Cupidity 2: Cupid Harder

Story by summerlong on SoFurry

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#5 of Holiday One-Shots

So, I just couldn't pass up doing a direct sequel to Cupidity for this year's Valentine's Day, only doing a bit of a switcheroo. Here, the side characters are now the main characters, and vice versa. CRAZY, RIGHT?!? Heh. But yeah, Andrew and Wyatt are just a whole lot of fun to write. Gotta make sure to use them more, haha.

To those of you who celebrate it, happy Valentine's Day! And I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!

And no, I won't apologize for the title.

Proofread by avatar?user=188394&character=0&clevel=2 SkyWing


Leaning with his shoulder against the wall, Andrew grinned. The tall, wiry weasel's ears twitched, the grating cacophony of the restaurant/arcade he and his boyfriend had chosen to celebrate their anniversary making it so he could scarcely hear his own thoughts. Still, deafening noise or no, that mild annoyance was worth it just to be able to watch the buff cougar dancing madly on one of the machines.

The big cat was intently focused on a large screen, skillfully matching arrows with his footfalls as they appeared, getting cheered on by the machine for his efforts. At the same time, the warmth of the arcade - made worse by the fairly big crowd that evening - was causing the pits of his neatly-pressed blue shirt to show heavy sweat stains. He had long since untucked it from his khakis, counteracting the sweltering heat as much as he was able.

Compared to his mate, Andrew was dressed down, wearing a wrinkled black tee-shirt, black skinny-jeans, and a pair of dark blue low-top sneakers. Though he generally preferred plain clothing, the particular shirt he had chosen for their night out was his personal favorite, featuring a large rat skull coiled around with a thorny vine. It was about the fanciest that the weasel would ever willingly get.

Continuing to grin at the dancing cougar, he pushed his rectangular, thick-rimmed glasses to the base of his muzzle. He deftly pulled his phone from his pocket, managing to record a solid twenty seconds of hot, sweaty, surprisingly graceful action before the song came to an end. As the machine shouted, "Congratulations! Great Success!" he saved the short video to rewatch later and slipped his phone back in his pocket.

"WOOO! S-grade!" Wyatt shouted, raising his muscular, tawny-furred arms up high, his tail swaying triumphantly behind him. "Did you see that, Anj? Were you watching?"

"I was," Andrew nodded. "You look hot."

"Aw, thank you!" Leaning against a support bar, Wyatt proudly smiled.

"I mean your pits are showing."

"Oh." Lifting an arm, Wyatt took a moment to inspect the damage. "Whoops. I guess that's a good sign it's about time to call it quits," he chuckled to himself. Looking back at the weasel, his ears perked up. Bending over the bar toward him, he asked, "Hey, the other machine's open, why don't we do a final co-op together?"

"I'm... I'm good, thanks," Andrew said, shying away.

"Come on, it'll be fun!"

"You go ahead, I'll just mess it up."

"Do I look like I care?" The cougar leaned completely over, pulling his legs up, dexterously balancing his entire body atop the bar. "Just do one and we can get dinner!"

Tossing his head back with an dramatic, grumbling sigh, Andrew acquiesced. "Fine. One."

Letting out a gleeful cheer, Wyatt dropped down off the bar and ran his card through the slots of both machines. "Any preference for the song?"

"A short one," the weasel said, nervously looking over his shoulder as he stepped onto his platform, happy to not see any spectators lining up. "Just hurry up and pick, ok?"

"Geez, alright, here." Settling it to random, Wyatt pressed the machine's start button, flashing the nervous weasel a loving smile as the timer counted down, 3...2...1..., ending with a loud buzzer. Immediately after, a cheerful J-Pop anthem began playing while a chain of random arrows scrolled up from the bottoms of the screens. Focused intently on his commands, Wyatt once again effortlessly aced every beat.

Andrew, however, was barely able to hit a single correct note. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't keep from watching his feet, missing the actual commands filtering by. He barely managed to last thirty seconds worth of 'BAD's and 'MISS'es being shrieked his way before he failed out completely, ending the game for the both of them. Jumping off the platform, he broke into a vivid blush, noticing a pair of possum children curiously watching.

"Aw, damn," Wyatt muttered, grimacing at the fail screen.

"I told you before I suck at rhythm stuff." Turning away from the staring possums, Andrew chewed on his lower lip. "I just end up looking stupid."

"That's funny. I don't think you've never looked more handsome to me." Stepping off his own platform, letting the possums take over the machines, Wyatt hugged his boyfriend, pressing their noses together. Bending the surprised weasel back, he gave him a short, yet passionate kiss before setting him back upright.

Andrew wiped his mouth off with the back of his arm. "Your lips are like, really sweaty."

"You love it," Wyatt replied. Snickering, he threw his arm over his mate's shoulders, pulling him close. "Come on, let's go get dinner."


"Uh... I think I'll have the New York strip," Wyatt said, reading off the menu.

"And how would you like that cooked?" the waitress - a slender, black, female mink - asked, scribbling down the order in her notebook.

"Rare, please."

"Baked potato alright?"


Adding the extra note, she retrieved his menu and turned toward the weasel sitting at the other side of the booth. "And you?"

"The carbonara looks good," Andrew replied, handing his menu over as well. "I'll have that."

"Oh, it's the best! You'll love it!" After jotting down his order, the waitress gave the weasel a friendly pat on the shoulder and a wink, then skipped away to the kitchen.

Leaning over the table, inching closer to his boyfriend, Wyatt whispered, "Hey, Anj. I thiiiiink she liiiiiikes yooooou."

"Shut up..." Andrew grumbled, sending the big cat into a fit of snickering laughter. Reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulled out a thick box of cards, slamming it onto the table. "Alright, if you're done, I brought Siege."

"Nice, good thinking." Watching as the weasel brought out the cards, setting a few aside, skillfully shuffling the rest, Wyatt grinned. "Care to play this one for our... usual... stakes? Hm?" he said, giving the intrigued mustelid a wink of his own.

Dealing out several cards, back and forth across the table, Andrew stared at his mate with a raised eyebrow. "...Yeah, okay. I usually prefer there to be a challenge, but sure, I'll take the easy win tonight."

Wyatt stuck his tongue out at the smugly smirking weasel. Sliding one of the set-aside castle cards in front of himself, he picked up his hand, fanning them out to look over his options. "You first, or me?"

Over the next ten minutes, the pair were at each other's throats, building defenses, tearing them down, relentlessly attacking. Every time one of them appeared to get a clear advantage, the other played a counter to even things out. Ramparts breached by gunpowder, ladders countered by boiling oil, archers beaten by more archers, all until they were each a hair's breadth from losing.

Noticing the waitress emerging from the kitchen with what had to be their food, Wyatt decided it was time to use his kill-shot. "Okay, Anj, prepare to lose."

"I was about to say the same thing to you."

Chuckling, Wyatt slapped a card labeled, 'Cleric' in front of his castle, saying only, "Boom."

"What, that's your winning move? I still have a holy edict in play, I'm immune to clergy."

"Yeah, except..." Wyatt played another card. "...ascension promotes it to a paladin, which-"

"-reverses holy edicts..." For a moment, the weasel looked like he was going to slam his fist into the table, but, muttering a quiet swear, he managed to control himself. Smiling at the cougar, he conceded defeat. "Well, good game.." He sighed, adding, 'You were holding that fucking card from the start, weren't you?"

"Maaaaaaybe," Wyatt said, snickering almost to the point of giggling as he cleared space for the waitress to put down his meal.

"...Bastard..." Andrew muttered, gathering all the cards and slipping them all back into their box.

"Do you fellas need anything else?" the waitress asked, sliding the weasel's plate in front of him.

"We're good, thanks." Wyatt waited for the waitress to skip away once more before leaning in over his steak. "I guess that means I get to be the top tonight, huh?" he said in a sing-songy tone.

"Eat your damn steak," Andrew replied as he stuffed a forkful of pasta in his mouth.

"This is gonna be fun." Showing a wide, toothy grin, Wyatt cut into his steak.


Stumbling through the door to their apartment, the cougar and weasel were so utterly fixated on making out, caressing each others' bodies, that they couldn't help but crash into the wall, missing the closet door by inches. Remembering that their roommate was likely in his bedroom trying to sleep, Andrew gently closed the door, only to be pulled into a deep, passionate kiss. Nothing needed to be said as they broke the kiss, briefly locking eyes before taking off, hand in hand, down the hallway into their shared bedroom.

Using the cougar's momentum as they passed through their doorway, Andrew gave him a shove, sending him sprawling onto the bed. "Stay," he commanded, turning around to close the door, ensuring their privacy.

"What the hell, Anj?" Wyatt said, rolling over. "I'm in charge tonight! You're not trying to welch on our bet, are ya?"

"No, I'm not, you won fair and square. That dancing game, as much as I sucked at it, just inspired me to try a little something first... That alright?"

"You have my attention." Placing his hands on his knees as he sat on the edge of the bed, the cougar curiously eyed his mate. "Go ahead."

Andrew nodded, breathing deeply to steady himself. Smoothly turning on his heels to face the cougar, he struck a pose, holding almost entirely still, arms raised, long tail coiling around his waist. Making a move akin to a pirouette, he gracefully spun on the tips of his shoes, peeling his shirt up and off as he traveled. Once the garment was fully removed, he tossed it to the floor in a short arc. Now bare-chested, he sauntered up to their dresser and, supporting himself by grabbing of the top edges, bent over, lowering his chest as far as he could. He raised his tail high, wiggled his taut, tauntingly presented butt at the cougar as he slipped off his shoes, kicking them away. Arching his back, he swiftly stood upright, sliding his chest and belly against the cool wood of the dresser. He glanced briefly over his shoulder at the gawking feline, licking his lips as he unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans. Hooking his thumbs over the waistband, he shimmied his hips, lowering them all the way to the floor. After kicking them away on top of his shoes, he turned around once more, striking the same stretched out, tail-coiled-around-his-waist pose with which he started, only now in nothing but his glasses and a bulging pair of tighty-whities.

"What did you think?" the lithe weasel asked, showing a bit of a nervous smile. "I can be graceful when I want to, right?"

"I... think that was the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen in my life." Shaking off his awed, gawking expression, Wyatt grinned ear-to-ear at the weasel.

Demurely blushing, Andrew lowered his arms, looking more relieved than anything else by the positive review.

"Now," Wyatt said, patting the bed next to himself, "get over here. I'm gonna fuck ya."

With a nod, Andrew eagerly leaped aboard their shared bed. Crossing his arms behind his head, he luxuriously lay back, waiting for the cougar to take the lead.

Well beyond turned on, more than ready to begin, Wyatt knelt beside the bed, digging through their hidden toy-chest. One by one, he pulled out a pair of leather mitts connected by a short length of chain, a pair of handcuffs, a bright red ball-gag, a vibrating butt-plug, and a container of lube, placing each one on the mattress.

"Hands," Wyatt sternly commanded, getting into character while his mate, now lying flat on his back, obediently offered his wrists. Locking on both mitts, sealing his hands away and together, he leaned in close to the weasel's muzzle. After giving him a long, sloppy kiss, he sat back, placed the gag into his open mouth, and securing the clip behind his head.

Andrew had barely begun to enjoy his bindings when he felt a powerful hand lift his arm, followed by a nose being shoved against the revealed armpit. Purely as a reflex, he let out a muffled giggle as the big cat took a deep inhale, getting a powerful whiff of his musk.

"I swear, I will never get tired of that," Wyatt said, slowly breathing out his boyfriend's scent. Noticing a throb from the thin layer of cloth covering the weasel's bulge, he moved lower, down to his vulnerable nipples. As he pinched one of the slightly hardened nubs between his thumb and forefinger, he lowered his head, giving the other a long slurp with his rough, sand-papery tongue.

From head to toe, the weasel's entire body tensed up, kicking at the air as a sharp squeal filtered through his gag. Observing his reaction, Wyatt didn't let up the tweaking, nibbling and licking of his boyfriend's nipples, watching with delight as the throbbing underwear bulge grew ever tighter.

Within seconds of the cougar's relentless teasing, Andrew's thick, pink shaft began to emerge, swelling out from under his waistband. Not needing any direct assistance, it rapidly grew out of his sheath, the tip of the heavy pillar of weasel cock rubbing along his belly-fur.

Once it was about half-erect, already impressively large, Wyatt finally eased up on the weasel's tortured chest-nibs. Gathering his remaining toys, he rose to his feet and playfully sauntered to the foot of the bed. No longer in the mood to be patient, he unceremoniously yanked the weasel's underwear down his thighs, over his tail, and past his ankles, ultimately tossing them over his shoulder to join the other discarded clothes. After slapping the cuffs around both of the weasel's ankles, he leaned in, shoving his nose against the underside of the visibly pulsing tower of weasel meat, right where it met his sheath, and took another long whiff.

Spurred onward by the soft, pleasured sigh from the other end of the bed, Wyatt proceeded to give the twitching shaft a series of darting licks as he blindly coated the butt-plug with lube. Once he decided the toy was ready, he sat back on his heels, lifting the weasel's cuffed, slightly spread thighs. He craned his head down, getting a close look at the tan star partially hidden under his fat, dangling nutsack, nestled between the weasel's skinny ass-cheeks.

As his own cock angrily throbbing to pierce through the front of his pants, Wyatt playfully jabbed the cool, slick tip of the plug against the weasel's tailhole. He had to bite his lip to keep from laughing at the shrill squeak from the other end of the bed, followed by the weasel craning his head down, shooting him a mildly confused look. "What, you thought the plug was for me?" he asked, teasingly working the toy further inside the tight hole using a smooth screwing motion.

Andrew let out a soft sigh, followed by pieces of mumbled gibberish, mostly made incomprehensible by his gag.

"I know. I'm on top tonight, and right now? That means I'm riding you." Popping the thick base of the plug into the flexing hole, Wyatt lowered the weasel's legs, running his tongue along his impressively sharp teeth as he gazed upon the nearly fully-erect, foot-long shaft. He firmly wrapped his hand around the fuckmeat's base, scooching forward to place his lips against the underside. Moving his mouth up and down the length, using an extended claw to teasingly prick the sensitive cock-tip, he peppered the salty, twitching flesh with kisses and licks, rapidly working his boyfriend to full-hardness. And by the looks of things, a rapidly approaching climax.

Suddenly coming to a complete stop, Wyatt let go of the fat shaft and jumped to his feet. His own cloth-encased cock throbbed even harder as he listened to the weasel's ensuing disappointed groans. Not wanting to keep him waiting - at least for TOO long - he quickly pulled off his shirt, unbuckled his belt, and dropped his pants and boxers, finally letting his own eight-inch, barbed, feline pride out to play. Sighing with pure lust, he gave his mate's erection a generous coating of lube with one hand while gently running the tips of his claws over every inch of it with the other.

Once the glistening shaft had been prepared to his satisfaction, Wyatt climbed aboard the bed, straddling the squirming weasel's waist. He raised his tail high, eagerly flicking it side to side as he knelt down, sitting his pucker directly atop the throbbing cock-tip. Having had several months worth of practice, regularly taking the entirety of the massive shaft, he had little difficulty lowering himself down, slowly impaling inch after inch deep into his tailhole. That's not to say he didn't bite his lip, wincing and groaning as he stuffed himself full, but, whatever the case, there was little doubt he was loving every second of it.

By all appearances, Andrew felt the same way, throwing his head back, flexing his toes, panting heavily as he bucked his hips, forcing his length just a little deeper inside that warm, unbelievably snug tunnel. Feeling an unexpected tweak to his nipple, he squealed out in pain and lowered his head, glaring at the cougar.

"Hey," Wyatt said, pinning the weasel to the mattress by his shoulders, "I'm in charge. Control yourself or I'm getting the ice."

Vigorously nodding, Andrew relaxed himself as much as he was able, unclenching his butt-cheeks while venting his frustrations by making fists with his mitt-encased hands.

Resuming his task, feeding the final few inches of weasel cock under his tail, Wyatt began using his thumbs to additionally massage the delighted weasel's nipples. Before long, his cheeks were flush against his mate's lap, having successfully worked every little bit of that marvelous cock into his rear. Doing his best not to let out a triumphant roar, he lifted several inches up, then got to work slamming their pelvises together, effectively fucking himself while using the weasel as, essentially, a living sex toy.

Riding his mate, having his prostate getting pummeled with every thrust, Wyatt was having the time of his life. He was only beginning to feel the first tinges of an approaching orgasm when, without warning, he heard a loud, muffled moan immediately followed by an unexpected sticky warmth spreading through his insides. Ceasing his bouncing, he grimaced at the climaxing weasel.

Andrew's entire body was tensed up, his nutsack in particular tight and drawn in close to his body. He kicked at the air, clenching his toes while holding his cuffed fists close to his chest.

"Seriously?" Wyatt huffed. "That's all you got? It's been what, five minutes? I'm not even close!"

Caught in the midst of a powerful orgasm, Andrew didn't respond, instead riding the wave of raw pleasure washing over him. Once it had passed by completely, leaving him dazed in a welcome afterglow, he finally relaxed enough to process what he cougar had said. He crossed his footpaws, appearing a bit embarrassed as he mumbled something into his gag.

Raising an eyebrow, Wyatt gave an irritated snort and flicked the weasel's nose. "Yeah, well, if you can't control yourself, guess I gotta get off the old-fashioned way." Lifting himself up, gradually pulling his cum-filled ass off the slick, shrinking shaft, causing a wet, sucking sound all along the way, he hopped off the side of the bed. After using his discarded boxers to wipe some of the leaking cum from his rear, he smirked and pulled them over the weasel's head, making sure to position the resulting cum-stain directly over his nose.

The powerful aroma of intermingling spooge and musk flooded Andrew's senses, giving a second life to his flagging erection. Within moments he was once more fully-erect, just in time for the cougar to grab him and roughly roll him over, positioning him on his chest and knees with his rear presented up in the air. He instinctively curled his tail up over his back, giving an enticing wiggle of his plugged rump as he inhaled another whiff of the cougar's sticky, sweaty undergarment.

Grabbing a fistful of the weasel's ass as support, Wyatt pulled the plug's base, gradually working the widest part out of the clenched ring. The instant the toy popped free of the tight, pre-lubed rim, leaving it with a nice, slight gape, he jumped back aboard the mattress, and knelt behind the weasel. Without hesitation, he wrapped his hand around that lovely narrow waist and thrust his hips, spearing his full length between the weasel's cheeks.

Had Andrew's muzzle not been stuffed with rubber, his resulting scream of pleasured joy would have shaken the walls. As it was, he made something akin to a squeal, satisfied to enjoy the tip of his overly-sensitive cock rubbing the bed-sheets between his splayed knees.

Wyatt only barely managed to keep himself from belting out a full roar, clenching his maw shut to keep from disturbing his roommate. As soon as his wish to announce his conquest to the world had passed, he set about pumping his hips, using every ounce of pent up lust he had to plow the love of his life.

Between the blunted barbs scratching and tickling the walls of his tunnel and the heavy testicles smacking over and over into his own, Andrew was in heaven. Unable to do much else, he reached down between his legs and used his latex mitts to stroke his length, sensing a second climax was not that far off.

Falling forward, landing on his outstretched hands, holding himself up just above the weasel's back, Wyatt switched to shorter, much harder thrusts, growing faster with every passing second. The resounding slaps of their bodies impacting echoed through the room like thunder, utterly drowning out their moaning and the creaking of the bed-frame. Though he lasted a fair amount longer than the weasel, he couldn't keep it going forever. With a final, brutal hammering thrust, he hit his peak, sending multiple thick spurts of cum into the wonderfully warm tunnel.

Gasping for air, he gradually regained his senses, pulling out of the weasel's ass and rolling off to his side. A wide smile plastered on his face, he sat back, staring at the ceiling until he heard a small whimper. He looked down, noticing that the weasel - still wearing his boxers-blindfold - was rock hard, humping at the sheets in a desperate desire to cum a second time. Happy to provide some assistance, he crawled to his knees, straddling the back of the weasel's head and facing his backside. Bending down, he rested his chin atop of his rump beside his tail for support, and, retracting his claws, he promptly inserted a pair of fingers into the cum-filled tailhole. Using his free hand, he reached around between the weasel's legs, getting his cock in a grip, and pulled it back out through his thighs. As he began finger-fucking the weasel, he aimed his mildly curved hard-on directly at his cuffed ankles and crossed footpaws, and without any further delay, furiously pistoned his fist up and down all the way along his length.

Andrew, now muffled by a gag, boxers, and the cougar's meaty thighs, simply let out a long sigh. He shuddered, more than welcoming the rough treatment, the cougar's strong hands skillfully milking out a bonus orgasm. Unable to move much else, he whipped his tail about and curled his toes, whining as his balls tightened, the entire lower half of his body tingling from an imminent climax.

Needing one last push to really send his mate over the edge, Wyatt jammed his fingers in up to their bottom knuckles, jerked him off at a fully blurred pace, and turned his head to gently bite the base of his tail. Though he stopped well short of causing any damage, the pressure and pricking teeth sent the weasel screaming into an explosive orgasm, his entire body clenching as he fired several fat globs of cum, painting the soles and pads of his own feet.

Continuing to pump the weasel's cock while fingering under his tail, Wyatt didn't stop until he was sure he had milked him of every drop. He pulled his fingers free, wiping his hand off on the weasel's ass as he released his tail and twitching, doubly-spent shaft. Spitting out a small tuft of fur, he crawled down to the weasel's feet. Without any hesitation, he licked the slightly sweaty, thoroughly cum-soaked footpaws clean, absolutely loving the ensuing muffled giggles. Focusing particularly on the toes and their pads, he dueled the flexing digits with his rough tongue, occasionally taking a moment to wrap his whole mouth around them, sucking them clean.

Once he had finished cleaning the weasel's musky footpaws, Wyatt let out a tired sigh. Sitting up, he rolled the weasel onto his side, then lay down behind him, pressing their bodies together. He ran his hand up his mate's chest fur, playfully tweaking a nipple one more time before removing the boxers-blindfold and gag, dropping them both off the bed.

Andrew let out a soft, contented sigh of his own, thoroughly enjoying the afterglow alongside the firm chest and soft fur pressing into his back. Moving his jaw side to side, he worked out some mild stiffness from being gagged. He stopped to show a wide smile when the cougar shifted forward, resting his muzzle on his cheek.

"So, was it a good first anniversary?" Wyatt asked, closing his eyes, idly running his fingers through the weasel's chest fur.

"Perfect," Andrew answered in barely more than a faint mumble. He let out a long, enthusiastic yawn, smacked his lips and fell quiet, content to cuddle in silence.

After spending several minutes of unspeaking stillness together, Wyatt opened his eyes. "Hey, Andrew?"


"We've been together a while now... have you considered... maybe... making us, I dunno, official?"

Andrew blinked several times. "You mean like get married?"


Chewing his bottom lip, Andrew considered the offer. "Will you uncuff me if I say yes?"


"Oh. Now I don't wanna say yes."

Wyatt tweaked one of the weasel's nipples, getting a sharp gasp in return. "Naughty little weasel," he said, chuckling as his mate burst into a series of snorting laughs.

"Of course I'll marry you, dumbass," Andrew answered, sharply gasping again when the cougar tweaked his other nipple.

"Awesome." Wyatt smiled, briefly nuzzling the weasel's cheek. "Hey, Andrew?"


"I think someone might've played an ascension card on me." Gyrating his hips, Wyatt rubbed his swelling cock between the weasel's cheeks, teasing his well-fucked tailhole. "Feel like another round?"

"Oh my god, you are such a dork," Andrew said, not even attempting to hold back another snorting laugh.

"You love it."

"I do," Andrew said, turning his head to give the cougar a loving kiss. Wiggling his rump, he added, "Now get on with it," locking toes with his fiancee.

Not needing to say anything more, Wyatt thrust his hips, reburying his length between the weasel's cheeks, both of them eager to get back to their fun.


Waking with a stunned gasp, Caleb sat up in bed, clapping his hands over his muzzle. He was only barely able to mute the joyous squeal filtering between his fingers, furiously wagging his striped, bushy tail. "It happened!" he said, barely above a whisper. Throwing off the sheets, completely uncovering his unclothed body and the glinting golden cage locked over his sheath, the angelic raccoon flapped his wings, raising his voice to a full shout. "IT HAPPENED! IT HAPPENED IT HAPPENED IT HAPPENED!!!"

"Woff snorff hubbahhh..." Rick mumbled, stirring awake due to the outburst. Lying on his side under the covers, he didn't bother opening his eyes, simply giving an enthusiastic yawn before burying the left half of his head back into his pillow.

Cartwheeling through the air, spreading the birdlike wings adorning his shoulders, Caleb couldn't stop himself from laughing and cheering, eventually forcing the wolf to abandon his attempt to get back to sleep.

Rick rolled onto his back, craning his head, squinting at the raucously celebrating raccoon. "...what...happened...exactly?..."

"IT happened! Andrew and Wyatt! They just made a full commitment to each other! They're getting married!" Caleb stopped to let out an excited giggle.

"...oh... cool... I'll get'em a pie tomorrow... Now go back to sleep..." Turning back onto his side, Rick grunted with disgust when his nose landed in a puddle of drool and scooted his head back.

Zipping in close, nose to nose with the wolf, Caleb hovered bent over with his butt high in the air. "No no no! You don't understand what this means!" He covered his mouth, giggling again. "Two lovers I connected truly committed to one another! At my review tomorrow I'm DEFINITELY going to get a promotion for this!" His voice lowered slightly, shifting his gaze to the side. "I was really worried when they tried a long distance thing for the first several months, that was really shaky." Resuming his chipper tone, he continued, "But then Wyatt moved in and they're the best couple I ever made! In all my life I've never been so good at my job! And it's all thank to you, Rick! I LOVE YOU!!!"

"...zzzzznice... I'll get you a pie tomorrow," Rick replied, promptly resuming his soft snoring.

"This is kind of a huge deal for me! Like the biggest ever!" Caleb said, slyly smirking at the oblivious lupine. "I... don't suppose you'd be interested in... maybe... a little extra celebration before I have to leave to get milked, would you?"

Opening an eye, Rick was clearly enticed by the suggestion, though he also appeared tentative. "...I'd seriously love to, but I have an early class tomorrow. After that we can fuck all day, alright? V-Day's our anniversary, after all."

"Come on, Ricky! Can you really say no to this?" Caleb turned around, showing off his tailhole, still covered with flecks of dried cum. He swished his bottle-brush tail over the wolf's snout, forcing him to sneeze himself fully awake. Turning back around, Caleb blushed while holding a hand over his mouth. "Oh, whoops! Sorry!"

Grumbling, Rick glared at the cherub with his most stern, commanding expression. He was unable to hold onto his annoyance for long once his gaze met the raccoon's shimmering silver, utterly adorable eyes. "You're just lucky I love you too," he said, defeatedly laughing. Pulling the sheets off to his side, he spread his legs to display the matted fur of his crotch. Despite his initial anger, the red tip of his cock was already swelling out of his sheath. "Go ahead, hop on. And let's make this quick. I seriously do need to get some sleep, alright?"

"Fine with me!" Caleb cheered, excitedly fluttering over to the wolf, hovering a short distance over his crotch. Turning around so that they were facing the same direction, he suddenly dropped his full weight onto the wolf's belly, just above his crotch, completely knocking the wind out of him.

"HWOOF!!!" Rick grunted, coughing once before taking in a gasping breath. "Ugh, Caleb, be careful will ya?" He ran his fingers through the raccoon's chest and belly fur, leaving furrows all the way down to his caged crotch.

"Sorry, I'm just so EXCITED!!!" Smiling up at the wolf, Caleb gasped, feeling the tip of the wolf's engorging cock teasingly prod at his tailhole. "Can you blame me?"

"I guess not, it sounds like a pretty big deal, after all." Reaching down, Rick hooked his hands under the raccoon's knees and pulled his legs up to his chest, putting him in a loose cannonball position. Holding the delighted raccoon close, he gave a single, powerful thrust of his hips, instantly burying the tip of his knotted, lupine cock past the tight ring of flesh.

Caleb clamped his hands over his muzzle to keep from screaming with joy, not that anyone but Rick would have been able to hear him otherwise. Splaying his toes, his cage shimmering with an almost imperceptible white light as his fat balls dangled underneath, he excitedly waited for the wolf to get started. He wasn't left waiting for very long, as within seconds, the muscular wolf raised his pelvis off the mattress, lifting them both up together, and began pounding upward, furiously humping his ass.

Having already spent the better part of the night together, Caleb was well-prepared to handle the assault, easily taking the full length in only a few short thrusts. Nevertheless, it wasn't enough to stop him from screaming into his hands, kicking out as he got pounded, especially loving the fat knot repeatedly knocking at his backdoor.

His jaw shut tight, gritting his teeth, Rick was far less vocal than the raccoon, only snorting and grunting from the physical exertion. Even so, he wasn't enjoying himself any less. After a year of being together, fucking in a countless number of ways, rarely missing a night, that wonderfully accommodating hole felt no less tight than it did during their first time. And yet, despite that tightness, he never had any trouble inserting, filling, and knotting the chaste cherub. Case in point, his knot was already starting to breach the raccoon's hole, getting a little bit further inside each time it struck the flexing rim.

Letting go of his muzzle to hold onto his footpaws, weaving his fingers between his toes, Caleb let fly with a chorus of lyrical wails and cheers. The golden cage securing his sheath was visibly twitching as it flopped up and down, bouncing atop his heavy, swinging nutsack. He squeezed down on his footpaws, bracing himself just as the wolf suddenly slowed his thrusting to a stop.

Pulling his length out, leaving only the tip inside the raccoon, Rick shifted his feet in closer for better leverage. He rammed his pelvis back up, putting everything he had into a single thrust, a loud pop sounding out as he successfully knotted his mate's rear. Letting out a moaning howl, he resumed his humping, only with shorter, stronger thrusts, occasionally doing so hard enough to knot-fuck the raccoon, swiftly popping his knot out and forcing it back in.

Caleb was seeing stars, pulling his legs up straight, squeezing down on his feet at either side of his head. The needy throbbing in his cage, nearly ready to burst from a year's worth of chastity, was nothing compared to the raw pleasure of his hole getting pounded, stretched over and over to its very limit. He had absolutely no doubt that if the cage wasn't actively blocking an orgasm, he'd be painting the walls with his pent up cum. In its own way, that denial just made getting so thoroughly filled so much hotter.

Spurred on by the raccoon's squirming, squeezing, and cute little noises, Rick rapidly reached his peak, flying over the edge into a heavenly climax. He threw his head back in a full lupine howl that almost shook the walls, slamming his knot back in one final time, holding them both high off the bed as he pumped a fresh load of hot wolf cum deep into the happily sighing raccoon's tunnel. The very moment his climax faded into a very welcome afterglow, Rick fell back, totally exhausted, onto the bed. His tail idly wagged between his legs, feeling the weight of the raccoon resting on his belly, not to mention the oozing warmth and tight clenching around his cock.

"That was amazing, Ricky," Caleb side, craning his head to look into the wolf's barely open eyes. He let go of his feet, stretching out a bit, ultimately content to remain snuggling atop his mortal mate. Planting quick kiss on the wolf's nose, he stretched out his little wings and kicked one knee over the other. The glowing and twitching of his cage had ceased, and even though it was only a few hours until his yearly milking and release, he had never been so satisfied before.

It seemed silly in retrospect, how worried they were at the start, maintaining a relationship between an angel and a mortal. Naturally, it wasn't perfect, and there was a number of concerns to face yet down the line, but for the moment, all they needed was each other.

" you Caleb," Rick said, barely above a mumble. Giving a wide yawn, he smacked his lips and fell back to sleep.

"I love you too," Caleb said, giggling as he hugged his big wolf. He happily rested his head on the broad, gray-furred chest, looking forward to what new treats their actual anniversary would bring.