Soldiers for Hire: Desert Heat

Story by Tissthalliss on SoFurry

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#1 of Soldiers for Hire

Vendrask and Raendyn have worked together for some time now, and are forced into the fray together when an envoy from the desert city of Arasthen arrives, explaining that their towns have been raided by some yet unknown force. The only details they had managed to recover, was that there was a great wyvern seen flying above the decimated cities, and on its back the one they believed responsible for all the destruction.

Hey everyone, sorry to take up your time with this message, but I just thought to warn that unlike my other stories, this one contains a fair amount of combat, and is filled with grisly and gory scenes. Besides that of course, is a fair amount of smut.

Vendrask's scaled paws sank lightly into the hot sand underfoot as he walked forwards, his wing lightly touching at the gryphon beside him as he shifted them about, attempting to dispel some of the infernal heat that was building on his delicate wing membranes. It seemed strange that even a creature such as a dragon could sweat, though Vendrask was more than thankful that he could only feel the slickness along his wings. The desert sun seemed to labour vigorously overhead, obliterating any chance of relaxing unless they could find some shade. Though there didn't seem to be sight of anything that could cast a shadow. And so, reluctantly, Vendrask lifted his paw from the scalding sand, and placed it forward in another mind numbing step.

They were in the desert of Arasthen, a large continent that was almost entirely desert. There wasn't much diversity among the races there, with most of them being some bread or another of reptile. There were a few other races there, like the Ren'sthal, a half primitive sort of feline race that still held to beliefs that the world was some sort of giant tortoise. Besides them, there were also the Nerlask, which were one of the larger species of canine, usually covered in light, dark fur. And then, there were the ever present humans, which seemed to spread across all the lands in a tide of stone and steel.

Vendrask's body was covered in thick red scales, which almost made the armour he wore useless, as he had never know of any blade, claw or tooth that had been able to pierce through his resilient scales. His belly, along with the rest of his underside, was covered in very light brown plates of scales, reaching from his chin all the way down along his tail. On his head sat three horns, with two reaching from the top of his head and sweeping back in a soft, elegant bend, and one nestled between his nostrils. The same brown coloured scales dipped down under his eyes, giving him an exotic look that set him apart from others of his species.

His claws retained the colour of his chest and horns, giving a nice subtle change to the bright red that covered his body, and were much more deadly than they appeared. Across his whole body, there weren't many points of actual flesh that could be spotted. Two of those, were the membranes that filled out his wings, looking like leather, or some sort of mystical sailcloth. The only other flesh that could be seen on him was a small sail that ran down from between the horns on his head to the tip of his tail, intersected at regular intervals by small scaly spikes that poked out of his spine. Between his legs, Vendrask had the common slit of his species, leaving many other species wondering exactly what gender he was.

"Do you ever think...?" Vendrask said, his breath labouring after the few words. "That the sun hates the desert?"

Raendyn looked over at the red dragon next to him, wondering where the sudden question had come from, and if perhaps the heat was beginning to addle the dragon's brain.

Raendyn wasn't as large as Vendrask, but he was certainly just as capable, which he had shown time and time again. His chest, back and wings were covered with lush black feathers, which were all much softer than they first appeared. Trails of white and brown delicately laced their way through the midnight black that made up most of his upper body, which looked more like they had been painted on than grown. His beak was a bright yellow, a nice contrast from the colours of his body, but not looking out of place. His lower half was covered in deep brown fur, which trailed along his tail, and down to his paws.

While Raendyn had the front feet of a bird, his back paws were more of a feline nature, with soft pink paw pads and toes resting on them. At the end of each toe on his paw, Raendyn was capable of forcing out a deadly claw, which could easily rend flesh from bone, and made him overly dangerous at close range. His front feet were even more feared though, as large talons rested on his toes, each one capable of wearing grooves into solid stone if he wasn't careful. Swaying slightly with every step, Raendyn's heavy, furred balls hung down between his legs, and just above that was his sheath, which protected his member from the elements, though nowhere near as good as Vendrask's was protected.

"Well, I'm not sure that the sun is capable of hating anything." Raendyn replied, holding back a wince as the steady heat of the sand assaulted his delicate paws, trying to keep most of his weight pushing down on his front feet, where he could scarcely feel it.

"I just find it strange is all," Vendrask suddenly continued, nearly making Raendyn stumble in the almost ankle deep sand he was trudging through. "The way that the sun glares down with such hate. Doesn't it make you wander? Did the desert commit some crime that earned it such hate from the sun?"

"Ven?" Raendyn said, looking over at the dragon with a slight frown creasing his features. "You haven't been drinking cactus juice have you?"

Vendrask looked over at Raendyn at his words, letting out an indignant huff at the suggestion, his tail tip flicking behind him with agitation, sending hot sand sailing towards the gryphon.

"Skrraaaa!" Raendyn screeched, jumping sideways in an attempt to dodge the sand, which was already annoyingly sneaking through his armour to annoy him. "Don't be mad at me because you're talking like a maniac." The gryphon said, shaking his body lightly to try and free some of the sand from his feathers and fur.

"I'm sorry." Vendrask said, leaning his head in close to try and offer his apologies. "It's just this damned heat! It never stops does it! Just this heat and the damned walls surrounding us!"

Raendyn pushed his head against Vendrask's at that, doing his best to calm the irritable dragon, letting his tail flick happily behind him at the comforting contact that Vendrask offered.

"Maybe we should try and find some shade?" Raendyn offered, talking quietly as he pulled his head away from Vendrask.

"What shade?" Vendrask asked, "Oh that's right, I forgot about the forest resting just around the corner!" he finished, sarcasm laced deep in his words.

"You really are in a bad mood..." mumbled Raendyn under his breath, looking down at his feet as they kicked sand forwards underneath him.

"I just wished we could be done with this already." Vendrask said, looking down at his own paws.

Letting out a sigh, Raendyn looked around, and after spying what looked to be a large fissure in one of the canyon walls up ahead, promising a relief from the sun with its deep shadows. He gently poked at Vendrask with his beak, trying to get the dragon's attention.

"What?" Vendrask snapped, turning his annoyed gaze upon the gryphon that seemed so intent on annoying him. Look at him, Vendrask thought, it looks as if the heat hasn't even touched him.

"Well if that's your attitude I think I won't tell you." Raendyn said, looking pointedly away from Vendrask.

"Just spit it out Raen, this desert has put me in a bad mood already and I really don't feel like playing your games right now."

"Fine then." Raendyn said, already pointing his beak towards the large fissure he had seen. "What do you see over there?."

Vendrask looked to where Raendyn was pointing, lightly flapping his wings in their sockets to try and relieve some of the heat. Once he spotted what the bird's sharp eyes had already seen his spirits lifted, as well as his mood.

"Well why are we still in the heat out here then? Come on!" Vendrask said, a grin already threatening to spill across his snout as he gave Raendyn a quick nuzzle before running of ahead, his wings beating at the, kicking up small clouds of sand and dust as he threw his body towards the fissure in large leaps.

Raendyn couldn't help but let loose a smile, or at least the best image of a smile he could, after seeing Vendrask finally pulled out of his annoyed state. He was quick to rush after the red dragon, wanting to try and rest his sore paws after having to trudge through so much hot sand. And of course, to finally have a break from the heavy, metal armour that covered his body. When Raendyn reached the fissure he could see no sign of Vendrask, save for the deep paw prints that the large dragon had left in his wake, giving an easy trail for Raendyn to follow. It looked like it would have been a bit of a squeeze for Vendrask to fit in the entrance, but Raendyn faced no such problems, easily fitting his small bulk through. Once inside he only had to walk a few steps forwards to find Vendrask lying on the cool ground under him, half of the heavy metal plates that had been covering him moments earlier already scattered around.

Raendyn's gaze caught on one such piece, which he knew was used to cover one of Vendrask's large shoulders, but more importantly, his eyes were glued to the large rune etched into the polished metal. It seemed to writhe across the polished surface, and hurt his eyes if he stared at it too much. Pulling his gaze away, Raendyn set to removing his own armour, reaching back with his beak to tug and pull at what straps he could reach. While it was a hassle to carry, the enchanted armour had saved the two of them more times than they could count, with both the protection of the armour itself, as well as the magic dampening effect it caused. After a while Raendyn was starting to get annoyed though, only seeming to tighten the straps that held the armour on his body. He gave up soon after, turning to ask Vendrask for help, and was met with a lazy looking dragon with a smug grin.

"Looks like you could use help." Vendrask said, his grin seeming to spread even wider.

"Yes..." Raendyn said, sighing deeply. "Would you?"

"Of course." Came Vendrask's reply, as he slowly pulled himself from the floor, one of the pieces of metal that had been covering his ankles falling off from the simple movement.

"I'm glad to see that you're in a better mood now."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I know it wasn't your fault, and I didn't mean to be so harsh." Vendrask apologised, working with teeth and claws to pull apart what human hands had tied together.

"It's fine," Raendyn said, lying down and rolling over so that Vendrask could get to the straps that laced across his chest and belly. "I can understand how easy it is to become annoyed in a place like this."

Vendrask snorted at that, tugging loose a bunch of knots, wincing slightly as he ripped more than a few of the leather straps from their anchor points. He could hardly remember a time when Raendyn had truly been annoyed.

"I'm not so sure about that," Vendrask mumbled, "I just wish it wasn't so hot! You look as if you can barely feel it, but me, well I'm wide open to the heat."

"You're a dragon!" Raendyn replied in a shocked sounding voice. "And not to mention you control fire!"

"What does that matter when I can't pull away from the heat? I think that I may be the first dragon ever that will get blisters." Vendrask said, earning a few chocking sounds from Raendyn, which he soon found out was the gryphon trying to hold back his laughter.

"Grraaar... fine then, laugh, but I've helped you out of your armour, so the least you can do is return the favour." Vendrask grabbed hold of the last piece of enchanted armour left on the gryphon, the seemingly massive chest piece, and tossed it aside onto the sand.

"I didn't mean to insult you." Raendyn said, rolling over and standing up. "It's just that the thought of those giant wings of yours all puffed out and blistered was too funny to ignore."

"Go ahead and touch them." Vendrask offered, "Feel the head that is trapped in them."

Raendyn almost visibly flinched back at that. "I'm not going to touch your wings." Raendyn said, making a point of starting with the armour on the dragon's legs. "At least not when they look like that."

"Oh, and does that mean that your own wings don't sweat from the heat?" Vendrask asked, grinning and spreading his legs apart a little so that Raendyn could remove the armour covering his legs easier.

"Well naturally gryphons are too noble to sweat." Raendyn said, lifting his head high and looking down his beak at Vendrask, who just let out a snort and started laughing.

"Oh my mistake, I forgot that birds are too good to sweat." Vendrask laughed, trying to keep still while Raendyn worked at removing the last of his armour.

"Well if I'm a bird I guess that would make you a lizard then." Raendyn retorted, letting out a little huff of laughter as he heard Vendrask's snort of indignation.

"Have you ever seen a lizard with wings so fine as mine?" Vendrask asked, lifting them high as the last piece of his armour fell to the ground.

"I can't say, I've never seen a lizard with wings before. Besides you of course."

"Rrraarr... well you'll see. Once I manage to cool them off they will be back to their full glory!"

"And what glory have your wings ever seen?" Raendyn asked curiously, eyeing one of the large red wings.

Without bothering to reply, Vendrask let himself fall to the ground again, rolling over and pushing his wings into the cool sand under him.

"What's this? You don't even care to explore the rest of this cave?" Raendyn asked, pointing to the dark corridor of stone that seemed to trail off into oblivion.

"My wings still burn, and I'm not moving until they have cooled off enough." Vendrask replied, wiggling his hips and shoulders around, digging himself a little groove in the sand.

"Well..." Raendyn said, taking a few steps back, "I could always help with that."

"Really? And how would you-" Vendrask was cut off as he was suddenly pushed into the ground but a massive wind, that seemed to have come from nowhere.

Raendyn let his focus pull back slightly, reaching out with his mind to grab hold of the powerful energy that reached up through the ground. He let the coolness of it flood through his body, letting it tickle at his limbs before channelling it outwards, forcing it into what he wanted, which just happened to be a slightly to strong breeze.

Clenching his eyes shut, Vendrask quickly rolled over, jumping to where he had last seen Raendyn, hoping to catch a paw full of the gryphon's feathers. He caught only sand though, and he opened his eyes, glad that the wind seemed to have dissipated, no longer flinging sand around the small cave. He could see Raendyn leaning against one of the walls, holding a foot up to his beak to try and muffle the laughter that Vendrask could easily hear coming from him. By the time Raendyn looked up again, he was met with the sight of Vendrask lunging across the small space of the cave, paws held out in front of him and an evil looking grin on his muzzle.

"Oof!" Was all that the gryphon could manage before he was pulled to the ground, desperately trying to pull air back into his lungs, kicking his paws at Vendrask in an attempt to try and roll away from the vengeful dragon.

Vendrask wasn't going to let him get away though, and wrapped his paws around Raendyn's chest, pulling the gryphon's smaller body back against his own, giving a few quick playful nips at the feathers on the back of Raendyn's head before finally letting the gryphon go. Raendyn stumbled forwards when Vendrask let go of him, letting out a surprised squawk as he fell forwards into the soft sand under him. If he didn't know Vendrask so well he probably would have been mad, but when he looked back and saw the big toothy grin the dragon wore he could only smile back, before getting back off the ground and slowly heading towards the dark tunnel that looked to bore deep into the side of the canyon wall.

"Come one." Raendyn said, flicking his head back over his shoulder in a gesture for Vendrask to follow.

"I doubt we'll find the wyvern rider down here." Vendrask said, quickly padding forwards to catch up with Raendyn.

"Probably not, but aren't you curious as to what we _will_find?" Raendyn asked, looking back over at the dragon with a gleam in his eyes.

"Probably sand." Came Vendrask's reply. "Though this smell doesn't seem very good."

Raendyn just nodded his head in reply, now reluctant to continue. He was stubborn though, and he wanted to see what there was up ahead. They had been walking for a few minutes, working their way deeper into the tunnel, which seemed never ending, and to be getting colder by the second. The first bones they came across were found with a dry crunch as Vendrask accidentally split one underfoot, not even know it was there. It wasn't long before they found more though, with the heavy smell of decay cloying the air with its stench. There weren't just bones though, and though Vendrask seemed to compose himself well, it seemed that Raendyn was ready to empty his lunch on the floor. Lying scattered throughout the small room were bodies of all races, though they hadn't died from natural causes.

The bodies had clearly been brutalized even after death, with limbs shorn from bodies, entrails leaving a sickly smell where they had spilled from the bellies of the poor creatures that had been caught here. Every now and then a patch of fur or scales could be seen, and even the occasional glimpse of feathers, but that was all that remained of the people that had died here. Neither of the two said anything as they continued taking in the scene before them, stepping tentatively over the still damp red sand that seemed to cover nearly the entire floor. It was easy to tell what had done this, with the brutal axe and club wounds evident on all of the corpses.

Raendyn felt the guilt of the situation seep in after he found himself staring into the blank eyes of a Nerlask, their face twisted in a mask of torment and agony. All around him the corpses of these innocent people seemed to be staring at him, silently begging him for the help that they would never receive. He was here to get rid of the problems that had plagued the desert people, to try and save them from the horrid green skinned creatures that only seemed to exist to kill. He had failed them all. Did they think of him when they died? Wondering why he wasn't there to protect them? Maybe they even thought that he would arrive at the last moment to whisk them away from the danger. But he hadn't been there. He hadn't gotten to them in time, and now they would never think anything again.

"I should have been here..." mumbled Raendyn, letting his eyes soak up all the details of the gruesome deaths that had occurred here. "I should have saved them."

"You couldn't have..." Vendrask said, looking back to Raendyn, maybe just a little sorrow showing in his eyes.

"I should have! I should have been here! They were expecting me and I failed. It's my fault they died!" Raendyn shouted, his voice screechy and painful to the ears.

"It's not your fault." Vendrask persisted, "It had nothing to do with you, and the whole thing probably happened long before we arrived here."

"Because you were walking so slow! I wanted to just fly but you insisted on walking! That is why they're dead, because I let you slow me down!"

"If we tried to fly we would have been spotted leagues away, and probably blasted from the sky with some sort of sorcery." Vendrask said, looking a little hurt at the words of his friend.

Raendyn looked ready to continue his shouting, but Vendrask quickly rushed forwards, pushing his head against the gryphon's, hoping to calm him down before they began screeching at him again.

"I- I'm sorry..." Raendyn said, lightly pushing his head back against Vendrask's, finding comfort in the warm scales of the dragon.

"It's ok." Vendrask said, trying to make his voice sound as soothing as he could.

Vendrask nuzzled up against Raendyn's neck, knowing that he liked it and it would help soothe him. He pushed his snout around under his beak after that, gently rubbing it against him as Raendyn seemed to start calming down. Using his superior height, Vendrask then lifted his head above Raendyn's, nuzzling between his ears even as his tail curled around to gently stroke at the feline half of the gryphon.

"Come on." Vendrask said quietly, "We can't leave them like this."

Raendyn just nodded his head, pulling away from Vendrask's gentle nuzzles and caresses, reaching down to grab at the first of many bodies, pulling it into the centre of the room. The work was quite, fast, and overly displeasing, and barely a few minutes later there was a pile of all that remained of the poor people that had been trapped here.

"Please... just get rid of them." Raendyn pleaded, turning around, feeling a sudden charge in the air, sudden warmth flowing in from nowhere and everywhere at the same time.

Stepping into the short tunnel that led back to the canyon, Raendyn didn't waste any time with waiting. Within a few seconds the remains would be burned down to ash, leaving the sand stained black. Vendrask had to concentrate here, else he risk flooding the whole cave with flames. He could feel the energy around him, but it seemed to be trying to reach through him, trying to force its way out of him as if he was a simple tap that could unleash the torrent of the surrounding magic. Digging his claws into the ground slightly, Vendrask focussed on the remains that had been piled in the room, and a slow glow seemed to be growing around it. It almost looked as if the air was compressing around itself, and a few seconds later a large orange ball occupied the room, with roaring flames reaching down to consume themselves. After forcing himself to release the magic, Vendrask was met with the sickly smell of charred meat, and the sight of a large pile of ashes resting on the sand.

When Vendrask arrived in the original small cave they had found, he saw Raendyn sitting down on his haunches, cleaning at the feathers on his chest. Vendrask sat down next to him, though there was an uncomfortable silence between them, and started working at cleaning himself, letting his tongue cover his paws and legs with long, broad strokes. His focus quickly shifted from his nearly immaculately clean paws to his grimy wings, grimacing as he licked off sweat and what sand had been stubborn enough to cling to him.

"You know," Raendyn said, not looking up, still working on preening his feathers. "I'm sort of glad we got this mission now. It's not just what we found in there either, because that's just a look at what this whole desert will look like if we don't take down the wyvern rider."

Vendrask gave a grunt in agreement, continuing to clean his wings, arching his neck over his back to better reach them.

"I hope we can find this wyvern rider soon, though it looks as if they've managed to gather together a force of orcs." Raendyn looked up after that. "If that's the case, then there could be thousands of them hiding out here."

"I know," Vendrask replied, letting his now clean wing fall away from his dextrous tongue. "But then, we've faced worse odds, haven't we?"

Raendyn returned to his preening, slowly working his beak down his chest.

"What would you have done if you never joined up for this?" Vendrask suddenly asked out of the blue. "I think I would have liked to be a fisher, but I don't really see how I could do that with these big clumsy paws of mine." He finished with a grin, half his words slurred slightly as his tongue started working at his other wing.

"I don't know..." Raendyn replied, "I guess I've never thought about it much. Besides, there isn't really much that a gryphon is useful for unless they can walk on two legs."

"Mmm... but isn't that the same for all of us? It seems as if those that walk on two legs are always better at everything. You just have to remember that they need us. They need us much more than we need them, and in a way, I guess that makes us even better than them." Vendrask punctuated his sentence with one long, last lick along his wing before looking over to Raendyn again.

He was surprised enough to look away for a second when he saw Raendyn's thin tongue darting out to lick at the tip of his sheath, prodding at it a few times. He was interested enough to look back though, and he wondered for a moment how he managed to keep his member inside when the moisture of his tongue was pushing against such a sensitive place.

"You had better clean yourself as well Ven, or else your scent will be easy for anyone that comes here in the next week to pick out." Raendyn said, hiding a small grin as he watched the dragon look away suddenly.

Vendrask does what Raendyn says, hoping that the gryphon didn't catch him looking. He dropped down onto his side, lifting one hind leg and curled his head around so that his nose was pushing against his slit. He gave a few gentle licks around the outside, which sent slight shivers along his body, before moving closer to the centre. His wet tongue slid over his slit, forcing a quite grunt from him as he attempted to ignore the obvious pleasure of the action. His tail grew stiff behind him, and he clenched his paws shut, trying his hardest to keep his member hiding within his depths. The next few licks broke his resolve though, and the spaded tip of his member pushed free of his slit.

His member didn't stop there though, much to his embarrassment, and continued growing, pulsing with life as his ridges slowly pushed out of his slit, which just forced more pleasure into him. He pulled his head back, letting it thump against the cool sand under him, and suddenly the cave was filled with Raendyn's squawking and laughter, making feel ever more embarrassed.

"You can't even keep yourself inside when it's your own tongue cleaning you." Laughed Raendyn, watching as Vendrask's member throbbed and grew under his scrutiny.

"It's not my fault." Huffed Vendrask, trying to keep his dignity.

"Oh? So I guess it must be mine then. Is it me you think about when you pleasure yourself Vendrask?" Raendyn asked, keeping a smug grin on his face the whole time. "Maybe since you became hard so fast the simplest touch will make you spill?"

Letting out a quiet growl, Vendrask quickly rolled over and pushed up off the ground, lunging straight for Raendyn, who clearly didn't expect such a thing. They tumbled to the ground in a series of squawks and growls, each one grabbing and rolling to try and come up on top of the other. It was clear that Vendrask was stronger than Raendyn, but the gryphon seemed to be able to evade every grab he made. Eventually he did manage to get his paws locked behind Raendyn's head, pulling his soft body against Vendrask's smooth scales. Vendrask started to roll on top of Raendyn, but the gryphon refused to accept defeat, and so quickly threw his weight the same way that Raendyn was moving, making the dragon roll right over him, and grabbed hold of his neck as he landed on the other side of the gryphon.

They were both locked together now, Raendyn's feathers and fur pushing against Vendrask's light brown underbelly. Vendrask enjoyed the softness that was pushing against him, not to mention the softness that was ever so lightly pushing against his member. Wiggling his hips slightly, Vendrask hid a grin as he felt his hot member slide up against Raendyn's sheath, which was feeling rather full. Enjoying Raendyn's softness, Vendrask tilted his head forwards, nuzzling up against his beak, feeling slightly dazed by the more than comfortable warmth of his feathers. Vendrask wanted to just lay there, with his paws wrapped around Raendyn's neck. Suddenly flustered, Raendyn released his hold on Vendrask, pushing his feet against the dragon and twisting out of his grip. He turns around and quickly walked over to a corner, settling his haunches down on the ground with a soft thud.

Vendrask slowly got up, wondering what had gone wrong. A sudden scent in the air caught his attention though, and without more than a second's thought he knew what it was. Raendyn had retreated from him because his own arousal was beginning to become known. Vendrask quietly walked over to the gryphon, prodding at their shoulder with his snout. He opened his mouth to say something, but there didn't seem like anything he could say at this point. Instead he moved in closer to Raendyn, rubbing his head up along his back before nuzzling up against the gryphon's neck. Giving a few licks across Raendyn's feathers, Vendrask hoped to pull him away from the wall, but he was met with rejection.

Stepping back, Vendrask licked at his lips for a moment, his member throbbing beneath him as he took in more of the gryphon's scent, more of Raendyn's musk. Vendrask stepped back further again, giving a quiet huff of annoyance and need. He decided that maybe a little warmth would help him get the gryphon to acknowledge him. Stepping back until he was in the centre of the room, Vendrask closed his eyes. It wasn't something that he needed to do, closing his eyes, but it made things a little easier when he twisted magic. It wasn't uncommon that he could use some sort of magic as a dragon, and the fact that it was fire was no big surprise either. There was something that set Vendrask apart from other dragon's that had managed to grasp magic though, and that was his control over it.

Pulling energy from deep within himself, Vendrask felt his body tingling, his mind slightly numbed, and he slowly started releasing the force, feeling the room start growing warmer around him. Raendyn could feel the warmth too, and the deep settling comfort it pushed into his body. It wasn't like the dry heat of the desert, but rather just warmth pure and simple. It seeped into him through his paws and slowly worked its way through his body, relaxing muscles he didn't even know where tense. Raendyn let out a long, pleased sigh, letting his eyes close for a moment. It was so rare that Vendrask used his magic for anything but destruction, and Raendyn couldn't help but wonder why.

When he opened his eyes again he could hear Vendrask walking up behind him, slow in his steps. He felt Vendrask's warm breath play across his back before he was gently nudged by the dragon snout. He turned around at this, and Vendrask felt his member throb between his legs as Raendyn's musk seemed to suddenly increase. Leaning forwards, Vendrask nuzzled up under Raendyn's feathery chin, rubbing his head along his neck, earning quiet, pleased trills from the gryphon. Raendyn stepped forwards a bit, making Vendrask walk backwards, before slumping gently down to the floor in a pile of feathers and fur.

Vendrask was quick in reaching forwards to the gryphon, eager to feel to softness of their feathers and fur again. Reaching Raendyn's head first, Vendrask was quick to cover it with licks and nuzzles, much to Raendyn's delight, if his persistent coos and trills were any indication. Raendyn leaned his head back at the feeling of Vendrask's lick, soon feeling the smooth, slick appendage lapping at his neck, making his paws clench and tremble from the pleasurable feelings of it. Vendrask was in no hurry working his way down the gryphon's body, being sure to slather Raendyn with affection as he moved lower.

Raendyn's tail was slowly flowing back and forth, flattening out the cool sand beneath him. His hips wriggled with anticipation as he felt Vendrask's grooming move lower still, reaching his belly. He shuddered at the feeling of that wet tongue pushing through his fur, huffing out a deep breath as it drew ever so slowly towards his member. There was no contact though, no slick warmth flowing across the needy flesh of his member, which throbbed, begging for attention. Lifting his head and looking down his chest, Raendyn frowned lightly as he saw Vendrask's snout moving away from his glistening length of gryphon flesh. Instead, the dragon just resumed his licking, gently running his tongue up one of Raendyn's legs.

The gryphon squirmed on the ground as that tantalizing tongue reached his sensitive paw, his leg twitching slightly as Vendrask's tongue tip ever so gently slid along one of his paw pads. After that his head was pulling back though, and the dragon was lifting a paw, which he then set down on Raendyn's own, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Mmm... I like these." Vendrask decided, "They're so soft and squishy."

"And sensitive..." Raendyn huffed out quietly, watching intensely as Vendrask gently poked and prodded at his paw.

Vendrask watched as Raendyn's claws slid out of their sheaths when he pushed down at certain parts of the gryphon's paw. Raendyn seemed to be greatly enjoying himself, barely managing to hold back all of the chirps_and _trills. Vendrask decided that the gryphon looked remarkably cute, with the way he held his feet above his chest, his beak half open to let out his steady huffs of pleasure. Getting back to work with Raendyn's paw, Vendrask gave it a few tentative squeezes, watching the way that Raendyn writhed on the ground, his free paw kicking weakly at the air. With a small grin splitting his muzzle, Vendrask leaned his head in again, letting his thick dextrous tongue out of his mouth to trail over the gryphons paw.

Raendyn gasped and groaned at the same time, nearly managing to choke himself doing it, as he felt the slick warmth of Vendrask's tongue pushing down against his sensitive paw pad. His toes made to grab at the slimy appendage, but they had no luck restraining it. The tongue descended on his paw again, trailing along another patch of the sensitive pink flesh, making his member throb, leaking large amounts of pre. Vendrask's tongue greedily licked and lapped at Raendyn's helpless paw, soon moving off of the small pink paw pad, and reaching out for the even smaller, delicate looking toes. Raendyn had never been able to lick at his body, let alone his sensitive paws before, because of his small bird tongue, and this was turning out to be an overwhelming experience for him.

Raendyn's whole body shivered when he felt that tongue run between his toes, leaving a slick trail of saliva in its wake. Finding lifting his head to be too much effort when his body felt so weak, Raendyn let it fall back to the sand, closing his eyes lightly and letting out a long, high pitched_trill_ as he felt that tongue lapping at his other toes, randomly sleeping between the pink bean looking things from time to time, making the gryphon groan. Raendyn's breath caught in his throat a moment later as he felt the warmth of that tongue surround his toe entirely, and somehow managed to gather the strength to lift his head, looking down to see what was happening.

Vendrask still wore that grin the best he could, looking down at the flustered gryphon as he pulled one of their toes into his maw, swirling and squeezing his tongue around it. He pulled his head back a moment later, and was met by the needy squawks and cries of the gryphon on the ground. Vendrask simply looked down at Raendyn, showing him the pleased smile that he still wore, licking at his lips before walking up a little and turning around. Vendrask didn't was any time, pulling his body up over Raendyn's, and gently settling his haunches down on the gryphon. He could feel his own hard member pushing against the soft feathers of Raendyn's chest, but decided he would deal with that later.

For now, he was more interested in seeing how much he could make this bird wriggle and writhe. He set his tongue back to teasing at the sensitive flesh, feeling Raendyn's chest heaving beneath him, his hips wiggling at the sensations that his tongue was forcing onto the gryphon's paw. He quickly returned to where he had left off, wrapping his tongue around one of those cute, bean shaped toes, and drawing it into his maw, squeezing and gently tugging at it. He pulled it further in, and squeezed down around it until he felt the sharp claw that was hidden within start to emerge. He felt Raendyn's breath stop for a moment at that, returning with an unsteady caw of pleasure.

Raendyn had to scrunch his eyes shut against the pleasure that was attacking him, his limbs trembling and his throat throwing out whatever sound it wanted. The small cave was already filled with his cries of pleasure, but now they were starting to increase in both volume and pitch. Raendyn tried to focus on something else, but then he felt Vendrask start to lightly suckle on his toe, and thought that he would release his seed at that instant. Vendrask seemed to notice that though, and quickly pulled his head back, waiting a moment before wrapping his tongue around the next toe, repeating the steps he had taken with the one before, drawing out the claw and giving it a cleaning he was sure that Raendyn would never forget.

He could feel Raendyn's feathery chest starting to puff up a little, feel the softness of the feathers under his rump trying to rise, and pulled his head back again. Raendyn let out a deep ragged breath as another one of his toes was released from Vendrask's hot, wet maw, he wouldn't be able to handle the next one, he knew it, and grabbed hold of the thick red dragon tail on top of him in preparation. Nothing could have prepared him for the sudden heat and delicious slickness that surrounded the whole top half of his paw though, engulfing all of his toes as well as the now overly sensitive paw pad.

Raendyn's eyes tried to roll back in his head, and he struggled to remain conscious, feeling his member throbbing and spasming, bouncing up and down as it unleashed his thick seed all over both Vendrask's, and his own belly. Raendyn was a mess of shivering, twitching limbs, loud screeches_and _squawks of pleasure, and he barely even notice, so lost was he in the sensations of the gentle sucking on his paw, of the heat flooding around his member. He felt as if he would float from the ground in a moment, and was glad for the solid weight of Vendrask on his chest. To Raendyn, it felt like he had lasted an eternity before his seed was forced out of him, before his balls pulled tight against his body to push forth the still flowing current of life. He could barely believe how fast Raendyn had spilled, and more than a little aroused from the sight of it.

For Vendrask though, Raendyn had barely lasted more than a minute before pelting his belly with seed. It is truly something special, Vendrask thought, to bring someone else so hard, and so fast to climax. His own member was making an effort to make itself known now, throbbing and twitching as the thick scent of gryphon seed wafted up to him, making him take deep breaths to savour such a delightful, musky scent. Slowly pulling himself off of the whimpering gryphon, Vendrask crouched down next to them, beginning the simple, and tasty, task of cleaning the spilled seed, huffing and hissing as the taste and smell attempted to overwhelm his senses. Raendyn was still in such a state that he barely even felt the long swipes of Vendrask's tongue, and he didn't even hear the loud slurps that accompanied them.

Vendrask was quick with cleaning the seed off of Raendyn's fur, and even quicker cleaning it off of his scales, returning his snout between Raendyn's legs to make sure everything was as clean as it looked.

"Grraaaarrr... That was... intense." Vendrask growled, licking at his lips, his member throbbing beneath him as the heady taste of gryphon seed clung to his tongue, the smell driven deep in his nostrils.

Raendyn just let out a weak chirp in reply, still trying to recover, though his shaking limbs didn't seem as if they would ever calm down. His heart was beating frantic in his chest, his breaths labouring in and out of his lungs at a much faster rate than they should be. Vendrask leaned his head up to nuzzled under Raendyn's neck, making the overly flustered gryphon look away, his claws reaching up to gently scratch along Vendrask's neck.

"Do you release that fast for all your mates, or am I special?" Vendrask asked, pulling his tongue along Raendyn's neck, making the gryphon shiver slightly beneath his touch.

Raendyn could feel his face heating at the words, becoming ever more flustered as he attempted to finally calming his huffing breaths.

"You..." Raendyn said, trailing off as he looked away. "You're the first one that... that has touched me like that." He admitted grudgingly, wincing as he felt Vendrask's tongue suddenly stop halfway up his neck.

"So you have never actually mated before?" Vendrask asked, pulling his head back and sounding slightly surprised.

"I uh- I mean..." Raendyn started, stumbling over his words, unwilling to meet the dragon's eyes. "No, I've never mated before."

Vendrask shifted around on the cool sand slightly, leaning back a little on his haunches, making sure not to let his naturally slick member touch the sand.

"Well," Vendrask muttered, leaning in close, letting his warm breath tickle at Raendyn's ear. "Neither have I."

Frowning slightly, Raendyn finally turned his head, looking back towards Vendrask, his breath finally reaching a somewhat calm state. He thought for a moment that maybe Vendrask was poking fun of him, but he couldn't see any hint of humour on the dragon's face, despite the lustful looking grin.

"What? But how?" Raendyn asked, "You're a dragon!"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Vendrask asked, lifting an eye ridge.

"Well... it's just, surely you haven't been lacking with offers?"

"Oh? And I guess I'm meant to just be the horny lizard ready to mate anyone that asks?"

"Well, you certainly look like it at the moment." Raendyn said, pointedly looking down at Vendrask's erect member.

Vendrask looked up from where he had been grooming Raendyn's fur, only to be met with the gryphon's smug grin. Turning back to his gentle licking, and hoping to change the subject, Vendrask poked his nose against the two furry balls that rested beneath the gryphon's sheath.

"What are these?" Vendrask asked, gently poking and prodding at the hefty orbs.

"Ah, well those," Raendyn said, wiggling his hips a little from the feeling of Vendrask's nose. "Hold my seed."

"What? But everyone knows that your seed is made within your body." Vendrask argued, looking back up towards Raendyn with a slightly incredulous look on his face.

"Mmm... no that's just dragon's I- I think. And lizards." Raendyn let out a pleased sigh, enjoying the gentle nuzzling he was receiving.

"Mrraarrr... your scent is so heavy..." Vendrask's warm breath played out across Raendyn's balls, earning him a pleased chirp from the gryphon.

Pushing his nose up against the base of Raendyn's sheath, resting it lightly against the gryphon's balls, Vendrask took in a few deep breaths, feeling his member throb in excitement with each one. Raendyn's scent was so intoxicating. It wasn't overpowering, but it seemed to draw his complete focus, making his maw salivate just from the smell alone. Without so much as another word, Vendrask let his tongue slip out of his maw, giving a long wet lick along one of the furred spheres in front of him. Raendyn's paws clutched at the air as he felt the slick warmth of Vendrask's tongue caressing him, his member stirring in his sheath again, even after spilling so soon.

Vendrask continued his licking, enjoying the slight musky taste that washed over his tongue. The fur was beginning to get damp under his ministrations, and Vendrask found himself trailing his tongue across one of Raendyn's balls, exploring the strange object with gentle squeezes and tugs. Raendyn could feel his member peeking out of his sheath again, the tip kissing at the cold air of the cave. He reached his feet down to grab at Vendrask's head, encouraging the dragon to further explore this new area of the gryphon. With his paws gently kicking at the air with every broad lick that Vendrask was delivering to him, Raendyn was having issues keeping quiet, with trills and_coos_ streaming from his throat.

Vendrask's licking was definitely becoming more confident now, with his dextrous tongue snaking around to encircle Raendyn's hefty sack, tugging at it gently, squeezing and twisting his tongue around it. From what he could tell, Raendyn was really enjoying the attention that his balls were receiving. Vendrask could feel the tip of the lustful gryphon's member poking at his chin as it throbbed out of its sheath, filling the air with more of Raendyn's delicious scent. Vendrask pulled his head back a moment later, giving a long, sensual lick along Raendyn's hard length, closing his maw with a wet smack a moment later.

Still holding onto the back of Vendrask's head, his feet grabbing hold of the dragon's horns, Raendyn looked down at him. Vendrask pulled his gaze up along Raendyn's body, which seemed to have gained attractiveness after they had been so intimate. He looked up to Raendyn's face, and felt his heart thudding in his chest at the look of unrestrained need in the gryphons eyes. Vendrask's draconic length was slick with his pre now, but he hungered for the taste of Raendyn's member, it was like a burning need within him. So, after ripping his gaze away from Raendyn's, deeply enjoying the quiet whimper that he heard, he moved his maw back down until it was resting just above that hot, throbbing length of gryphon flesh.

Opening his maw, Vendrask pushed his tongue out along his teeth, getting ready to encase Raendyn's member with his slippery appendage, only to be suddenly shocked out of it by a guttural shout from behind him. Raendyn seemed to notice this as well, as his eyes widened in surprise, and he was quickly trying to scramble to his feet. Turning his head, Vendrask was met with the sight of a large orc rushing towards them, with mismatched armour that looked as if it was bolted into its flesh. The green skinned brute held a jagged looking axe in one hand, lifting it high overhead as it let loose a dreadful sounding war cry.

Vendrask knew that Raendyn wouldn't be able to get up in time, and so, pushing his paws beneath him, he launched into the path of the orc, lifting one wing high in an attempt to know it over. With surprising agility, the orc managed to duck the wing though, slamming its axe down against Vendrask, the blunt blade cracking and shattering a few of the scales under his wing. Letting out a sharp growl of pain, Vendrask swung his paw at the creature, sending it flying across the room where it collided with the stone wall, a sickening thud echoing throughout the small chamber as it slid to the floor.

Vendrask wasn't surprised when it didn't rise again, with its head tilting at such an angle that he knew it had broken its neck. Raendyn had managed to pull himself to his feet finally, and rushed up besides Vendrask. The air was tingling with the power that Raendyn held, and Vendrask soon found himself opening up to the chaotic forces of magic as well. His body filled with pleasant warmth, making his bones tingle and buzz as power rushed into him. It wasn't the sort of power he could hold though, and he quickly looked towards the fissure they had entered the cave through, looking for something to unleash the force on.

There was a large stream of orcs pouring in through the fissure in the wall, all tumbling over each other like some foul force of nature. Vendrask pushed all of the power coursing through him into one paw, and flicked it towards the orcs, which barely had time to flinch. The result was a blistering wave of heat slamming into the orcs, and then through them, leaving bodies to tumble to the round, smouldering and already filling the air with the foul stench of their cooking flesh. Raendyn's own magic arrived barely a second after Vendrask's, shredding strips of flesh and even limbs from both corpses, and those unlucky enough to have survived Vendrask's initial assault.

Looking back at the armour scattered on the ground for a moment, Raendyn decided that there wouldn't be enough time to get it back on, and so rushed towards the entrance, hearing Vendrask running up close behind him. Already there were more of the green skinned monsters, climbing over the corpses of their comrades, picking up weapons that had fallen to the ground, and many of them even grasping at shorn limbs, with the intent to use them as clubs. Reaching the first one that had made its way over the still warm bodies, Raendyn swiped a paw high across its chest, feeling his talons bite deep into flesh and catch in the bone for a moment. The orc tried to scream, but instead blood bubbled up from its gaping mouth, spilling out of the rent in its neck a moment later when Raendyn pulled his talons free.

Beside him, Vendrask was wreaking similar havoc, biting down and slashing with his claws, pulling loose chunks of flesh and flinging sickly black looking blood everywhere. Raendyn made sure to give his partner space, not wanting to be caught in his vicious slaughter, and began picking his targets more carefully, sending deadly waves of sorcery at them, where it seemed that their heads or arms simply fell off. By the time that the orcs stopped pushing in the fissure looked to be half sealed with their bodies, and Raendyn took it upon himself to clear the way. Grabbing hold of the magic he could feel around him, Raendyn forced it into a solid wall, before sending it slamming into the crack, forcing the bodies out the other side with sickening squelches_and _cracks as the bodies squeezed and broke against each other.

Vendrask was first through the now clear entrance, and was already unleashing his deadly magic upon the orcs that had gathered on the outside, screams of agony and pain hear as the dragon set forced flames to erupt around them. Raendyn arrived just in time to see a volley of twisted, barbed arrows falling down. Vendrask was surrounded by orcs that were hacking and pounding at him with clubs, axes, and swords, and so didn't notice the arrows until it was too late. Looking up, Vendrask only had time to duck his head, feeling flashes of agony race through his wings where the arrows tore through the membrane.

His legs and flanks were marred with cuts where the pathetic blades of the orcs had managed to reach passed his scales, and Vendrask knew that he would need to try and find a healer some time later if he didn't want it any of them to get infected. Stepping forwards, Raendyn spotted the half formed group of archers, scrambling about and reaching for arrows. They never got the chance to fire the next volley though, as Raendyn concentrated on the group, grasping hold of the powerful energy that was all around him, and with twitching muscles, sent it directly into the orcs, watching as they were thrown from their feet. Some seemed to be simply knocked down, but others were less fortunate, being tossed several feet into the air, and landing on their allies with shrieks of terror and sick splats.

Vendrask had managed to fight free of the group of orcs that had assailed him, with smoking corpses and torn chunks of flesh lying around him. With his claws and maw dripping blood he looked to be some demon summoned to slaughter all of the orcs, and by the way that they now fled from him it looked as if they thought that too. Raendyn stepped up besides the dragon, adding his sorcery to Vendrask's own scorching power, cutting swathes through the thick groups of orcs, chasing them down with the deadly power even as they sought to flee down the winding canyon. There seemed to be a moment of calm afterwards, which Raendyn used to look around, trying to better understand what sort of forces they were up against.

"It looks like we got them all for now." Raendyn said, his voice a little shaky, his body still tingling from all the sorcery he had forced through it.

Vendrask turned upon him with a thick growl, his pupils slitted and pointed teeth dripping blood. Raendyn flinched back, his heart seeking to escape his chest at the sight. Seeing that it was only his friend, Vendrask quickly pulled his head back. His muscles burned and ached where the fires of his magic had tried to ravage his body, and his blood felt aflame in his veins. It was a feeling he had grown used to though, and the burning sensation had become something comforting rather than painful a long time ago.

"Yeah," Vendrask said, spitting out thick globs of black blood, "It looks like it."

As if to prove them wrong though, a large group of wind riders suddenly swept into sight, diving down from the sky along the canyon walls. Truly proving the aerial skills of an orc, one manages to fall from the saddle of its wyvern, plummeting down to the ground with a screech that cut off abruptly. Raendyn looks over to Vendrask, and after giving the dragon a quick nod starts running forwards across the sandy canyon floor, building up speed before jumping forwards, launching himself into the air, where his rapidly beating wings caught his weight. Vendrask was right behind him, though he had to supress a growl of pain as he forced his still injured wings to take his weight.

The two of them flew forwards to meet the wind riders head on, the wyverns letting out high pitched screeches as they spotted their enemies. Vendrask caught sight of a the orcs running back underneath him, clumping together in yet another vulnerable group, but decided he would have to deal with them later. Raendyn was the first to meet one of the wind riders, colliding with it mid-air, grabbing and scratching at it with his claws and talons, trying to get a hold of its neck with his dangerous beak. Vendrask had to dip to one side as one of the orcs on the back of a wyvern started throwing crudely made spears at him, which, while they didn't look that impressive, could still do serious harm to him with a little luck.

Raendyn was plummeting towards the ground at a fast pace now, and the wyvern's panicked screeching made it obvious that the beast was trying to pull away. Raendyn didn't let it though, not until he passed the point of no return, pushing his feet and paws against the beasts chest, ducking his head to one side to avoid a desperate swing from the orc on its back, and pushed up off of it, sending it crashing to the ground while he began soaring into the skies once more. There were several of the wyverns circling around Vendrask now, the orcs on their back throwing spears, axes, and even stones in their feeble attempt to knock him from the sky.

The wyvern's themselves were much more dangerous, with their sharp talons and deadly teeth, making Vendrask duck and dodge out of their range, sending condensed balls of fire after them. Raendyn was about to fly in and help Vendrask when a searing pain suddenly shot through his leg, making him twist his head around to see a twisted arrow shaft protruding from his fur. He looked down, and barely had time to roll to the side, his wings dipping and flapping frantically to move him out of the way of the sudden volley of arrows.

The orcs underneath him were preparing for another shot when Raendyn began sending their arrows back at them, slamming them down much faster than they could have fallen. He watched as several orcs stumbled and fell to the ground, looking like some sort of green beetles stabbed through with splinters. Vendrask was steadily working his way through his enemies, sending them crashing to the ground in smouldering heaps, or with their wing membranes torn open. He had been forced the face the insane attack of one orc that had launched itself from its dying wyvern, wrapping its thick meaty hands around his neck in some attempt to strangle him.

Were it not for the danger that the other wind riders presented, Vendrask would have laughed. As it was though, he decided to suddenly tuck his wings against his body, rolling over and pointing down towards the ground. He slowly extended one wing from his side, the sharp whistling of wind rushing passed him mixing in with the orcs terrified scream as he began a rapid spin. When he was certain he had shaken their grip loose, Vendrask spread his wings open, the membranes snapping tight as they caught the wind, making Vendrask growl out in pain even as the orc was flung from his back, sent cartwheeling through the air.

All of the magic he had been using was beginning to take its toll on him, and Vendrask decided to make things a little simpler, flying close enough to a wyvern and letting a large bubble of magic build up in his throat, before releasing it as a molten stream of fire, burning orc and wyvern alike to a crisp. Vendrask managed to catch a quick glimpse of Raendyn at this point, who looked to be sending the stupid orcs arrows back down at them, easily diving and rolling out of their path with unparalleled grace. Vendrask was starting to notice that he was in a losing fight though, as more and more wind riders seemed to be soaring down from the canyon walls.

A moment later, and that fact was a certainty, as Vendrask felt his scales begin to be pelted by small clumps of ice. He was confused for a moment, but the ice quickly started taking shape, sending jagged spears flying at him, materialising in the air around him. Raendyn had just sent down the most recent volley of arrows when he felt something tugging on the magic down there in the crowd of orcs, and then shortly after, another something. It wasn't hard to tell what they were doing when he felt the air around him begin to get drastically colder, with ice rapidly forming together in spears and icicles that were shooting towards him.

Looking over at Vendrask, it was easy to see that he was now struggling to stay in the sky, trying to dodge the ice spears as well as everything the orcs threw at him, and all this was happening while he was still trying to combat the wind riders. Looking back over at Raendyn, Vendrask managed to hold his gaze for a moment, and in that moment he understood that the gryphon was about to be driven from the sky. Doing his best at disengaging from the aerial combat, Vendrask began flying towards Raendyn, his wings beating a steady beat in the air. Raendyn waited until Vendrask was closer, drawing up beside the dragon, and started heading away from the ice sorcery and wyverns, which didn't seem eager to give chase.

A few minutes later, and Vendrask came crashing down to the ground, kicking up a great furrow of sand. Raendyn's landing was little better, with the gryphon barely managing to keep his feet beneath him. He slowly made his way over to the downed dragon, limping slightly on his injured leg, watching as the light brown scaled chest heaved up and down.

"I just... need... a break...." Vendrask said, keeping his eyes clenched shut.

"No." Raendyn replied, trying to keep his own fatigue from his voice. "I can see you shivering Ven, and I'm not feeling much better myself."

"Well what should we do then? Just leave them be, accept this defeat?" Vendrask cracked an eye open, his gaze quickly drawn to the arrow jutting out of Raendyn's leg.

"No, but we can't chase after them in this condition." Raendyn persisted, hobbling over to Vendrask, pushing his head down to rub against the dragon's.

"Well... I guess we better... start with this then." Vendrask said, making Raendyn frown for a moment at what he meant.

"Skrrraaaaa!!" Raendyn let out a piercing screech, ripping his leg back from Vendrask's reach as the dragon pulled the arrow from his leg, his teeth snapping the wooden shaft a moment later. "You could have given me a heads up." The gryphon said, his beak clamping shut tightly in pain.

"If I did that then the arrow would still be in there." Vendrask pointed out, his breathing finally settling down to normal. "Now please, come here. I'm to worn out to use magic and I feel as if my bones have turned to ice."

Raendyn graciously accepted Vendrask's offer of outstretched paws, crouching down besides the dragon before being pulled into a tight hug. The bother of them laid there for a while after that, each one shivering while licking and nuzzling at the other's wounds until the desert sun finally managed to cure them of the unnatural cold that was plaguing them. There was no talk while they rested, both of them just enjoying the comforting touch of each other, though by the time they got to enjoy each other's warmth they were already climbing back to their feet.

"Should we go back for the armour first?" Vendrask asked, giving his body a little shake, sending the small piles of sand that had gathered on him tumbling to the ground.

"No, the armour is fine. If the orcs try and touch that they'll have their hands burned to the bone."

"It's not the armour I'm worried about." Vendrask replied, starting to walk in the direction of the canyon they had fled from.

"We'll have to make do, just focus on those damned ice mages as soon as you can." Raendyn said, following after Vendrask.

Nodding his head, Vendrask unfolded his wings, leaping forwards and forcing his body into the sky yet again. He could already feel a headache starting, and wondered if Raendyn was experiencing the same sort of after effect from the magic he had used. Raendyn was quick to follow Vendrask into the sky, his feathered wings quickly propelling him upwards. The two made their way back to the canyon as quick as they could, but by the time they got there, they couldn't see a single orc remaining. The tracks looked easy enough to follow, yet after an hour of flight the both began to get tired, and decided that they would be better of heading back for their armour now.

Landing outside the fissure in the canyon wall, Vendrask stumbled through, giving the chamber within a quick look over. They both decided that they would be better off just carrying the armour now, neither one of them willing to expend the effort of tying it all back into place. They had no desire to sleep in the cave either, not after the massacre that they had found, and decided to try and find somewhere better. They were in luck, when they managed to find a rocky outcropping a few minutes flight from the canyon.

After unceremoniously dumping the armour, they both fall to the ground, and both of them thirsty and dirty, cuddle together in a mutual pile of wings, tails and nuzzles.

"Can you believe that we had to run from those ice shamans?" Raendyn asked, nuzzling up under Vendrask's chin as the dragon gave long, caressing licks along the back of his neck.

"Mrrr... well it's only because they caught us by surprise." Vendrask pointed out, "Otherwise there would be a very big pile of orcs in that canyon."

"Hmm. Speaking of, don't you find it strange that there weren't any bodies when we got back? We must have killed hundreds of them." Raendyn pulled his head back to look up at Vendrask, getting a tender lick along his beak.

"Well," Vendrask started, shuffling around so that he was lying back on the rock, his paws wrapped around Raendyn's neck in a gentle hug. "They have to keep themselves fed somehow."

Raendyn felt sick at that though, and decided not to press the matter further.

"Still, it's not fun knowing that we were forced out of the air by orcs." Raendyn mumbled, earning a chuckle from Vendrask.

"Oh, and is your mighty ego hurt from such a thing?" The dragon asked, humour shining bright in his eyes.

"That's not the only thing that was hurt." Raendyn stretched his leg out a little, glad that the arrow didn't seem to have done any major damage. Vendrask's wings seemed to be healing already, and he couldn't help but feel jealous of the dragon's amazing healing capabilities.

Vendrask replied by rubbing his snout up under Raendyn's neck, moving it down to bury his nose in the gryphon's soft feathers, letting out a warm huff.

"You smell nice." Vendrask proclaimed, giving a few more rapid huffs as he took in Raendyn's dusty scent.

Raendyn let out a pleased hum at the feeling of Vendrask's warm breath pushing through his feathers, enjoying the feeling of his nose poking around. Vendrask's snuffling slowly worked its way lower, taking in the enjoyable scent of the gryphon's thick feathers, ruffling them as he moved his snout around. His mind was on more than just their scent though, and a few moments later he was snaking his head down between Raendyn's legs, sniffing and huffing at his sheath and balls. Those sniffs soon turned to something more intense though, as his tongue began to lap at the side of the feline sheath, licking and curling around his balls for a moment.

With a long, silent squawk Raendyn lets Vendrask do what he wants, rolling over a bit so that his back is pushed against the ground, spreading his legs wider to allow the dragon better access. Before the tip of his member can even begin peeking out of his sheath though, Vendrask pulls his head back, his nose trailing up one of Raendyn's soft, furred legs. He pushes his nose against that delicate paw once again, knowing just how much the gryphon enjoyed it. And sure enough, after Vendrask slides his tongue along that soft paw pad Raendyn's member rapidly spills from his sheath, letting Vendrask breath in his heady musk.

Vendrask doesn't spend much time on the paws this time though, instead having an appetite for something a little more lewd. He moves his head back down between Raendyn's legs, feeling himself grow hard from the combined efforts of the gryphon's scent, and his cute little chirps. He gives a few more tentative sniffs at the gryphon's balls, before running his nose along Raendyn's glistening length, covering his nose in their scent, a thick glob of pre smearing along the top of his snout. Pausing for a moment to lick the tasty liquid from his snout, Vendrask looks down at the gryphon's pink member, feeling his maw flooding with saliva already.

This time there wouldn't be anything to stop him from tasting that delicious spire of flesh, and, leaning forwards, Vendrask ran his tongue from the base of Raendyn's sheath all the way to the tip of his member, feeling the barbs scrape against his tongue. Raendyn let out a weak _trill_as he felt that warm, slick tongue slide against his member, his legs trembling and his tail flickering excitedly against the stone beneath him. After his first taste of the gryphon's length, Vendrask finds himself hungry for more, and eagerly pushes his snout down against the hot, throbbing meat, pushing it against Raendyn's belly fur even as his tongue begins to lick and lap at it in a frenzy.

Raendyn's trills and chirps are becoming more frequent now, getting louder as Vendrask continues to service his member, making Raendyn writhe on the ground in pleasure. Vendrask find himself deeply addicted to the taste of Raendyn's flesh already, coiling his tongue around it, squeezing and tugging at it, trying to taste as much of it as he can. The licks aren't enough though, and he soon finds himself sliding his heated maw down over the top of it, engulfing first the barbed head, and then the rest of the member. Vendrask's tongue squeezes and pulses around the base of Raendyn's member, eagerly guiding it further into his maw, but before he can even fit the whole thing in Raendyn begins squawking and clawing at the air like mad, his member tensing and throbbing inside Vendrask's maw.

Raendyn can't stand the overwhelming pleasure that Vendrask is forcing down upon his member, and with one last desperate cry of pleasure, his balls pull up tight against his body and he begins shooting his seed deep into Vendrask's maw, who is eager to gulp it all down, not letting a single drop escape him. Pulling the rest of the member into his maw, feeling it spurt its thick seed down his throat, Vendrask begins milking it for all it's worth, hungry for Raendyn's seed like he has never hungered for anything before. Raendyn's climax was quick and intense, leaving the bird conscious just long enough to feel Vendrask's tongue slurping along his length as it sucked and licked it clean.

With a deep huff, Vendrask pulls his head back, letting Raendyn's already shrinking member plop wetly against his belly. Looking up, Vendrask can see that he is already asleep, feet still held above his chest and one hind paw still twitching in the air. Crawling up next to him, Vendrask wraps his paws around the gryphon, snuggling his head into his chest, trying his best to ignore his raging erection. Some things are easier done than others though, and after hours of painting Raendyn's belly fur with his pre Vendrask decides that he has had enough, gently pulling away from the gryphon and padding off into the darkness of night.

Once he is sure that he is far enough away that he won't wake Raendyn, Vendrask all but throws himself to the ground, barely supressing the needy growl trying to claw its way out of his throat. He doesn't was any time with curling his head down, raising his leg, and slurping at his overly slick member, licking and lapping at the juices covering it. His whole body is trembling as his tongue laps at his over sensitive member, reaching down from the spaded tip, pushing against every ridge before licking along his slit. His arousal had been building for far too long, and he could definitely feel the effects from that now.

Snarling, Vendrask pushed his tongue harder against his member, curling it around the base and squeezing it tightly, before pushing his tongue further down, reaching into his overly moist slit where he slurps at the ample amount of natural lubrication, his own taste only serving to make him somehow more aroused. Besides the loud, and not to mention lewd, slurping sounds coming from Vendrask, he is keeping himself as quite as he can. With his tongue flicking around in his slit though, teasing at his tightly clenching walls, he starts to find it difficult to keep quiet, a low growl starting to creep out of his maw, the vibrations running along his member making him shoot a thick glob of pre straight onto his tongue.

He eagerly pulls his tongue back into his maw to lick at it, swallowing down the thick liquid, panting and shaking from how needy he is. Diving back down, he wraps his tongue around his member again, but this time pulls it into his maw, driving his head down deep enough to feel the tip of his member poking at his throat. And luckily for him, it seems that the only thing keeping his growls of pleasure down is his member trying to lodge itself inside his throat, making him thrust his hips up wildly. He can't contain his pleasure anymore, and feels his member throbbing hard against his tongue a few times before unleashing an overwhelming torrent of seed.

Vendrask does his best to swallow it down, with loud gulps coming from him as well as the muffled groans and growls of pleasure, he swallows as quickly as he can, but it seems that he was too pent up, and his member just seems to throb harder. Vendrask's cheeks bloat slightly on the next spurt, and he just manages to get it down his throat, but not before his member throbs again, filling his mouth to the brim, and then with a cough as he attempts to swallow the massive, and still growing load, he can't contain the seed that pushes its way between his teeth, leaking down along his chin in a stream of white.

Pulling his head back, his member sliding out of his maw with an audible schlick, Vendrask lets his head fall back against the stone under him, his member still leaking seed across his belly. He can feel the thick seed dripping and running down his chin, but right now he can barely move, let alone clean himself. His legs and tail are trembling from the intensity of his climax, and for the moment Vendrask just lets his tongue lazily slurp up the seed that still clings to the inside of his maw, greedily gulping it down. After resting like that for a few minutes, Vendrask decides that it's time to clean himself up, with his tongue snaking out of his maw to lick at his chin, gathering up the seed that had managed to escape his vigorous swallowing.

After that, he leans his head down, taking his half hard member into his move and giving a few gentle sucks, cleaning the seed off of it and swallowing it down, before moving to lick up the mess he had made of his belly. After feasting on his own mess, Vendrask quietly makes his way back to Raendyn, and is more than glad to see that the gryphon is still sleeping. He careful wriggles his way up next to him, and then wraps his paws around their feathery chest once more, burying his snout in their chest feathers with a sleepy grin on his muzzle. Letting Raendyn's warmth seep into his scales, Vendrask finds himself drifting off into a peaceful sleep, filled with dreams of what else he could explore with this new found intimacy that Raendyn shares with him.