed on the ground, heaving and gasping for breath, only to exit the cave through the same entrance for the third time after he had recovered. And once again, his claw marks were gone as if they had never existed.

"W-what is going on?" Nico whined, clawing that stubborn wall another time only to rub his paw pad against the mark. It was as real and palpable as the stitches in his sides, but even upon closer inspection, he couldn't find any traces of his previous marks. "W-where did they go?" Only a second later, he noticed that the mark he had just created had also disappeared. Utterly speechless, he blinked at the smooth rock, then he roared in defiant anger, blasting the stony surface until it was glowing dark red before he folded with a wretched wail. "No! Why? Why me? I can't find a single damn fire stone on this damn island, and now I'm losing my mind too..."

Burying his face in his paws, Nico burst into sobs as his hopes were crushed once and for all. He had failed; he would never evolve. However, just when he was about to lose himself in his misery, a melodic chime echoed through the tunnel in front of him, and he looked up with teary eyes, perking his ears with a weak whimper. Was this another figment of his faltering mind? No, there it was again, even clearer and louder than before, and although this place had already played plenty of tricks on him, what had he even left to lose?

The fluffy fire-type sluggishly rotated his ears toward the melody and heaved himself on all fours, focusing a fireball in his muzzle just in case it was a ruse. Why and for what? He didn't know, and he cared even less as he closed his eyes to fully concentrate on the music as it took him deeper into the mountain than ever before.

Eventually, the song shifted into a sonorous, ethereal voice, words forming in his mind as if from his own thoughts. "Welcome, Nico. I must admit, you are a lot more determined than most who visited before you."

The growlithe flinched at the words and opened his eyes, only to be engulfed by dazzling light. Somehow he had ended up in an almost perfectly smooth hemisphere of white rock, a single round hole in the ceiling flooding the interior with beaming sunlight. At its midpoint waited the source of the voice, a slender, alien being with smooth, glossy white and purple skin and a face and horns reminiscent of a charizard, only smaller and more graceful. Balancing his body on a long, thick purple tail, the unfamiliar creature crossed both his arms and legs as he stared at his guest with deep purple eyes and a mild frown.

"W-wow, who are you?" Nico blurted out. "Also, what are you? I've never seen a pokemon like you before."

With a casual wave, the being replied, "I am a mewtwo -- not the Mewtwo, though -- and you may call me Tai."

"Uhhh, sure... nice to meet you, Tai. I'm N... hang on how do you know my name? Are you a psychic type?"

"As a matter of fact, yes, and nice to meet you, too, Nico," the mewtwo said, the faintest smirk on his lips. "Now, as I elaborated, I usually do not reveal myself to any stray pokemon, but there is something about you... a tenacity, a desperation that has made me genuinely curious. Why are you here?"

"Because I am looking for a fire stone."

"Up here? On the top of a snowy mountain?" Tai remarked with a smirk.

"Shut up, I know it's stupid, but there's just no stupid fire stone anywhere else on this dumb island!"

"I see. And why would you need a fire stone this urgently?"

"Because I want to evolve into an arcanine, obviously," Nico grunted, rolling his eyes.

"And why do you want to evolve into an arcanine?"

"Because everybody else already evolved before me, and I want to be big and strong, too!" the growlithe explained, only to notice the smile on the mewtwo's lips. "Hey! Hang on! Can't you read my mind? You already knew everything I said! You're just doing this to rub it in, aren't you?"

Tai waggled his head with a chuckle, then he leaned forward and pointed at Nico. "What are you willing to do to become an arcanine?"

"Everything," Nico responded without a second thought, only to tilt his head at the mewtwo. "Wait, why are you asking? Do you have a fire stone?"

"No, not exactly. However, I know of a way to emulate its effect."

"You can make me evolve with your psychic powers? Really?" the growlithe gasped, his tail starting to wag even though he couldn't quite believe the mewtwo's words yet. Then again, this pokemon looked strange enough that he might be telling the truth.

"Indeed, and I can turn you into an arcanine for the right price."

"The right price? What price? What do you want from me?" Nico took a step back. "Berries? Pearls? Also, I'll only pay you after you've evolved me, so don't try to trick me."

"Oh, I do not want anything so mundane. No, I want your body," Tai cooed and uncrossed his legs. With a pink flash, he revealed his sizable package, and unlike Nico's cock, his penis had no sheath and was of uniform thickness from its rounded glans to the base, completely enveloped by an extra layer of thick, dark-purple skin that was so long it hung over his tip. Dangling between his legs, the humongous tool was almost as long as the growlithe's entire body, and it wasn't even hard yet! Somehow, Tai's nuts were even larger than his colossal schlong, as each of the leathery purple orbs was actually the size of Nico's whole body. The little male had never seen bigger balls in his life, not even on the biggest mudsdale, and they drooped down so far, they almost touched the ground even though the mewtwo was perched on his long, sturdy tail.

"W-what? Are you serious? That thing is going to split me in half!"

"As a growlithe, perhaps, but it will not be an issue once you have evolved into an arcanine," Tai replied and smacked his lips. "And to become one, you only need to promise to worship me and let me fill your belly with eggs."

"E-eggs? But I'm a male. I don't lay eggs."

"And I am a mewtwo. I do not care about such minor restrictions. So, do we have ourselves a deal?"

Nico hemmed and hawed, his ears rearing back as he thought about Tai's unique offer. This was a lot to process, and no matter how muzzle-watering plump and juicy his bits looked, they just seemed too big and menacing at the moment...

"I assure you that it will be the most intense and pleasurable experience you have ever had. From the worship to the breeding and the pregnancy afterward, I will make sure that you are going to enjoy every second of it."

The growlithe winced as the mewtwo responded to his thoughts, trying not to think anything for a moment, but he couldn't stop the gears in his head from turning for long. After all, how could Tai know that it would feel this good? On the other paw, this was his only remaining safe option for evolution, and he only had to pay after he had turned into an arcanine. But could he trust the psychic to stand by his word? Then again, the disappearing marks, the melodic whisper, he was here because the mewtwo let him, and if he was powerful enough to force his evolution, he was powerful enough to take whatever he wanted without asking. The fact that he was currently standing in front of the mighty being and contemplating his offer made him trustworthy, even if it meant that the burden of his decision lay entirely in his tiny, stubby paws.

A warm pink glow snapped Nico out of his thoughts. While he was struggling to make up his mind, the mewtwo had begun to weave strands of psychic energy into a sphere, condensing, rearranging, and crystallizing impalpable threads of light into an object that looked exactly like a fire stone.

Yes, this was it! This was the growlithe's best shot at evolution, and if he didn't take it now, he would probably never get another chance, so he stepped forward and asked with a voice as firm and determined as he could muster, "What do I have to do with this?"

"I have smoothed the edges, so you may simply swallow it," Tai said with a soft smile, hovering the finished fire stone above Nico's snout. "Whenever you are ready."

"O-okay. Here goes nothing!" The growlithe took a deep breath and opened his muzzle, snatching the stone out of the air. It was still warm and as smooth as advertised, so when he finally gulped it down, he barely had to strain himself as it slid down his maw almost on its own. As if it wanted to be inside him. "And now?"

"Now we wait. The process will begin any second."

Holding his breath, Nico did just that. Waiting for a second, then another, his eyes went out of focus while he concentrated on the fabricated fire stone as it went down his gullet. What would evolving feel like? Would it hurt because it wasn't a true fire stone? Could it fail? One final dash of doubt shot through the growlithe's mind, but then the magic commenced with a mighty surge of warmth, a radiant heat emanating from his stomach as if he had swallowed the sun itself. It wasn't painful -- he was a full fire type, after all -- but it was overpoweringly intense nonetheless as all nerves inside him began firing, bombarding his brain with a storm of tingles and blurring his senses until he couldn't tell if he was standing anymore or not.

Overwhelmed by sensations, the growlithe could no longer think, turning his head in speechless awe as a veil of pure white light enveloped him from the outside. Whirling faster and ever faster, the brilliant glow merged with his fur, exacerbating the furious tingling inside his limbs until his paws grew numb in the same instant. Vision dark, ears full of fluffy fur, and no more feeling in his pawpads and muzzle, it was as if his body had ceased existing. He spent another seemingly endless moment in sensory nothingness before the light returned in a flash, a concussive bang ringing in his ears as his sense of smell returned more acute than ever, almost allowing him to smell the marble beneath his feet.

That wasn't the only change, however. Once Nice's enhanced eyes and ears had adapted to his environment, he noticed that his point of view had risen, his body was feeling heavier, taller, and bulkier than before, and he noticed a dense, thick fluff from the corners of his eyes that hadn't been there before. "I-It worked!? Am I an arcanine now?" he gasped, only to jump at his own sonorous voice. With more resonating space and larger vocal chords, it had become much deeper, fuller, and richer than he would've ever hoped for. "Oooooh!?"

"Yes," Tai assessed with a grin, snapping his fingers to cast a psychic mirror panel in front of his visitor.

A single glance confirmed all of the fire type's hopes and findings, as he faced the reflection of a towering arcanine. A reflection of himself. With an overjoyed laugh, he leaped into the air and whirled around, his tail wagging in a flurry while he tried to get a look at himself from all angles. "I'm an arcanine!" he yelled, bouncing up and down with a billowing mane. "So big and fluffy! And so strong! This is perfect!"

Overwhelmed by his enthusiasm, Nico danced and pranced around the mewtwo's den for another two minutes until he exhausted himself so much that he tripped over his massive, furry legs and dropped right in front of Tai. Looking upside down at the other pokemon, panting with his tongue lolling from his muzzle, he cheered, "Thank you! Thank you so much! This is awesome, I don't even know where to start."

"Well, I do know," Tai chuckled, slowly lowering his hovering body until his gargantuan nuts rested on the ground. With his arms still crossed in front of his chest, he smiled at the arcanine as a powerful twitch rippled through his flaccid cock, its veins pulsing vigorously as it began to swell and engorge with blood. "As delightful as it is to watch you frolic around my home, it is time for you to fulfill your share of the deal." With his gaze wandering over Nico's exposed belly, the mewtwo licked his lips when he reached the quadruped's huge, fuzzy sheath and furred nuts, each of the orbs now melon-sized. "I almost forgot how hot arcanines are."

At that point, Nico wasn't sure what surprised him more. Was it the unequivocal interest from the most powerful psychic pokemon he had ever met? Or the fact that Tai's cock grew another foot longer as it became fully erect? In any case, his words were music to the arcanine's ears, and his massive, throbbing schlong looked as tempting as his plump, swollen nuts, now that they weren't as menacingly oversized compared to his own body. In fact, he couldn't help but drool at the view, and a familiar tingling in his loins teased out the tapered crimson tip of his cock as his contractual obligation felt more and more like a reward.

"You're really hot, too," Nico replied and dropped onto his belly, shuffling toward the mewtwo to sink his muzzle into the crevice between his balls. Smooth, warm, slightly sweaty, he sampled a cautious sniff and received a scent so rich and potent that he couldn't even begin to wrap his head around it. He only knew that he needed more, and he took an even deeper whiff, flooding his nose and lungs with the psychic's intoxicating aroma. "Oh, and your scent. Your scent... you smell amazing!" His musk was as earthy as forest soil, yet sweet as berries and laced with tangy and sweaty notes, brimming with pheromones, and a hint of tree saps. Tai smelled so exotic, yet exactly like home.

In short, the mewtwo's nuts smelled plain and simply delicious, making Nico salivate so much that his drool ran down his chin in a steady stream before he put it to better use. Parting his lips, he pressed his tongue against Tai's sack and dragged it across the sweaty skin, eagerly slurping up his muzzle-watering aroma. Suffice to say, the arcanine wasn't satisfied with a single lick, as he immediately went for seconds, eagerly sweeping his wet, rosy muscle across the bulk of his partner's breeding orbs in broad swipes, savoring and gulping down his flavors with breathy, ever-needier whines.

"How does anything taste this good?" Nico whimpered while his brain clouded with lust, hardly able to keep up with his surging arousal. And before too long, his affection devolved into ardent, thorough worship with all he could offer as he slurped and sucked on Tai's fat balls, showering every inch with kisses while kneading and massaging the bottom half with his forepaws. "Fuck, so good."

All the while, the mewtwo watched Nico with a pleased smile, his arms still crossed. However, the psychic's sublime, calm composure was faltering, and once it cracked, it burst like an overripe fruit in the rain. Throwing back his head, he burst into a scream that echoed within the physical world and the arcanine's mind alike, vibrating with a hundred layers of deep, pent-up lust at once while his nuts tensed and his colossal shaft flexed hard, squirting a glob of sticky, hot pre across Nico's thick, luxurious mane.

The outburst surprised the arcanine so much that he keeled back over with a stunned squeak. By the time he recovered, something on his own fluffy frame caught his attention. Huffing Tai's balls had gotten him hard as diamonds, and his erection turned out to have grown just as much as the rest of him. Jutting out of his fuzzy black sheath, his tapered crimson bitch breaker reached almost half across his fuzzy black belly, and just below it rested a pair of melon-sized cum tanks on his thigh. "I- I'm so big. How am I so big? Are all arcanines this big?"

Hovering over Nico's body, the mewtwo chuckled softly and unceremoniously rested his monstrous balls on the arcanine's belly. "No, they're usually not quite that big. This is a side effect of the fire stone I fabricated for you, as the process inevitably includes some of my preferences no matter how much I try to curb them," he explained, bending over the arcanine's chest until the hooded tip of his cock rubbed up against Nico's chin, soaking his mane with a fresh wad of pre. "And I just happen to love it big. Cocks, balls, or pokemon, the bigger, the better."

The arcanine gave Tai a fascinated nod, "Good thing I like it big, too. Not too big, but that won't be an issue now that I am big. And fluffy." Tilting his head forward, he gave the mewtwo's drooling tip a kiss before he slipped his tongue under its ample, stretchy foreskin. The canine still wasn't sure what purpose it served, but it was definitely fun to play with as he lifted it up and curled it around his eager muscle, sampling an even more intense taste of the psychic pokemon. It was all the same aromas, but infinitely more raw and ripe, and he whined and moaned like a bitch in heat as the potent, salty mix smothered his taste buds, leaving him squirting and squirming, tearing up and drooling even harder. "So good~"

Hungry for more, Nico plunged his muzzle onto Tai's tip and took it all the way to the back of his throat. He couldn't go any deeper in his current position, but that didn't keep the randy fire type from sucking and slurping every inch within his reach with gags of pure delight, gorging himself on the hot, salty pre and explosion of flavors. His paws didn't remain idle either, and with the mewtwo's gargantuan orbs on his midriff, he curled up to rub and stroke them with all four paws from both sides, kneading every inch within his reach. Better yet, his swollen taper ended up resting against the crease between Tai's sweaty nuts, and he naturally began to buck his hips, grinding his sensitive fuck meat against the warm, supple tissue with grunts of mindless pleasure.

The mewtwo enjoyed the arcanine's full-body worship just as much, moaning and quivering in heavenly delight. Both hands wrapped around the base of his shaft, he began rubbing himself off, dumping extra squirts of pre into Nico's hungry gullet, while he focused his psychic powers to return the favor and prepare his partner for the main course.

A dozen glowing, translucent pink tendrils manifested around the fire canine's rump, two of them holding down his furiously wagging tail while the others spread across his butt, caressing his nuts, his sheath, and his tight, puffy black pucker. Fortunately, Nico was no stranger to getting mounted, especially since all his evolved friends never wasted an opportunity to take his snug growlithe hole for a spin, so he gladly embraced the attention, and the sheer agility and gentle force of the mewtwo's psychic appendages sent a celestial thrill through his lust-addled body.

Already sensitive around the rim, Nico's insides were even more receptive to Tai's squirming tendrils, particularly when they rubbed up against his prostate. He was so unprepared for the storm of sensation, in fact, that he erupted on the spot. His knot popped out of his sheath and his nuts churned up his first load as an arcanine. A mighty squirt of thick, hot semen blasted from his tip and splashed across Tai's back, painting the psychic's sweaty skin with a long, wet streak of milky white, and it was only the first of many more to come as he broke away from the mewtwo's tip and roared out in celestial bliss.

Spurt after spurt, the arcanine nutted harder than ever before even though he wasn't tied to anything, losing himself in the otherworldly rush for an entire minute. Only then, his violent eruption ebbed to more manageable levels, and as he gasped for breath, sweaty and still horny, he realized the aftermath of his eruption. Through his evolution, his balls had become productive enough to cover the mewtwo's entire back and backsack in his warm, gooey seed, not to mention his own abdomen and the floor around them, but Tai didn't mind the mess.

Dipping a finger into Nico's cum, the mewtwo sampled a lick with a pleased hum. "Thick, creamy, potent. You taste delicious, but you really need to work on your stamina," he cooed before he shifted backward, dragging his hyper-sized nuts across the arcanine's abdomen and tail until he was far back enough that his swollen, leaking cock tip slipped down the fire-type's perineum, pressing up against his loosened tailhole in a sloppy smooch. "Now, are you ready for the eggs?"

Nico looked at Tai in genuine surprise. So he was being serious about the eggs? The arcanine was about to shake his head when he realized that he wasn't as exhausted from his orgasm as usual. No, he was still rock-hard, drooling a thick, stringy mix of pre and cum from the tip, and even his knot remained uncovered, pulsing as there was no lazy afterglow, no oversensitivity, no need to rest, just a burning urge for more permeating every fiber of his body. Besides, a deal was a deal, and the mewtwo had stayed true to his word. This was among the most fun he had ever had, and his remaining concerns about the eggs finally made way for burning curiosity, so he nodded with a shaky groan.

With a satisfied smile, the mewtwo gripped the arcanine's fluffy ankles and looked deep into his eyes as he thrust forward, tenderly spreading his puffy ring with the first inch of his massive tip.

Nico's anus proved so sensitive that he felt his partner's foreskin peeling back as he pushed it in, stretching him out with its pulsing warmth before he gently added the next inch, slowly sinking the rest of his humongous schlong into his ass. Biting his lip and clenching his paws, the arcanine let loose a wet, vibrating whimper as it slid ever deeper and deeper, only to open his muzzle and eject his tongue in a throaty howl as it reached his prostate, squeezing it with inexorable might while the oversized rod moved deeper still. After all, most of the gargantuan fuck meat wasn't even inside him yet, and the hungry glint in the psychic male's eyes told him that he wouldn't be satisfied until he had buried every last inch in him. Already, he noticed a bump on his abdomen as the throbbing schlong entered his guts, and it only grew bigger from there, soon rubbing up against his own taper from inside his belly.

"Ah, it has been a while since I've enjoyed an ass as tight and hot as yours," the mewtwo sighed, slowing his advance as he didn't manage to fit any more of his breeding meat. "Your paws are so soft and supple, too, Nico." Rubbing his thumbs across the arcanine's pawpads, he finally let go of his feet and bent over his belly, or rather over his hot, swollen canine package to wrap his arms and chest around the fire type's fat, knotted rod and his furry black breeding orbs. "And your body is so fluffy, your cock so thick and musky, your eyes so pretty, and your voice so hot when you scream with bliss~" With an impish grin, Tai gathered his psychic powers to shove in the remaining inches of his fuck rod until his balls met the arcanine's plush derrière in a soft clap.

The sudden, forceful thrust drew a resounding howl from Nico's throat, as he had never been this full of fat, pulsing cock meat before, and he erupted in a cry of overwhelmed delight as the mewtwo began to fuck him with deep, unyielding thrusts. Eyes blazing pink, the powerful psychic lifted his hips up into the air until nothing but his tip remained in the arcanine's ass, only to drive himself back down and impale the evolved male with his humongous breeding rod, over and over again. It didn't matter that he took his sweet time between thrusts, as every plunge overwhelmed Nico with another avalanche of stimulation, and every inch grinding against his pleasure bulb made him howl while he rolled his eyes back in his head. As if the thorough gut stretching wasn't enough already, Tai also wrapped his hot lips around the fire canine's tip and slurped his pre with horny huffs, dancing his tongue around his sensitive shaft while a dozen ethereal pink copies of his hands caressed the rest of the fluffy male, stroking his mane, petting his belly, and rubbing his sides.

The powerful psychic spared no expense to shower his partner with affection, completely overwhelming the poor male's mind with his ministrations. In a single minute, the restless rubbing and stroking, the intense massage outside and inside of him pushed Nico back on the edge of perfection, and he popped with a blissful whine. "Fuck, Tai, I can't hold it back anymore!" Once again, his nuts kicked into action, and Tai pulled away from the arcanine's tip just in time to evade his messy eruption, firmly stroking his pulsing rod while he erupted with a volley of thick, steaming hot ropes of seed, painting his mane and muzzle with so much nut milk that he couldn't smell or taste anything else.

While the arcanine was still succumbing to his second orgasm, the mewtwo picked up the pace. Slamming his monstrous schlong inside the evolved male's plump pucker and convulsing depths, he thrust him into even higher spheres of bliss, breaking his brain with raw stimulation and milking his prostate dry with his increasingly vigorous thrusts. "Don't stop cumming yet, Nico, because I am about to join you," the psychic male growled, driving his whole fuck meat inside him two more times before he bottomed out with a scream so primal and powerful that it felt like he was about to explode the entire mountaintop even if he only exploded inside the fire canine's guts. Yet, where Nico had thought his own eruption had been big, his partner's intense, voluminous spurts easily dwarfed his own. "Take my seed! Take it all!"

Meanwhile, Nico's orgasmic howl fell silent as he looked down at his bulging belly, watching with big eyes and a pounding heart as the mewtwo's relentless torrent inflated his midriff into a round, sloshing ball of cum in a matter of seconds. The flood had only just begun, and the potent psychic continued to fill him with a warmth and pressure beyond comprehension. pumping him so full that the sensation alone rekindled his own orgasm, making him nut even harder than before. "F-full," he whimpered, instinctively placing his paws on the swelling dome to alleviate the surging pressure with vigorous rubs. "So full! So hot! So much!"

"Yes, and it is perfect," the mewtwo purred with purple fire in his eyes while the arcanine's midriff swelled so much that it hung over his sides, hiding his entire fully erect, knotted cock from his own eyes. Another moment later, Nico couldn't even see his partner's face anymore, and his ears were ringing from the sloshing, gurgling cum in his belly, but although his body was expanding to proportions he had never thought possible, it stopped before it became too much. The overwhelming rush subsided, and while Tai's thick, throbbing fuck rod was still lodged inside his puffy, stretched tailhole, not a single drop spilled out of his huge, ballooning cum belly.

Now that the mewtwo's orgasm had ended, Nico's climax finally ceased as well, and he recovered with an incredulous whine. "Wow, you came a lot."

"Indeed. I have been saving up for over a decade now, and I must say, I could not have asked for any better relief," Tai nodded and slowly pulled his cock out of Nico's ass. Extracting inch after inch in a slow, seemingly endless process, the arcanine's ring and his tip finally separated with a wet pop, and before any of the precious load could gush from the gaping, swollen hole, he sealed it with a glowing psychic plug. "This was worth every second and every ounce of effort." Done with the fire canine's ass, the mewtwo dropped next to his partner and cuddled up against his mane with one leg and his deflating cock draped across his inflated, sloshing belly. "You will make for a wonderful mother, Nico."

Tai's words brought a glowing blush to Nico's cheeks, and he looked at the blissed-out mewtwo. "T-thanks, I guess? So I'm really gonna have eggs now?"

"Indeed. Judging by your size, you'll have two, maybe three."

"What, so few?" Nico chuckled, patting his giant midriff. "All this for two eggs?"

"Well, each of them will be my size, since our kind is born fully grown and adult," the mewtwo added. "But you do not have to worry. They will not grow this big all at once, but each when its time is ripe, and I promise that you will enjoy carrying and giving birth to each."

"Oh wow, t-that's... big. And when will the time be ripe? How long does it take for them to grow?"

"A year at least, but most likely several years, all depending on the circumstances," Tai cooed, affectionately stroking Nico's messy mane. "But you will not carry a huge, gravid baby belly with you all the time. Unless that is what you deeply desire."

The way the mewtwo emphasized the last part sent a thrill through Nico. "What I desire? How does that affect their growth?"

"Your evolution has not come from a fire stone, but through a part of me. That means you will always be tied to me, and I will be tied to you, which includes our offspring, even as eggs. Because of that, you have become stronger than an onix, stretchy and tough enough to take a whole herd of zebstrika, sensitive enough to cum from being fucked by a rattata, virile enough to knock up any female in heat, and productive enough to make even males look like you knocked them up, but enough of my fantasies," Tai laughed. "First and foremost, I want you to be happy with your evolved form, and you are free to leave whenever you want, to return to your friends and show off your new self. And if you promise me not to tell anyone about the mewtwo you met at the top of this mountain, you are welcome to return at any time. I will make sure to feed and pamper you, and my cock is always yours to enjoy."

At first, the arcanine was at a loss of words as he realized the true extent of the mewtwo's blessing before he began to nod, slowly, then faster, his tail joining in with an enthusiastic wag. "Thank you. Thank you so much for all of this. You are the best," he said, leaning toward Tai to lick him wildly across the face, making the psychic snort and giggle in weak protest. "This is the best day of my life." But even the best day of his life had to come to an end, and ultimately, no amount of excitement and gratitude could make up for the fact that he had scaled a huge mountain, wandered through tunnels for two hours, evolved, cummed twice, and received a belly-ballooning load of seed. So once his flurry of licks was over, he lay back and closed his eyes, dozing off in the priceless knowledge that he would wake up as an arcanine tomorrow and every day from now on -- all thanks to his new, powerful friend.