Joona's Practice

Story by Ceeb on SoFurry

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A little quicky piece for FA: pnkng featuring two characters of his, Violet the saber-tooth tiger, and Joona the husky boy.

This was fun to do. I hate the title I came up with, but the story is hot.

The illustration was drawn by tatsumichi and is used with permission.

If you'd like a piece of this length and quality, the price is 50 USD.

Writing (C) me

Violet and Joona (C) FA: pnkng

Illustration (C) tatsumichi


At the request of his mother, Joona left the apartment, and he trotted down the stairs to the foyer to pick up the mail. Just as he arrived, the mailman was leaving, and he regarded the young husky with a cursory wave, one that Joona returned just as briskly.

Twice, Joona put the key into the wrong lock, and he swore under his breath the second time. Finally, he took a more careful look at the row of boxes, and he took a deep breath in a futile attempt to clear his head. Spotting the correct box anyway, he sunk the key into the hole, and he turned it. It unlocked with a resounding click, and he slid the small drawer out.

As it came to be, the box was empty anyway; not even an an annoying piece of junk mail or a bill. I came all the way down here for this?

Joona was rightfully upset; he had locked himself in his room and was enjoying a frantic round of self-abuse when mother asked him to check the mail. He couldn't lie to her and ask for just another minute; she would have known he was up to no good. He had resigned himself to his blue balls and he did as she asked.

When he pushed the drawer in, it clicked into place; he twisted the key, resetting the lock, and he tucked it into a hip pocket. Before he turned to head back to the apartment, he tried to rekindle his fantasy - a fun little piece, a frequent rental from his spank bank, it involved the sexy UFC fighter from next door, Violet.

As he turned and took a step, a lewd smile on his lips, he saw Violet just dismounting the stairs. She was dressed in only her baggy gym shorts and a black sports bra with no slack whatsoever, accentuating her breasts, making them pop.

"Hey, Joona," she said as she neared him, pulling her key out of her hip pocket.

"Nngh, uh, ah," Joona inarticulately mumbled. Violet laughed and clapped his shoulder.

"You okay?" she asked, smiling fondly. She exuded a big sister warmth that made Joona all the more awkward.

"Uh, um... Not really."


"Not really, huh," Violet said, and at that moment, her smile was less warm and more coy. The blush on Joona's face was as clear as the day, and from that alone, she knew something was up. Joona was always adorably awkward around her, but this occasion was especially cute. "How come?" the tiger asked, unlocking and opening her own mailbox; inside were plainly-addressed bills and a magazine called Inside The Ring.

"Stuff on my mind," Joona answered honestly and quietly. In his head, he'd had Violet in more way than he could count, and those lewd fantasies only made his interactions with her all the more difficult.

Violet leafed through her mail, and then she put a paw on Joona's shoulder; he tensed at the contact.

"I, uh, should really go now," Joona said, and he pointed toward the stairs, but Violet left her paw where it was. She didn't squeeze with it, however; he could have pulled away with zero effort.

"Oh, okay," the tiger said, grinning softly. After dragging her tongue over fangs, she leaned down low, and then she bumped her nose into his ear. "Go on, then."

Joona whined and bit his lip, yet he stayed rooted to that spot. If anyone passed through on their way home or to grab their mail, the news would spread through the apartment like a wildfire - and then, Joona suspected, he'd get beaten up by Violet's boyfriend. Even acknowledging all of that, he couldn't bring himself to pull away.

Though a friendly girl, Violet was a feline first and foremost; Joona's little whine and all of his submissive and shy antics were arousing to her in the most primal ways. She nipped the ear she'd been whispering into, and its' sudden flick delighted her. "Hey, you know what, Joona?"

"Ah, what?" the husky mumbled.

"I'm done exercising for today. Jack's not gonna be home for a while yet."

"Are you saying you wanna...?" Joona blurted out, giving Violet a weirdly bug-eyed, startled look.

"Are you saying you don't?" Violet grinned back.


Violet locked the door behind them, and she made it quite clear that she knew what was on Joona's mind. She first pecked the dog on the lips, and then, in a manner not unlike a hungry predator, she ground her saber-tooth fangs into his neck, rumbling in a low and sultry manner.

Joona groaned, his blush becoming a few shades deeper, and he lay his paws upon the tiger's shapely hips. They were hot, firm, and getting to actually touch them was a million times more gratifying than even his most despicable fantasy. "Oh, god," he gasped, baring his neck submissively for the big cat, "I can't believe this is happening."

Grinning, Violet pressed her hips into his own, and then she knelt, her hips escaping his trembling paws. As hungry for cock as she always was, Violet teased Joona for only a moment by grinding her short snout into his crotch; his jeans were tented by an obvious bulge, but it was somewhat obscured by the fact that his hoodie hung so low on his body. It didn't matter to Violet; she knew what she wanted and where to find it.

Blushing, Joona reached into his pocket, and he took out his phone; then, with the other paw, he somewhat absently lifted up his hoodie, giving Violet more access than she needed, exposing the flat plane of his belly to her in the process.

Growling hungrily, Violet undid the dog's zipper and popped the button of his jeans, and overhead, she heard the shutter-click of a camera; or, more appropriately, of a camera app. The idea that the husky was shy enough not to look her in the eye but bold enough to take photos of himself getting laid was cute in its' own queer way, but the idea of being in a little amateur porn was also arousing to the tiger. Just once, she glanced up at the unfeeling eye of his camera, and then she turned her eyes back down to his crotch; his boxers were tented, a stain of pre appearing in their fabric. Violet licked her lips, hooked her thumbs in the waistband, and tugged the boxers down around his knees.

Click! Joona snapped another picture, just as his knotted cock sprung free of his boxers' elastic waistband. The pointed tip smacked into Violet's lip, leaving a bead of pre on it; Joona smiled impishly at the sight and took another picture.

Violet wiped her lip on the back of a paw, and then she engulfed Joona's swollen member; she bobbed hard and suckled hungrily, lavishing the underside and the tip with her rough tongue. With paws left strong by training and fighting, adorned by fingerless gloves, she took hold of her young admirer's throbbing balls and started to palm and roll them. While she worked her neighbor so thoroughly, her head bobbing, her paws groping, she looked up to him, past the camera and into his eyes. Her gaze conveyed overwhelming and obvious lust, and a little bit of affection, too; she liked Joona, and it had more than a little bit to do with letting him finally get his way with her.

In between shaking moans and squirts of pre, Joona's phone crunched with the fake sound of a camera's shutter again and again; he took dozens of pictures of that beautiful feline going down on him, catching her in all stages of her performance - bobbing down, pulling back, pausing to lick over the drooling tip, and infrequent nuzzles were all captured for what Violet correctly assumed was the boy's porn folder.

In time, Violet was able to tune out the sound of the clicking as she got into her groove; she engulfed the husky all the way up to the knot and sucked with all her strength, breathing through her nostrils to keep that seal up as long as she could. Joona's balls throbbed hard in her strong, molesting paws; that was a feeling she especially liked, the promise that she was on the right track and that the dog wouldn't last. One paw crept up from those balls, closing around the dog's bulbous knot. In the meantime, Violet pulled back to the tip, and she suckled only on its' tapered edge for a few seconds before returning to her skilled cocksucking in full force.

Joona panted and huffed, squeezing the edge of his hoodie so tightly that, beneath the fur, his knuckles went white. His knees shook, and the brush of his tail furiously wagged. His balls were a much more obvious herald for his coming climax, the way they drew up into the warmth of his loins. It occurred to him that he hadn't been taking pictures, but another idea came quickly; he pressed the record video graphic on the screen, and he watched Violet suckle and bob on the small, fingerprint-smeared screen with a lazy grin on his face; that grin stayed on right up until his climax struck him, and he moaned out long and hard as he pumped a sticky, heavy wad of his jizz into the tiger's maw.

Violet blushed and gulped the first few ropes of Joona's semen, but, in perfect coincidence with the fact that the boy was filming the act, she pulled back and she let the tail-end of the husky's shooting load splatter across her cheek. Coming into his afterglow, Joona panted and groaned hotly, and Violet ushered him into that warm sensation by groping rhythmically on his knot and stroking the throbbing length of his shaft with the other. The feline licked up what young and virile seed drooled from the tip, enamored with its' salty taste and thick, gooey texture; she wasn't ashamed to admit that she very much enjoyed the flavor of semen, and Joona didn't mind her pleasure in it at all.


When his afterglow had long since taken hold, and his yet-hard cock no longer oozed with its' masculine load, Joona ended his film and tucked the phone back into his pocket. Afterward, he dropped the bottom edge of his hoodie, and he simply stayed where he was with a content sigh.

Violet still idly palmed and rubbed the dog's member, a small and lewd smile on her lips, compounded by the drying jism smeared up the side of her face. After a quick smooch on the tip, she stood, and she loomed over her neighbor, treating him to nibbles and gnaws along the run of his jawline. A soft nuzzle saw her smear his snout with his own load; Joona was either unaware or not bothered by it. "You taste good, sweetheart," she rumbled, her strong paws rubbing and down the husky's back, beneath the hoodie and over furred flesh.

Joona murred in contentment, his sex drive subdued, his desires mostly satiated. His paws came to rest on the tiger's hips, laying there with more confidence than before, yet he still exhibited such darling shyness. "Thanks," he said, blushing and grinning, shying away from Violet's gaze somewhat.

Beneath, against Violet's pelvis, Joona's shaft still throbbed; the feline correctly surmised that she could have sent her young friend home, and that he would've been happy and without blue balls, but a blowjob was only part of the fun such a cute and willing young man could provide. Grinning deviously, Violet took his paw, and she led him over toward the sofa - to the back of it, not the seats.

Along the way, Joona tried to slip back into his jeans, but Violet gave him no chance to, and so he stepped out of them instead. His boxers still clung to his knees, but he had a giddy feeling he wasn't going to need them for some time yet, so he pushed them down and kicked them away.

Violet smiled briefly at the husky, and then she slid her gym shorts down and off. Nothing lay beneath them but bare fur and the damp crease of a pussy that was, quite simply, ready for sex. The feline licked across one of her prominent fangs, shooting her admirer just one more intensely lewd glance before turning. Planting her fore paws on the back of the sofa and the hind ones apart in a wide stance, she presented the muscular curve of her backside.

It was, of course, the tiger's cunt that Joona was instinctively drawn to. With paws that subtly shook, the husky took hold of the tiger's exposed hips, and he prodded the pointed, pink tip of his canine meat to those folds. Even lingering only on the outside, he felt the humid warmth that radiated from her mound and it made him moan. Ever so softly, his tip parted the lips of the feline's cunt, yet he seemed nervous to enter her.

Violet shivered in anticipation and the initial pleasure of just having the dog so close, poised to enter, his young and inexperienced body soon to be against her own. She spared a glance back at him, winking over her shoulder and smiling seductively, made a thousand times more lewd by the fresh semen that was fast encrusting all along her cheek. "Haven't you ever had sex with a girl before?" she cooed.

"Ah, uh, once," Joona stammered, his blush almost crimson.

"Just once, and I bet it wasn't very good, and I bet you came in about ten seconds - right?"

The dog just smiled in a very incriminating way, and he glanced down, but, promisingly, he eased into her just a little bit.

Violet pushed her hips back a bit, as well, and roughly an inch of the dog's cock disappeared into her cunt; Joona gasped, but Violet rumbled with a deep and resounding purr. "If you want to get better at it, I suggest you practice... Once a day, or more, if you want to get really good at it," the tiger cooed, looking forward again.

Joona's mind raced at the implications-- Sex? With Violet? Whenever I want it? --but he didn't let himself get too distracted. The heat of the moment struck him all at once; he wasn't having a dream, no matter how blissful it was. He was actually entering the hot girl from across the hall. Fucking her while her boyfriend was away, and while mom was wondering where he was. Naughty. It was like every single fantasy of his had come to life. Grinning, emboldened by his luck, he pushed forward hard, and Violet's wet cunt engulfed the entirety of his cock, sand knot, in one noisy, nasty shlup!

Violet emitted a mrowl of pleasure and arched her spine; Joona bit his lip and squeezed into the tiger's hips hard. He thought his first time had been all right, but being inside of Violet was a million times better - if not more so. The heat and the humidity, the clandestine thrill, and the tiger's sheer beauty added up to make it something Joona would never forget. Wrapping his arms around the big cat, clutching her breasts clumsily through the snug exercise bra, Joona started to rock his hips. His technique needed work, but Violet would see to improving that; he was good enough for her to call over whenever she wanted a nice, quick knot.

Under his breath, Joona uttered any number of content little nothings; mostly swears, but also some compliments to the big cat and her very loving cunt.

Violet smiled dreamily but lewdly, and she pushed her hips back into his sloppy, but eager thrusts, loving the threat of his knot pounding against her folds. She knew from experience that every male canine had a burning instinct to knot whatever it was they were fucking; it was compulsory, something even the most inexperienced of virgins tried to do, and Joona wasn't proving himself to be any different.

"Uhn, goddamn, fuck, fuck," Joona huffed, yet his words were nearly inaudible over the heavy, wet sucks and smacks of Violet's cunt around his throbbing meat. His balls, hanging reasonably low, smacked into the tiger's thighs sometimes, but right in between them at others. With paws to match his lewd fucking, he palmed the clothed mounds of her breasts and savored the way their natural flesh deformed beneath his mitts, how they were pleasurably warm to the touch, and how her responses were hot and distinct.

Violet was always a noisy girl when she was getting fucked; it was simply in her nature to be a talkative thing and a bit of a screamer when she got closer to her orgasm. Though Joona wasn't quite good enough to get her squealing - though she thought his knot probably would - he at least deserved her encouragement and praise. "Joona, baby, ooh, mmmh, yes," she cooed, pushing her behind back into him harder still, grinding against his knot, unabashedly begging for the thick, heavy gland.

"You're sexy," Joona gasped, "I've always wanted to fuck you! Mmh, gawd..." Joona's tail wagged furiously, and he ramped up his furious fucking, soon slamming his knot against the tiger's snatch with every buck. His thick, bulbous gland clearly threatened to enter her each time, but it didn't just yet. Squeezing her breasts tighter, leaving ruts in the flesh, but ones that would disappear without a trace, Joona grimaced and drilled the beautiful slut of a tiger with all of his strength.

Violet started to whine and moan, her claws sinking into the plush material of the sofa, rending it effortlessly and drawing up fluffy stuffing. "Joona, come on, knot me!" she yowled, shoving her ass back with desperation. "Knot me, fucking knot me hard, baby!"

Joona blushed brighter still at hearing his own name squealed like so, but it was thrilling - and it was the shove he needed. Pressing flush to the tiger, relinquishing her breasts in favor of just squeezing her as tightly as he could in an embrace, Joona pounded and pounded until he finally forced his knot into her pussy. It disappeared beyond the saturated lips with a loud, wet sound that started off as a suck, then terminated in a hard pop!

Violet tossed her head back and screamed at the hard, hot knotting; her cunt gripped the fat gland with nearly strangling force, and she ejaculated an astonishing amount of hot, sticky honey, most of which squirted and drooled around the dog's plugging knot under the pressure.

Joona shuddered and whimpered in sexual bliss as his own climax struck, a sight less potent than Violet's, but incredibly gratifying all the same. He had cum quite hard for her muzzle, and he filled her snatch almost as well, his balls giving up everything they had for that second orgasm. He thought to talk to her, to say something, anything, but he couldn't make a single syllable come out; Violet was just as stunned, silent beyond her panting.


"Oh my god," Joona shuddered, able to speak only after he was well beyond the throes of his orgasm. He stood up straight, but, still tied with Violet's tight cunt, he wasn't going anywhere just yet.

"Mmh, yeah," Violet cooed, staying slumped over the back of the couch. "You were good..."

"Aw, heh," Joona chuckled, idly rubbing up and down the tiger's back. "Thanks..."

"I think you can do even better, though," Violet added, looking back with a cute grin.

Joona grinned back. "Practice?"

"Mhm," she uttered. "_Any_time you want to, babe."

Joona leaned over Violet, and he kissed the back of her neck. "I think I could go for a little bit more practice right now..."