Female on Male Tickle Rape: Sly Cooper.

Story by Shinnjacob on SoFurry

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As the shadow sneaks around the building, he hides and runs, staying as quiet and sneaky as possible. The shadow then sees the front door leading to the treasure he seeks.

''Alright.... This is it.'' He said. He then slowly and quietly opens the door, and the shadow reveals himself to be Sly Cooper the legendary thief. He sees the gems and golds just sitting there, and nobody was here, which gave Sly the perfect opportunity to steal all this gold without trouble.

''Bingo. Now all I have to do is steal as much gold and gems as I can before anyone sees me.'' He thought. But just when he was about to move an inch, two shadowy hands came behind him and put a choloform gag on his mouth knocking him unconscious.

Sly's vision slowly opens up and blurrs, but then it clears and clears so he can see more clearly, a moan came from his voice.

''W-Where..... Am I?''

''Why hellllllooooo my handsome little Sly!'' The voice said. Sly then looks to see Mz Ruby standing and smiling evilly at him.

''M-MZ RUBY!?!?'' He then tries to move, but he felt something preventing his arms and legs from moving. He then felt a bit of a cold air on his body. He then realizes that he's tied up in her bed in an I-frame position, and the clothes he wore, are now gone, giving Sly a shocked reaction.

''W-WHAT!?!? I'm.......Naked....'' He said.

''Why yes you are, my handsome thief, I wanted to make this as romantic as possible.'' She said excitedly. Sly then blush in embarrassment. He never though that someone would tie him up like this.

''Oh no.......Um look Mz Ruby, I know you're in love with me, but.... Shouldn't you know that I'm in love with Carmelita?'' He said.

''Oh her? Hmhm, why would you be in love with a police officer when you got ME!! The sexiest female crocodile you can ever have!'' She said trying to do the dance to seduce Sly, but it only creep him out, and made him feel..... Rather uncomfortable.

''Ok lady, you're acting waaaaaaaaay too weird.'' He said.

''Me? Oh come now....... You know I am sexy!'' She said. She then gets close to Sly's naked body, and that's when she starts to slowly strip herself, creeping Sly out more and more.

''U-Uuuuuh o-ok Mz R-Ruby, c-can you p-please stop this?'' He said blushing more in embarrassment.

''My dear little Sly.... This is going to be the best night of your life....'' She is now completely naked revealing her big boobs, and her ass, shocking Sly, and giving him an unwanted erection.

''Well Sly, what do you think of it? I have lots of warmth on my breasts, and they're willing to give your dick a gooooood time. But that's not all, I also got a new tickling tool.'' She then turns around as Sly stares at her ass with a disgusted reaction, as he looks away. She then turns around again to reveal two big feathers on her hands. Sly can't believe this is happening.

''W-W-Wait a minute.... A-Are you actually going to....?''

''Why yes my dear, I'm going to give your dick and balls some little tickling for an orgasm.'' Sly now knows the inevitable, he is going to get TICKLE RAPED!!

''Oh no......... Nonononononononononono NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!''

''Oh yes.........Yesyesyesyesyesyes-''

''Ok, I think I get the point.'' He said.

''Good. Then this is going to be really fun for both of us.'' She then gets her feathers close to his private parts, making him nervous.

''NO!!! PLEASE!!! NOT THERE!!!''

''Oh yes...... Your dick and balls are gonna loooove this.'' She teased. The feathers then starts to tickle his dick and balls, making him laugh and moan.

''NOO!!!! NOHAHAHAHAHahahahahahaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOhohohohohohHOHOHOH!!!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAOP!!!!'' Ruby loves his reaction and his squirming, and how she tickles his erect spots. Sly didn't know that his private parts can be SOOOOOO ticklish.

''Yes Sly, just laugh and moan and enjoy your tickling pleasure.'' She said. Sly struggles against the bonds, but the bonds will not let him free, he has to endure this inescapable torture.


''Embarrassing? No, this is love! And I'm going to give you more of it!'' She said before tickling his private parts even faster, making Sly laugh and moan louder.

''NOHOHOOOHOOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OOOHOHOHOHOHOAHAHAHAHAHAHAOHOHOHOHOHOHOHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!'' Sly's dick gets taller as her feathers continue to give it unwanted pleasure. Mz Ruby loves his reaction.

''Yeeeeesss........ Feel it Sly.... Yeeess, cum on, you know you want to shoot out, don't you?'' She said to his penis. Sly is now crying with laughter, and is blushing red from humiliation. He can't believe that he's getting tickle raped by a fat female crocodile.

''RUBY!!! HAHAHAHAHAOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!!! STAHAHAHAHAHA-OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!!!!'' His dick streams white liquid down from the tip, making Ruby lick her tongue lustfully.

''OH YES!!!! YES!! CUM TO ME!!!'' She yelled. Sly's spots can't get away from those evil feathers, as they tickle them more and more and more, and will not stop until he cums. The dick shoot out a little bit of cum as it about to release.

''YES BABY YES!!!! CUM ON!!! CUM TO ME!!!'' Sly screams and shoot out more and more white liquid into her mouth for 2 minutes. Sly is now breathing and his face blushes dark red. He has never been humiliated in his life. The legendary thief has just been tickle raped by just one, female.

''Aaaah so GOOOOOOOOOOD!!! Your cum taste amazing Sly! Oh I almost forgot.'' She then turns around and back and uses the ropes to tie his toes back. Sly now knows his feet is going to get tickled.


''Oh don't worry, your feet might get tickled.'' She then rubs her breasts to tease Sly and gets it closer to his dick, making him even more nervous.

''At least my boobs will give your dick some lovely pleasure.'' She flirted.

''NOOOOO!!! NOHOHOOOOOO!!! PLEASE MZ RUBY!!! NOT THAT!!!! NOT TH-AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!'' He felt something is tickling his feet, and now her boobs are pleasuring his dick. Sly is now a helpless victim, with his dick being pleasured and his feet getting tortured.

''Oh you thought I was just using my tail huh? Hmhm, well I actually use my tail to carry the big brush and then use it to tickle your feet.'' She said.

''WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT!?!? NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!!!'' The brush is now torturing his poor feet, brushing faster and faster as she continues to pleasure his dick. Sly felt even more humiliated than before. In his mind, this is some kind of nightmare where the torture is not real, but he felt that it was real, but in reality, this is the REAL torture, this is the torture that he HAS to endure, and there is no escape.

''NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHSE!!!! STAHAHAHAHAH-OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!!!'' He begging is interrupted by his constant laughing and moaning. Her tickling and pleasuring goes faster and faster.

''Yes Sly...... Just laugh for me...... Squirm for me....... And moan in pleasure, and give me aaaaall your tasty liquids.'' She flirted again. Sly is sobbing in laughter, and squirms and squirms, trying to free his body from this torture.

''PLEAHAHAHAHAHAHAHSE STAHAHA-OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!! STAHAHAHAHAHA-OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!!'' His dick shoots out really small liquids out again, giving Ruby her lustful expression.

''YES BABY!!!!! RELEASE ALL YOUR LIQUID!!!! AND I'LL MAKE THE LUCKIEST DICK ALIVE!!'' She said to his penis again. Sly screams, and then the dick shoots out like a volcano, as it shoots out a lot more cum into her mouth for 3 minutes. Sly now feels even more humiliated. He hopes that this torture will finally end.

''Ok Ruby......Now can you please just.....Let me go?'' He said with his dark red face that really wants this humiliating torture to end.

''Let you go? Why should I baby? You're my husband now! And I'm not even done yet!'' She said, horrifying Sly.

''I'll just start tickling your dick and balls again while I tickle your feet with my tongue. Your feet will be my appetizer.'' She then walks close to his feet and puts away the brush, and the tail picks up the large feather duster and gets it close to his private spot again, making Sly shake in fear.


''Hello little feet, ready to get licked? You like that wouldn't you?'' She said to his feet.

''NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!!'' Ruby is now licking his feet with her tongue in a really fast pace, while her tail uses the huge feather duster, as it manages to tickle both his dick and his balls. Sly's eyes is now flooded with tears of laughter, and he squirms like a person being trapped in the asylum in a straitjacket. Ruby loves the taste of his feet just like his cum.

''HAHAHAHAHAHAOHOHOHOHOHOHOAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! I CAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAN'T TAHAHAHAHAHAHAKE IT AHAHAHAHAHAHANY MOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHARE!!!! PLEAHAHAHAHSE STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOP!!!!!'' His begging fall on deaf ears as her tongues torture his feet faster and faster, and the feather duster tickles his private spots faster and faster as well. Sly hoped that someone, even Carmelita, would save him. But there was noone that could hear him, noone to see him, and noone to call for help. Sly really hoped that this really is a dream, but only because he wanted this torture to end.

''I love this raccoon so much! I..... Want him....... No, I NEED HIM!!!'' She thought. His dick gets taller and taller and now his dick wants to cum again.


''NOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHASTAHAHAHAH-OHOHOHOHOHOHOAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!'' He screams yet again, and the dick shoots out even more cum than before, making Mz Ruby stop her tickling and go to taste all the cum in the air again for 2 minutes. Sly never felt soooooo humliated in his life. Sly just wanted this torture to end, so he can go home, but just when he thought this is over, Mz Ruby suddenly goes on top of him and look at him with her lustful face, making Sly freeze in fear.

''And now for the best part! I'm gonna ride you and tickle your armpits, and belly at the same time!'' Sly now gasps in horror.


''Oh Sly, I know you're being nice to me, but I'm gonna make you love me even more!'' She then raises her pussy and then slowly gets it close to his dick.

''NOOOO!!!!'' Sly said.



''YES!!!! I WILL RIDE YOU!!! AND YOU WILL LOVE IT!!!'' She said. She then inserts her pussy on his dick and rides it while she uses her fingers and fingernails to tickle his armpits and belly, making Sly laugh and squirm harder than ever before. Sly thought this torture couldn't get any worse, but it did, and now he has to endure it.


''.....*Groans*......Oh yes Sly......*Groans*......Laugh for me.....*Groans*......Fuck me.....*Groans*.....I love it.'' She moaned. Sly just laughs and moans as he tries desperately to free himself from this humliating torture, but now knows that it's useless.


''Then how about.....*Groans*.....You fuck me even more.....? *Groans*'' She then rides his dick in a faster rate, making Sly moan and laugh even louder.

''NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAOHOHOHOHOHOOHHAHAHAHAHA!!!'' Ruby is now bouncing on the bed riding his dick as fast and hard as she can. Her fingernails continue to torture his body even faster as the pleasure continues.

''Ooooh yes......*Moans*.....More.....*Moans*.......More laughing.....*Moans*......More moaning......*Moans*.....''


''....*Moans*......*Moans*......Yes Sly.....*Moans*......Cum.....*Moans*......For me....*Moans*...'' The moaning now gets louder and louder as she's about to scream. Sly laughs and moans louder as well, as the two are about to release their orgasms.

''......Aaah......OOOOOH YES!!!! CUM ON SLY COOPER!!! *Moans*....''

''HAHAHAHAHAHANOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO-OOOOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa.....'' They both scream in pleasure as Sly's dick shoot out cum on her pussy, and Ruby shoots out her pussy juice. Sly Cooper is now extremely humiliated and completely broken. He's so humliated that he now doesn't want to be a thief anymore. And his face is now blushed dark red for a long time.

''......*Sighs*........That was fun my dear Sly, maybe we should do it again.'' She said. Sly was too humliated to respond.

''Now you will sleep with me and be my husband forever.'' She said as she untie Sly and then sleep besides him, pulling his head into her chest, as he feels her warm boobs. It didn't make the situation any better though, since Sly is now nothing but a helpless victim. He hopes that one day he will be freed. Maybe Carmelita can save him. Sure she can still arrest him, but at least she can make him better right? Anyways thanks for reading and I'll see you next time.

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