Dthana saga chapter nine

Story by Mericus on SoFurry

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This is rewritten from something i uploaded and then removed from this site years ago. I contains cruel things as well as good things, be advised it has violence and terror as well as rape and oral sex, plus evil people getting their just deserts for the bad things they do.

this is a chapter in a long saga i am rewriting

Note: this is a chapter in the Dthana saga story this is chapter nine

It has blood, terror, pain, torture, splooge and rapine in it as well as death and gun violence be advised this is not for the squeamish!

Druggher worked in the shop this shift, even though the ship's engines were still off. He had made his way here to wait communication of they're arrival. Soon he could fulfill both his fantasy and of his old desires. "Soon this will be a successful raid and a bonus too, his own personal slave. He thought. "Oh what pleasures I will have at your expense little Uumlat pilot!" He thought to himself mumbling out loud, "soon my little love socket, you will become my little fur ball of delight, until of course I shave off all your fur and addict you to GBI drugs that will turn your skin pretty colors.: He giggled in demonic glee.

There was no one around to hear, a machine was purposefully running to mask any suspicions inaction to getting the engines up and running, that might arise, not that there was anyone to check up on him, except the Captain.. He scouted his area again by first looking up the ladder that led to the upper deck no one was topside. He went to his own bulkhead and looked both ways down the dark metallic corridors. Bracings were at every ten feet, reinforcing the structure of the ship. These floors had pylons curved by the oval of the hallway, from the deck plates of the floor to the open area of pipes and ducting overhead to the under floor of the next level above. Extended like ribs inside the belly of an Eel down either end of the ship. Internally and, (except for one location topside) externally the structures of the ship were the only things he had not sabotaged.

His 'friends' were Corsairs through the reaches of the borders to the Sitran Empire and the Confederation space.

Raiders swooped down upon the lost and the unwary, and sometimes they have help, Even Dhraisians make good mechanics, but as saboteurs they are expert.

He has rearranged the ship under the very nose of the first officer, a Kasan. A security professional, the Dhraisian laughed at him silently. The body was floating somewhere several million miles aft, "The Professional," he sniggered.

To the rest of the crew he seldom said a word to. Speaking to them in a heavy accent and short to the point replies, just enough to creep them out to his eerie darkness. Passing the small pilot in the hallways he would simply stop and make the small furry fellow crawl between his legs, a violent indignation display was next. But he only remembered the feeling when, Geoffrey's angry shouts always sounded so ...helpless.

But this Raider is part of a Sitran run ship. And he revels in the fact that the rest of this crew are uncomfortable around him, especially the Uumlat Pilot, second officer, so he does not care about any of them as equals, some will become other things.

He thinks of the furry little pilot, "His dark red soft fur will feel so good to press him down and tear. Later" he told himself. He went over in his mind the steps that had been accomplished so far. The engines are cold and will take eight hours each to restart, but all the fuel has been leaked to space, the crew cannot open the weapons locker, the Captain has only five shots, all my explosives are set for the boarding party..." he resumed his act. He had hired on as a "Draconian' like his papers said, a race unlike Sitrans, and not many Dhraisians were even in the regular Sitran army, so they had not had much exposure to the rest of the five galaxy's inhabitants.

He busied about with the charade preparations then the tingling happened in his arm he reached to see what insect was trying to bite him. But it was inside of his arm, his transponder vibrated. Excited, he massaged the thing to still, "It is sooner than I thought" he laughed out loud shutting off the lathe as he passed by it, on his way to his explosives control panel, his friends had arrived.

Upon the bridge a long stalk off and away from the rest of the ship, the Captain makes course corrections that are risky but he is experienced in the H'Emorael military. The ancient foe of the Amoleans, but he was a non-combat officer. These course changes will shave off the time lost due to the breakdowns and stoppages they have had to make. Sometimes risks are necessary, and he is the Captain after all.

His horns were wide and large, so much so that presently no one else was on the bridge. They were a rack of his own pride, shiny and clean, he had five points on one side and six on the other this year. He felt a twinge of the excitement of risk and decided he could handle any encounter even with Raiders.

Captain of the cargo ship "Blistering Sunfall" he had thought he had good engines; but now he was sitting in his chair the ship was dead in space again. And this close to the Sitran border he did now find he was getting very nervous. He felt down for his shotgun at his hip it was there but it did not reassure him. And then his scanners sparked, sputtered and popped then the power went out completely.

The Gel-Albaan drew his weapon and flipped on the emergency light switch, nothing happened. His ship moved underneath his cloven hooves though, about three feet in fact, he stumbled for a second not knowing why that had happened.

Dthana awoke in a pool of sweat. His skin was both cold and felt somehow dirty at the same time. He was only wet. The dream faded, was it a memory? He was unsure now it was going, then nothing, it was gone.

He did not know.

He reached for the light in the small room Tsenk and Khiors had made for him. The Captain's cabin they said.

It was composed of a door to a bed, immediately upon entering.

The light came from an ingenious slit all around the wall above his head. But the light was at chest level upon entering. Syka had installed a touch plate he could turn on.

The bed was well-designed warm air wafted up to dry the fabric and mattress. It was handy on particularly sloppy frenzies he has had with his three regulars. But this was disturbing. It was really intense "Something of an after effect perhaps, Tsenk ...Syka?"

He was alone, the door was closed he should not have not started getting used to sleeping again, Dthana thought. He was dreaming more often. The crew had eventually told him each of their secret first names he could no say them out loud anywhere but is secure privacy. But he could say all of their names to his own self in here and out loud, it was completely silent with the door closed. There was no lock though, still everyone knocked and announced themselves before entering.

"Who's up?" He touched the intercom to the each of the ships pilot's twin cockpits.

"Yes, Captain?" It was Syka's voice responding to his question.

"Oh never mind, I'm coming up." Dthana scooted over to the door and pushed it open then crawled out onto the deck plates.

He pulled himself up by one arm and stood on his hooves. He looked down. And thought he would like to get those things removed someday. He still had on the original shoes they'd nailed on him.

No it has been too long somebody of the Siangka's had me shod again. He stretched himself out on the fake gravity of the '488' the new name of they're interstellar fighter-bomber.

It was not much thought really but made sense to everybody except Dthana, but they had outvoted him. He had forgotten that they decided to agree to more of his ramblings in the name panic episode,( *Kasans have secret first names, only revealed to intimation contacts). Democracy they said it was called, a Kasan government, they 'vote' to approve an idea; so he acquiesced then they voted for the name of the space ship being the same as the land vehicle. Then they voted to create a nice private place they could stick him, to allow him time to himself as well as not be hovering around them when they were not thinking about sex but maintenance or work.

And then they could actually get stuff done. But going to sleep when he got bored was not a good idea. He ducked into the right side cockpit tunnel. No one was flying the ship the Hyper jump was nearing the end, according to the indicator.

Syka rushed back around from the other cockpit he was still lacing his belt back into his pants. "Sorry, Captain. Oh my, I should, hmm yeah." He smiled that alligator expression they all had. It was also exactly the same as when they were angry. The only difference was this was Syka, he wore a collar of wires to ear bud speakers that inserted into his ear holes and had a plug at the other end to go into the ship's connections. Kasans listened to tonal sounds to correct problems or diagnose navigation issues. Syka never took his off. He had an almost indistinguishable marking on the back of his neck.

Dthana had pointed it out because they all had one shaped nearly the same except for Syka his was dimpled, now that everybody was walking around the ship shirtless.

Gravity was created by turning the graviton back on then turning on the anti-graviton that Khiors had built to Dthana's instruction. This was an engine that none of the Kasans had ever seen before. It allowed them a faster warp, though they opted for the slow one anyway through only the Graviton. A sensor would reach out to a distant object in space then through the weaker nuclear action gravity focused along that beam to attach then attract to that object with gravity. at different degrees of attraction speed was maintained depending upon what speed the object was going.

Since he was the Captain he wanted to get a fat belly again, so they all voted with him that time, his Avole needed feeding by each crewmen, twice a day. His belly went down to the enhancement of his muscles; by way of being so well fed.

But then they all kept sending him back to his room so they could do maintenance, so he had fallen asleep from being full and doing nothing else. Now though he was built out more his arms were bigger he was sure of it. The regular 'feeding' was letting his body muscle out in bulk.

"Syka do my arms look bigger?"

Syka looked and exclaimed as he looked up from getting caught. Whomever it was with Dthana did not know, they were not making any noises.

"Yes Dthana, and your back it's filled out more too, ooh you look... say you hungry?" he grinned. Now that is he only closed his mouth his teeth still showing, his eyes though he showed he could control his eyebrows with the raising of one.

Dthana laughed, "No, I, Hmmm, it would be not a good idea right now." Dthana chuckled, "We are getting close to the end of the jump, what is up ahead anyway?"

Syka happily turned on his installation of the long-range scanners and the holographic display that appeared off the floor plates between the two of them.

"Oh, Syka that is really well made," Dthana remarked impressed by the expert abilities of his Kasan technician, "Oh how does it get better zoom?"

Syka licked his lower lips and touched the planet nearest him and it grew in size in a blue color it returned to it original color when he pulled out his finger from the hologram planet. It was as big as if it stretched out beyond the confines of the single hulled unarmored versus space ship weapons craft. It being designed like aircraft still an atmospheric planet-fall attack bomber.

This view that took up this entire cockpit did not extend the hologram beyond this cockpit.

"Touch twice to make it smaller, poke once to get even larger. These are good scanners."

He was proud, Dthana told him, "I am really impressed Syka I am!" Dthana was, he still thought these were like children to him, ever since he'd found out how old he was.

Still Siangka was even older in cloned lifetimes, the rest of them the same. So it was kind of a different form of immortality each of them had. They only had to clone every sixty years; he didn't age more than one one thousandth normal and couldn't die as long as he ate.The GBI drugs that colored his skin made him able to heal quickly as well as have a kind of impenetrable armor just underneath the skin. Long term use of the drugs o create submissive sexual tendencies in all Sitran captures led eventually to this invulnerable ability. Not so with all races or with all Amoleans like Dthana, one in a thousand developed armored under skin below the epidermis.

Dthana touched a twinkle of the scan hologram and it grew into two ships one directly up against another. A touch again and it was another fighter bomber just like theirs attached directly. To Dthana it looked like by the bottom of the Sitran ship on top of the big collection of grapes some name in an unknown yet familiar looking script. He touched it again.

All the exterior lights went out on the larger ship the Sitran one was attached to, a long stalk and a bulb hung off the underside of the larger ship. Some large ships of the old ancient parallel universe where both races originated, were the H'Emorael Empire using these kinds of ships, though outdated these are larger than later H'Emorael craft and can carry larger cargos. To oversee loading or unloading operations the stack could travel on the keel underneath the craft to supervise work by the senior officers. Only the vassal races of the Ram like H'Emorael used these older ships, the strangely scripted name would have revealed to Dthana the race that was probably in charge of this craft

"Say Syka, can we latch onto the Sitran ship the same way?" Dthana was smiling, "Let's attack from their side of the ships. And take their booty and anything else they have."

Dthana was smiling without teeth his lips pulled back like he still did have them, but Syka was still alarmed by Dthana's excitement, he wasn't so sure they should be 'going pirate-like and to a Sitran ship as well. He toggled the intercom, "Everyone get up here! The Captain has an idea!"

There was a general crash of things dropped curses in Kasan, then a scramble of claw nail toed feet up to the cockpit. Dthana only pointed "We are going to attack the pirate ship and take all they have. They will never know we are there until they see us wave goodbye!" He was rubbing his hands together.

And odd gleam in his eye, "Hey we are pirates right?" He defended his order, "So let's do it Amolean style brilliant and old fashioned at the same time!" They all groaned, they had agreed to him too in the Democracy, he was in command of their direction as the captain..

When the Raiders hit, they took the bridge second, Keshao fire took his right horn tip on the outside, completely off. He answered with his shotgun ducking behind his chair. All five rounds blew out in rapid succession, someone large staggered into his view. The big Elk captain saw it was the 'Draconian' mechanic he'd hired; "You!" the traitor in his crew was the dying one now blown in half by three full shotgun blasts.

A Sitran pistol in his hand, well, now dropping to the deck plates his bloody body next in a wet flump. He heard and saw lights coming his way the small five flashes had been seen from the end of the hallway, he felt around for his shotgun reload. The Captain and his Rhoctda Mark IV semi-auto one hand shotgun, was out of ammo, "Never needed it fully loaded before, damn!" he said in his native Elk.

The lights revealed themselves to be Raiders holding Kashaos, Sitran army officer's issue guns. He was out of ammo; he began to walk down from his dais of the main bridge stretching his captain's uniform straight to pull out the wrinkles, he walked down regally, like a captain should.. Multiple flashes came into his body before he could bring his empty gun to bear.They all just shot him down like a dog laughing.

One of them took him by his collar and drug him over into the airlock, he was in and out of consciousness the risk was not worth it, he decided to just close his eyes to what was probably next, either they would empty their guns into his prone body or flush him out into space, he decided he did not want to watch either one..

The female cargo ship's Doctor was pushed onto the bridge and went immediately to his side. She looked back at the Sitran standing there and she rose up in a rage at what they're done, came at them all with her tiger claws. The Sitran in front shot her four times in the stomach, and closed the inner door to the air lock the others all came over to look inside the airlock. The Captain reached out and grabbed the female Descart Carthan's hand gripping it. The Sitran sub commander punched the outer door to blow them both out into space.

The Captain and the unconscious from her wounds, and now dieing female Carthan, drift away from uproarious laughter. Loving the new joke, the Sitrans all congratulate themselves, and then begin dismantling the bridge controls, Sitrans never take female prisoners.

What happened before the Captain and doctor were murdered happened some time before, the doctor was rustled out of her bed and pushed along like a beast of burden, but what had transpired before woke her from a sound sleep, a few minutes later the Sitrans had broke into her cabin too, but she saw the little Uumlat pilot dressed in a slave harness with a terrible look of fear and error on his face, she did not know what had happened to him, she did see the 'draconian' mechanic giving orders to the Sitrans, she'd thought Draconians were from the other side of the Antarean galaxy.

It was at least twenty maybe thirty minutes before the airlock blew out. His door was forced open and the Draconian stood there. There were three fully armored with weapons drawn Sitrans standing behind him. He said in perfect accent-less common galactic "Hello Geoffrey, lets party!"

The Dhraisian said gaily opening his mouth as stepped inside the squirrel's cabin, "Get out of here..." He choked back seeing the Sitrans were pointing guns at him.

The Ship's Mechanic put a collar around his neck and attached four leashes to it. He over to stand flat against the wall, the other three each with a leash chose the other walls. They were only six feet tall the Sitrans the Draconian was eight. Still they all towered over the four foot seven inch Uumlat. He was still not saying anything more, shocked by the abruptness as well as the Druggher's happy greeting in perfect Galactic Common. No one else said anything as each one when to a point in the room.

They all began to tug on the leashes each of them pulling then letting the others tug him around the room by his neck, and then stopped. He was closest the Dhraisian mechanic, the big man pushed him to the floor and grabbed his legs Geoffrey yelled in fear he knew what he wanted the way he looked, "No don't!"

He got his leg grabbed the Dhraisian was making a thick sound that sounded like a drain gurgling, he screamed hysterically in terror, the rest of them began to moan in unison a mournful tune. They were all looking at him and smiling, but the Dhraisian was smiling more.

Geoffrey screamed "Oh NO! Not This! No! Please" The Dhraisian grabbed him holding his small terrified body up in the air four feet off the floor, the giant man with a growing thicker bulge in his flight suit in his groin area held Geoffrey up easily showing his futility in these powerful hands, The Squirrel could wiggle and squirm but nothing was any effect to the grip "You want it dry, ..." The Dhraisian looked at the ship's pilot down at his belly and rubbed it. Geoffrey recoiled and squirmed yelling out a mournful revulsion to this giant touching him like that "Ew! Gods No please, Not that, Please I can't no please, please have mercy!"

It felt so slimy though it wasn't wet, "or moist?" He pulled the leash up to between his legs and held Geoffrey's face there. "Open your mouth Geoffrey!" the Dhraisian commanded.

It was deafening, and it scared him to lose his bowels all right there. A shock from the huge reptile's movement and the claws grabbed each side of his pants just under the belt, and began pulling. His biceps bulged out in front of Geoffrey in a strange eroticism except it would have been nice if it was not so abrupt, but it was very abrupt. He was crying "Please, please don't do this I'm a good pilot I never hurt you, please don't!" he was blubbering. His pants tore front and back in a rip getting more open as the huge arms drew apart, his legs that did not rip away bunched and caught on his kneeling legs.

Other drains unclogged behind him the meaning was obvious as his heart fell through the deck plates and out the bottom of the ship into cold, cold space ...they were laughing. Another tug the pants were now rags the action splayed his legs apart the Dhraisian had a growing erection his rather large sack hung right in front Geoffrey's muzzle. A clawed hand reached up and tore his underwear off in one swipe ripping it off into a ragged piece. Most of the mess went with it. His rags were used on him as the other dry hand held him, he was cleaned.

"Okay Geoffrey, you're right!" he spun the squirrel around in his powerful arms and set him down on his back in one motion the impact knocked the wind out of Geoffrey.

His mind raced "he can't get away, they leashed him. He can't reason with them, they are Sitrans ...so what is left?"

He took his shirt from the Uumlat; he was naked in front of the Dhraisian. The big saurian only undid his fly, his long dark green heavily veined post at least ten inches long stiffened outside his pants.

He next grabbed Geoffrey's hips, "Wait!" Geoffrey heard himself say, a long inhale then he was squinting his eyes "Wet please" he swallowed.

Moved to a new position on the floor in front of this heavy musk snake skin, forced, like dry side leather hide roughness, into his lips the quick change of where he was held. now on both sides of his head. This cock stank like food gone bad, the hands ending in claw nails where larger than his head, they pulled to open his mouth more with the size and length.

He found out it was longer than ten inches more like fifteen, the Dhraisian held it in front of his mouth, "spit!"

A hand opened his mouth with a thumb and laid clay like tasting fingers, to flatten out his tongue, to the bottom of his mouth, "No don't swallow yet, I want you to taste your own piss and shit!"

Geoffrey cried, and was in terror he trembled his legs really swaying back and forth wiggling in terror as the wide oval on a long head to a two inch diameter primary shaft, after it got towards the base it was three inches around.

It entered his mouth he wanted to gag and did. It continued in despite his convulsing, coughing and choking on the meat as it drove into his mouth up and over his wet tongue and down into his throat, continuing deep into his throat making him gag and cry tears from his eyes at its taste and length. It was too long, longer than anything Geoffrey had ever seen, a giant snake of a penis thick and throbbing stretched out Geoffrey's throat another two inches larger than normal, it continued deep into his throat past his esophagus and down further still.. He felt the gagging stretch in an air pocket painfully before the size of this thing into his throat it stopped at the point just above his stomach and ground into his guts. The air finally gurgled in relief into his intestines.

His own shit in his mouth made him cry in an open mouthed groan, but this god-awful thing was horrible tasting, he vomited. The bile came up but stopped again, it went back down again burning his stomach with the acid, and it went back hotly.

This throat stretching cock was so big, the head, it shut off all the air to his lungs, and he could not breath. He was panicking, pulling on the cock base back with his hands into a blank wall for all the good it did. He was feeling his lungs burn, his eyes were pouring wetness into his cheek fur. And then the Dhraisian pulled his whole cock completely out of the back of his throat. A line of saliva coated the entire length of it.

Geoffrey inhaled a spit slung huge pull of air and coughed the spit in his throat, some puke then came up as well, leaving his mouth with a burning bile taste adding to the other recently memorable flavors, of that musk covered garbage tasting reptilian cock longer than Geoffrey's arms.

A line of spit laid out in front of Geoffrey on across his own brown furry chest dribbling off the Dhraisian's raising in beats, awful tasting cock, and across his shaking in spasms, belly.

He was pushed to the floor again, and as the Dhraisian pulled up Geoffrey's legs, he began to cry again, "Please let me go, I'll, I'll do anything for you. Please!" He cried again, he begged, he whimpered, it all made the Dhraisian laugh all the harder at his pitiful pleas. He pulled up Geoffrey and forced his pre dripping cock into Geoffrey's virgin ass. Geoffrey screamed to the top of his lungs as the two-inch across post pierced his tightly clenched pucker.

In a slice of his asshole tearing top as well as and bottom he screeched in agony, it made him roll his ass around trying to find some way to get away from it but it was relentless. He cried out again "No! Please! It hurts! It's too big! I can't take it, its too bi-hi-ig!" he whimpered out as it split his splincer muscle up and out of the way of the full thrust to his colon, which blocked entry.

He rolled his ass around frantically in awful pain he was screaming in the force stretching his colon exterior out of shape until it pierced his colon and kept going."GAAAH Eeeeeiiick It's too big, it's too big! Its splitting my asshole in half, Oh Gods, please its hurts so bad, pull it out, please, I can't EEEEIIIICH!" Geoffrey felt it go in deeper. He was as wide as the room he though back down there, he could feel his hips separate as the cock head pushed into his intestines.

Geoffrey was just screaming in quick pants, as he hyperventilated his agony. The Dhraisian said to him, "Oh Geoffrey I think I'm in love, Oh mmmmm! Your ass in so very tight!"

The tongue of the rapist licked out and across Geoffrey's face sickening him to his soul, he pulled his face away as much as he could, The Dhraisian pulled the monstrous cock out again, completely out. Pain and relief cascaded over Geoffrey he was so happy it was withdrawn from his tortured torn into bloody shreds ass and deep into his guts as well.

But the stretch was still agonizing, sending pangs of sharp pains through his rectum and deep into his stomach. His hips hurt too, as well as his entire anal passage. The Dhraisian put his cock against Geoffrey's pucker again, "Tell me you love this Geoffrey tell me how much you love my huge cock deep into your guts, talk dirty to me Geoffrey." He cooed to him and licked that tongue into Geoffrey's mouth. Geoffrey turned and spit out the taste and the way it felt, he groaned in misery and cried out his plea again for mercy, "I'm begging don't put that in me again it is too big, please it hurts too much, p-l-e-a-s-e!"

"Oh but Geoffrey you know it will be so much better like this!"

He pulled the Squirrel's ankles all the way around to the floor above his head and ground his cock into Geoffrey and through the Uumlat's guttural scream and groaning agony, the Dhraisian began to pump into the little unable to move Squirrel's ass. Slapping his balls into the furry tail arched backwards up around Geoffrey's spine since he was sitting on most of it.

Faster and harder the pain was building he was trying to squirm trying to get away the vicious raping pole was searing into his asshole it was now beginning to chaff, he could feel it, sharp pains like fiery spots in his ass. The Dhraisian then pushed hard once and then twice really deep grinding his entire fifteen inches into Geoffrey, he was mashed over into his chest he could look right at the bottom of his own balls he was pushed over so far. He groaned his loud pain out the cock head pushing his hips apart it felt like. Then the Dhraisian pulled completely out again and pulled Geoffrey back straight again. The relief to not being crushed as well as violently raped was a brief respite.

His ass was split a third time, The mechanic was looking at Geoffrey in his large orbs, red veins in the eyes and tears still streaming out of them, Geoffrey was screaming at each thrust, but only moaning in pain from the throbbing reaction his anal muscles were being subjected to.

"Geoffrey, tell me do you want me to stop this raping of your hot tight ass?" He chided in a smile in Geoffrey's face, "Do you Geoffrey?"


"Good Geoffrey I'm glad you want it that bad!"

"What?" Geoffrey thought did he not understand the question, "No don't!" he answered.

"I'm glad Geoffrey!" The Dhraisian laughed hard and long, "I Love your hot guts!"

He rammed his cock stubbing and pulling over dry spots deep into Geoffrey's ass. Geoffrey inhaled his scream in an "eyuiichk" noise. As the giant post inflamed his ass in screaming fire. He cried, he screamed, he yelled for help, he cried for mercy, he begged it to come out of him; ...there was only more ramming.

"We are going to be lovers you and I," he had stopped with his bulk buried deep inside Geoffrey's tender intestines, "but I will be doing most of the loving! Come on! Say it, Say you love my cock in you, SAY IT!" the volume shocked into Geoffrey a response, he could barely scream now let along speak, "I, I, I love you to ...I, love you to, to, to..."

The Dhraisian laughed "No Geoffrey, not like that."

He pumped a few more strokes to get his climax started, Geoffrey was pulling away on each insertion, blood was on the Dhraisians cock he wiped some off on his claw and then wiped it across Geoffrey's lips. The Squirrel made a repulsed look on his face and tried to turn away.

"Say 'I love your cock in me, fuck me harder master!" The Dhraisian laughed out as he grabbed Geoffrey's balls in his free claw, "Say it or they come off!" He tugged on Geoffrey to show how easy it would be, Geoffrey had to speak, he would get raped anyway even after the horrible rapist had ripped both of his balls and his scrotum completely off, the cords would stretch then pop loose and he would be castrated in the worst way, then raped anyway, Geoffrey thought in a flash, he said it, it gagged him to say it but to keep from having those laughing cruel claws dig into his balls and tear them out by the roots, he complied. " I love your cock in me, ..." in a little voice, " please, fuck me-he-heee, hard-er, master." He whimpered in terror at what was next.

His sheiks were ear splitting the Sitrans all smiled evilly holding their hands on their ear holes. The Dhraisian rammed all the way into the raw wound that was the Squirrel's ass.

Again and again the pile driver furiously dug a tunnel into his chest, from the fury of the thrust. The Dhraisian then stood stiff, then he pulled the thighs of the Squirrel into him digging and probing even deeper into the virgin ass.

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, aaaa!" the Dhraisian bellowed like a dragon a cascade of splooge erupted. Blasting further into Geoffrey's intestines like a splooge enema it was surging around and around his insides pressing everything else backwards. The Dhraisian monster, pulled out, and stood up on his knees then sat back his cock dripping pink drops and sling lines of lubricant finally draining out of his cock like a river.

Geoffrey would have been pissed at this happening AFTER he just got dry raped in the ass and now it drains like a sieve, However the agony was worse while he was being violated as he fell to the floor in exhaustion. But he was also draining a river out his own guts as everything pushed out from the loosening cum deep in his intestines. Much of it draining in a long syrupy steam out his asshole burning like acid as it went over his raw bleeding places. Searing pain of the acidic juices of his lower tract, only cooled now and again by the splooge.

He had noticeably no more voice, in laughing agony hiccups as this searing pain or cooling relief made him cry, finally to his joy of the cum cooling his ass. He cried because he was not gay. He shuttered in silence to the awful pain in the raging inferno of his ass.

The Dhraisian pulled out and got up. Buttoning his fly, "Stretch him out more," He giggled, as Geoffrey curled up into a ball of fur on the floor huddling his arms and paws wrapped around his belly and touching his very tender ass. He had his stomach as well as his lower guts in the throbbing stabbing pains still thrusting like white-hot pokers into him.

He jerked in unpronounceable moans to each 'after' pain. "Not his throat! I want to do that, leave him his balls and teeth. Now give me a pistol."

One of the Sitrans did so, "Yes, Sub-commander." The Sitran said with obvious respect and gratefulness in his voice and where he looked at which emotion, though he did not thank the Sub Commander directly.

The Dhraisian leaned down and tussled Geoffrey's furry head, Geoffrey tried to pull his head in like a turtle to the revulsion. "I'll see you later you hot little lover, you!"

He looked to his men, as he slipped out the door at the last, "Have fun," then looking at Geoffrey, "I have to go kill the Captain now Geoffrey, I'll be back soon and we can continue until you are unconscious!" He left, the laughter echoing to faintness as he ran to his errand, the last part of his mission in taking the ship.

His neck jerked Geoffrey up off the floor. His blood ran cold and he felt real dread, this was not over. He grabbed two of the leashes with each of his paws. The Sitran directly in front of him pulled his toe pads off the floor from a very strange wide stance and kick directly into Geoffrey's exposed balls. The claw nails digging into Geoffrey's balls and the kick ramming his balls into his groin and pelvic cradle.

He grabbed his balls in agony that opened his eyes to the new force in the universe besides rape. He groaned in agony and sank to his knees. "Sub Commander said nothing about your dick!" the Sitran bending down sneered at Geoffrey.

"I will cut that off right now unless you suck my cock right now!" the Sitran came out from his other glove with a knife that was wickedly serrated and curved in an s shape, its keen edge gleamed in the light of Geoffrey's personal cabin like a laughing torturer.

Now his personal cabin was a torture chamber, populated by the most cruel and evil race in the known universe, plus being Raiders they are not limited like the Sitran military was. Geoffrey still in agony forced himself to reach out with the last of his strength and grab the Sitran's dripping cock with both hands. And he pulled it into his mouth, as tears streaked down his cheeks, matting his fur.

He began sucking on it and licking it trying to look pleased as he could even though it was not as bad as the Dhraisian's flagstaff was. Still it tasted awful in different way that kind of felt like hot pepper. It only sweetened to his disgust the farther he swallowed it. This was hell incarnate; he was a noble of the upper class on Araman though he is a Uumlat, or Squirrel. He was only helping out one a one way run; they were going through safe space lanes.

The Galactic Patrol should be dropping out of hyperspace about now, and then they should come and arrest these criminals. He did not get to finish his thought the gloves covered claws and these grabbed either sides of his head and the Sitran fucked his throat with a smaller cock than the Dhraisian but still two inches around but only nine inches long, still the head was exactly the same three inches in general diameter.

He gagged as it came into his throat and the other two Sitrans pulled this one off.

Geoffrey fell to the floor in panting in gasps his color slowly returning and his chest heaving less. The one that was fucking him and had kicked him in the balls was told to, "You are too violent Drues! Guard from outside!"

The other two produced a harness costume and threw it into Geoffrey's chest. "Put that on!" one of them commanded and began to pull something out of his other glove, Geoffrey hurriedly responded by holding up the harness and figuring out how to get into as quickly as possible. The Sitran slid whatever horrible thing it was back inside.

Geoffrey was show the attachments that came with the harness, the short flogging 'Cat o' Nine Tails' that hung off a rung at his neck. So its tips would tickle his balls as he walked, he surmised in morbid dread. A heavy sigh came out of him as they gave him things that felt shaped strangely in pockets all over the harness they both were jabbing each other and saying numbers as they both placed these packets on his sides and arms. He was still naked except for the harness on his face, head, chest, belly, groin, ass and both legs. Everything else was covered in packets and the straps of the harness. He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes as they took up the lash to demonstrate how it worked.

"Now Slave, you will come over here and suck on my cock while my compatriot rams you in your ass at some point." He whipped the lash out and it connected around Geoffrey's side and struck him in his back and his up raised tail. The nine knotted ends torn into his skin per knot making him jump up and into the air towards the Sitran that went out the door. He screamed in the welts in his tender nobleman's back, three of the lines had crisscrossed his tender asshole making his bloody wound become more pain filled from new tortures..

Falling to the floor on his paws and knees, he lowered his tail out of the way of being hit underneath again, he could feel blood that was tricking down the farther side where the nine tipped lash hit, bypassing his soft fur completely.

He blubbered in his agony, "Oh please don't hit me, I'll obey! I will!" he crawled over to the Sitran, on his hands and paws in complete submission. He gobbled the Sitran's cock into his mouth and waited to be commanded next.

The Sitran that Geoffrey was gently licking the cock of, turned to his companion, "Let's see who else there is, Let Drues have some fun too!"

"Get up off me, Slave!" the Sitran commanded Geoffrey jumped to attention a lash away from completely going hysterical and losing his mind. The lash was reattached to his strap around his neck the wet tips touched his groin and his withdrawing balls.

They lead him by the neck from only one leash. The Sitran that led him was the one that had no pistol, also the one that had not done anything to him yet. Still this was just another evil Sitran, and he could look forwards to a horrible death after multiple excruciatingly painful rapes by many Sitran masters. And then being tossed out an airlock probably.

But he silently was in relief the rape was on hold for now, he was only a slave now. Though, at least he knows the only way you can go from the bottom rung in his own society is up from here. So his demotion was not psychologically destructive, that lash is.

Down in the engine room of the cargo ship, the Nathali Leopard crewman was looking at two Sitran with a pistol and he did not have anything but his loincloth on. He was jogging on his time off. And just happened to run in here after these two shot the Vegan a Red wing Hawk Ornithro-humaniod, but with features of the face of a human like the red wing hawk. He was a crewman like the Nathali they now shoot in the stomach because they both remember all Carthans have claws, retractable claws.

"Assholes! He didn't have a gun!" the Vegan hobbled over to his shipmate who crumpled to the deck plates. Seven more Sitrans entered, The Sitran who did not shoot said, "neither did you, but now you have something to think about instead of escape."

He turned and saluted like a Sitran military unit the first Sitran that came in the talked for a few minutes then everyone felt the floor drop about five inches. The Sitrans all looked at each other and asked what that was. The Vegan said nothing he knew what it was now that it happened again. Someone else had also attached to the ship, on top of the Sitran's ship. He smiled thinking of the Galactic Patrol friends he had that were still serving. "Now you're in trouble!" he said quietly to his crewmate who smiled back.

"Okay Bvient you," Dthana started, he stopped when everyone was staring at him. "Well you guys just do what you usually do and I'll come too, because I'm like Captain and all. Syka guard the ship first, then go and strip their bridge scanners." He grinning without teeth everyone grinned back with. And went through the hatch each with a Chamak x19, Bvient carried two extra ones, full automatic machine pistols, with very large magazines, called Krassa 022.

They made they're way into the second ship laid out like the original 488 before they modified it. They saw the same hatch below as above and Bvient when into one cockpit Khiors into the other the returned. Tsenk came back with Siangka shaking their heads concerning the hold, Dthana smiled without opening his mouth.

Siangka whispered to him in his swiveling towards the Kasan's mouth, Amolean Zebra ear, "You should grow your teeth back now, I trust you!" he smirked and went down the ladder into the cargo ship first followed by everybody who jumped in front of him. Dthana sighed and followed the group, he had to hurry to keep up Siangka was pretty fast on his toes. Dthana was clopping on the deck plates singing out each one of his hoof falls until they all stopped him as he came around a bulkhead and into a hallway.

"Umm lets all walk down okay sir, please step carefully your hard hooves ring off these metal deck plates rather loudly? Siangka asked. Dthana interrupted him. "We'll go to the engine room where ever it is. And get the crew they usually gather in the engine room it is the most protected part of these kinds of ships." They all listened to him since he usually knew exactly what he talking about, they found that out when he first used a trick to get into hyperspace away from capture.

"Siangka you take Khiors and Tsenk and secure the cargo on board here that we want, " Dthana said nothing until they left, he turned to Bvient, "let me show how to load my guns."

Bvient pulled out the Krassa with the improvised ammunition in manufactured magazines. Dthana took it in his hand and pressed a lever that was not visible, and then a second lever on the barrel that Bvient could not see before, he took out the other one and looked at it as Dthana was smiling pressing a pattern of buttons on the weapon. It looked like a flat frame of a gun on the one Bvient had.

Dthana stopped and pulled the magazine out of the Krassa, and flipped out bullets one by one. Until it was empty then he reloaded the empty magazine into the machine pistol again. He held it up and the gun glowed for a second and locked and loaded itself, in a shake. Dthana handed it back to Bvient.

"Now it will reload itself through energy to matter conversion, in a nice retro blowback 6000 cyclic rate Amolean machine pistol."

Bvient looked and pulled out the magazine there, bullets in it but not ones he had ever seen before they looked like glass or gelatin. He reloaded the gun. It reformed itself to better-fit Bvient's right claw. Bvient slowly smiled, "You sure know how to make a man happy, Dthana. Do this one too!" He said excitedly, handing the other one over." Oh I meant ...please, Captain," he said.

"How did you know how to do that Captain? I mean these weapons we thought were just plain old stamped blowbacks." Bvient said as they both hurried down a corridor, it lead past a door that read 'Second Officer G. Bloixville, Pilot', there was no one inside. But the light was on and it reeked of cum.

"They are my guns!" he stopped and showed Bvient his name in script that converted it into Kasan it read 'Lieutenant Dthana T'Kathylae' "See right there." Dthana smiled and took the Chamak from Bvient, and pressed some buttons on it. He flipped out the improvised bullets from it too. He reloaded it and put it back in Bvient's holster, "Use that one first, it is more fun." Bvient put both Krassas away and took out the pistol, it form fit to Bvient's clawed hand claw too.

The two Sitrans lead the way Drues was behind Geoffrey grabbing Geoffrey's balls and crushing them together in his strong claws making Geoffrey cry out in pain, Every time they stopped for any length of time. The two Sitran glared back at Drues, "Go ahead and pave the way, Drues." The one with Geoffrey's leash line said, Geoffrey liked him a lot more than either of the other too, he had not hurt Geoffrey yet. Drues eagerly ran into a door and there were shouts a few loud crashes then someone was yelling in pain asking for mercy. Geoffrey new Drues was dead.

They were all led inside the new torture chamber. A blue furred Diorian Geoffrey's navigator on the bridge was having some fun with his lover the common Molvaenean crewman. But now the Panther-Bear race was being beaten in the face and stomach over in a corner, the Molvaenean Wolf was in a fetal position holding his balls on the floor. An empty pistol was laying close by, he one that had dispatched Drues no doubt, Geoffrey was glad, he hated Drues nearly almost as much as Druggher.

Geoffrey was jerked inside to the one that had not hurt him yet he kind of smiled at him weakly. The other one that had whipped Geoffrey, pointed to the floor at Geoffrey he kneeled, "Take him in the next room and continue his training in there," The Sitran said. The other Sitran stopped the Diorian stunned was trying to react to do something like fight back but he was too beaten. The Sitran with bloody fists grabbed him by his cock and balls and drug him screaming into the next room. "Geoffrey is center stage again; he is just so helpless I can't stand it!" The whipping Sitran said and took up Geoffrey's lash again.

Geoffrey peed all over himself, as he was so scared to death. He was going to get whipped even though he cooperated. He was crying again and screamed along with someone else as they reacted to the biting nine tips. The wolf on the floor that was holding his claw-nail kicked balls a second ago is all in attention after the lash speaks to him.

He was yelling out "Wait, wait, I'm, I'm not worth ransom, I'm just a crewman. Please! Wait!" A harness was tossed his way, as was a neck collar "Put those on and you can kneel and learn." The leash tugged Geoffrey over to the one with the lash. It was mercifully put back at his neck strap. Geoffrey visibly sighed in relief, his heart he could feel beating in his ears a little less now.

But his face was brought down into the whip lasher's groin Geoffrey let the pepper cock enter his mouth again and sucked on it the one that did not hurt him yet came up and bagan ramming him in the ass, again a nine inch dry raping cock plowed into his bloody wounded ass.

His ass had sort of healed a little but the scabs tore off as soon as the Sitran's huge cock tore into them. His rectum had swollen since the Dhraisian had raped him he screamed around the cock in his mouth, as the one that did not hurt him yet became another horrible Sitran.

He was really being as rough as he possibly could. Slamming into Geoffrey's asshole deep into his colon, Geoffrey was crying from the wounding pain he was enduring again. And the one that was moving his cock around in his mouth all of a sudden fell backwards and down to the floor, his cock pulling out of Geoffrey's mouth.

"And shoot him too, Bvient," Dthana said motioning towards the ass rapist Sitran.

The gun had just asked Bvient, "Sir where would you like to shoot the three shot burst?" Bvient heard the voice in his head it was a nice voice, softer and sort of alien in a strange familiar kind of way, like Dthana's voice. Bvient spoke back in his head, "Oh the head", three bullets barked from the Chamak when he aimed in the general direction of the Sitran. The man simply dropped like he was never alive.

'And shoot him too, Bvient' Bvient pointed the Chamak at the one that was fucking the little Squirrel really violently in his ass. Making the little guy scream on every thrust, not in a nice way like when he was with Dthana either.

The gun asked Bvient again where he wanted to hit the Sitran, "in the chest", Bvient said out loud, the gun responded as the Sitran noticed the tall painted Zith standing next to another Pirate. He pulled out but he had no gun, slamming fast and hard something hit him in the chest and he fell dead, like he had never been alive.

"Damn, T'Kathylae this gun is so cool!" Bvient looked at the Chamak like it was he first time he had ever seen it. Another Sitran from another room came out he had bloody fists of his gloves and his dick all green dripped red blood, "Bvient!" Dthana shouted. The Sitran blew to a liquid mass of yellowy glop in a splash on the floor as the Chamak fired the rest of the magazine. The Squirrel looked up at the painted naked muscular man and the Sitran with guns all over him. The wolf was closing his eyes tight singing something like a death song. "This is a rescue guys, I am the cavalry!" Dthana announced their intentions.

Geoffrey was screaming at the top of his lungs still tied in the harness amid sobs as he was crying. Dthana held him in his arms gently, "And then he made me ..." he looked off into space with an awful look on his face, cum streaks all over his legs, crystallizing now in his fur. "And then he put his ..." he opened his mouth really wide. Dthana thought "He sure has a cute mouth",

And "I'm not a puff!" he finished sobbing.

He looked at the Wolf who was gone to help his beaten up pretty good older friend back to the bed. A few drops of blood dripping from his ass. Dthana thought, "I'm not a puff either ...well I didn't used to be, anyway."

"Well okay you three go back that way and turn right, oh wait a minute." Dthana walked over to the door and opened it to Syka. "Oh good you want to escort these good gentlemen back to the ship?" Dthana told him; putting the little Squirrel down on the deck plates.

Geoffrey spoke up, "Can I stay with you please, and you are not as umm, ah."

"Scary?" Dthana finished for him Geoffrey nodded. His head looking up at the Rhiaxian he figured. They always liked wearing nothing half the time this guy just must like to get painted too! Geoffrey thought.

Syka looked back inside "All stowed and stripped out, sir", he grinned now.

Siangka came in too, "The others are going to finished soon too, we can leave any time now."

Dthana asked Geoffrey, "Where is the engine room?"

"We should get the Captain!" Geoffrey said, anxiously getting up off the floor despite his legs being wobbly.

"Well the captain and some girl did not make it, so that was the bridge. Is there an engine room?" Dthana said in return remembering watching the Sitrans space the bridge crew. Just before they latched their own fighter bomber onto the Sitran one from above.

Geoffrey said "Oh" then "Well I can take you to the engineering room, but could you please loosen the straps holding my arms in this horrible thing?" Dthana just grabbed him up in his arms instead because it was faster. "Well okay this is nice too." Geoffrey said as the tall Amolean hefted him like he weighed less than a bag of oranges.

The Sitran closest to the door came back and they all got down behind the consoles. And fired at the first person that walked through the door. A painted Zith naked Amolean no bullet seemed to hit him though. Bullets bounced off the bulkhead and whizzed around the cargo hold the Commander yelled for everyone to stop shooting.

A single gun peeked out through the door opened a crack. It started firing an incredible hailstorm of bullets the end of the gun looked like a continuous flame at the end. Bullets were going everywhere, the thing reloaded cocked and fired several times, at least twenty times, Bvient was laughing, "I love this gun!"

Eight of his fifteen Raiders fell dead around him. "Hell incarnate fire back!" he yelled at his remaining men they all fired until one by one each gun jammed. A painted Zith ducked around the door and was followed in by a Squirrel in a neck collar and wearing a training harness, and two Kasan holding Amolean guns. "Keshao jam seven" Dthana smiled at him. Each of the Sitrans threw their useless guns down on the deck plates.

And there were only six.

"The commander came forward and asked what are your terms?" To Bvient.

Dthana answered the Sitran like he was talking to anyone, "My master wants your captives, the living ones, and we leave, you can have everything else." Dthana smiled.

The Squirrel in his arms was visibly frightened of him because he shrank at the approach to being so close and in a harness to a SITRAN. Geoffrey was shaking uncontrollably.

A Vegan helped out a Nathali, with a bullet in his leg. When the crewmen exited, Dthana and the others backed out. They closed the door behind them.

"Now we leave Siangka!"

Everybody moved as fast as they could Bvient and Siangka helped each wounded man get off as soon as possible up through one Raider and into another one.

The Vegan took a few steps inside the second one and then stopped. "Wait a minute you guys aren't Galactic Patrol ...you are Pirates!"

"Astute isn't he?" Syka said securing the hatch.

"I'm a common spacer, crewman papers, no ransom."

"Well we picked you up for one major reason winged ...whatever you are." Dthana said.

"What is he kidding?" He motioned to Bvient, and "I'm Vegan ...puffy."

"Which one of you is the Captain?" the Vegan demanded. Tsenk was bandaging the leopard that had already lost a lot of blood.

Tsenk said to Dthana, "We have to get him to a planet Captain I cannot save him."

"Okay Tsenk, Khiors plot a course to the nearest civilized world." Dthana called out.

"What you have a painted Gay whore as your Captain?" The Vegan started laughing; his hand hitting his wound he stopped but was still looking like that was the stupidest think he'd ever heard.

"I'm not Gay, I'm ah, "Dthana said looking at himself, "a victim of circumstance."

"I was captured by the Sitrans myself, and I was tortured a long time. These guys you see around you saved me from all that. They are Kasans not Sitrans, and they are my friends and my crew." Dthana said talking expertly around the truth, but omitting nothing except the current member's role in how he finally escaped.

"Now the rules are simple I suck you cock to eat..." he did not finish.

The Vegan flatly refused, "No way, fuck no, there is no way in hell I'm gonna do that. I ain't suckin' no cock! Kill me I'll die first I ain't no god damned puff!"

The Squirrel glared at him, "You say that! Wait till four big ..." he started crying again, his eyes wide like he was doing it again.

Bvient blasted out "Dammit, I ain't either, but he did not ask you that stupid! He wants you to do him!"

The Vegan looked at Dthana "You want me to fuck you?" he was laughing.

"You're obviously a guy, but you say you're not Gay, I don't understand." He was still giggling like Bvient was his best buddy, he sniggered back to Bvient he wants me to ..." he caught Bvient not replying only looking at him waiting like a predator to be let loose on him.

Dthana explained what an Avole was and how you get one, then what you have to eat as your only food source.

"Oh, that's ..." the Vegan searched for words, "...So mean, the Sitrans are worse than I knew. But still I can't even if I know it is feeding you."

Bvient drew his pistol and pointed it on the Vegan's right temple, Dthana went down and kneeled in front of the Vegan, peeled his flight/work suit away and pulled out his small willie, then pulled the stiffening dick out with his soft warm lips, then slowly began sucking and licking on the red faced Vegan.

"WHOA! OH MY GOD THAT FEELS SO ...OOOOOH!" the Vegan was wobbly legged

Bvient said to the Vegan, "You feed the Captain nice, or we leave you, next moon asteroid, planet, you will be left there!" The Vegan was still in heaven his hands riding either side of Dthana's face, as Bvient walked away a little ways.

A man was sucking his dick, but it felt too good to stop, even though this was gay as all hell.

For what seemed like hours though it was only a couple of minutes really the Vegan blasted out his load into the hot mouth, he fell exhausted to the floor a huge smile on his face, except that. After he came, harder than he ever did before, Dthana pulled off him getting every last drop. He is panting (ashamed of himself because he liked it), and now wants more.

As soon as Geoffrey gets out of that awful harness and finishes taking off the collar, which he throws to the ground and stomps on it,

Dthana leans over to him, plants on his dick all the way to the base, (he's not that big, it is easy), putting the most golden look of joy on the Squirrels cum streaked face. That cute mouth opened real wide. A large 'oh' but no sound The Squirrel only closed his eyes his smile was contagious everyone else smiled back, Syka felt a pang, and he got a crush for the little furry guy.

Fragments; Dthana T'Kaltyae Saga

This is a chapter in a saga i am rewritting, normally the latest chapter goes in order this one will be chapter 12, but it is the first one in my new writing style and I wanted to see if I am doing better. So Furry is more of a writer's site than Fur...

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Evil versus evil part four First draft

This is part four to my evil versus evil story There are not actually typos in the dialogue, these are the way the lisping Sissy Marcella sounds after she was turned into a sissy boi by an evil magician using curses. I wanted her to sound like a...

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Evil vrs. Evil part two

"NnnGhhhh, what where, why is it so dark, oh wait, I must be outside, there aren't any stars here, but." He trailed off thinking a little clearer, but only by degrees. "Okay I'll just, " he stopped as something clinked and he felt restraining cold...

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