Life of a Mithra: Part I~Hands On Date

Story by Brianya on SoFurry

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#21 of RP Adaptations/Collaborations/Main Series

Roleplay with: Arabelle

Alexa smiles as she walks into the Rabbit Hole, a bunny themed cafe made for bunnies and their admirers alike. Her purpose was to meet up with Belle, a beautiful red haired rabbit with dark fur and stunning golden eyes. Alexa swayed her tail as she walked, her short shorts squeezing her ass with each step and her tight shirt showing off her firm C cup orbs.

Belle was relaxing, lounging in one of the chairs a table to herself, waiting. the bunny splays he rears glancing around the room finally after feeling like maybe she was to early she spotted her companion, the bunny blushed softly letting her eyes roam over the pretty lady's figure.

The Mithra gazes at her bunny companion as she walks up to the table, her short light-brown hair swaying in the air with each step. Every time she moved her thighs, a noticeable bulge pronounced itself in her shorts. Her dark brown eyes flicking over to Belle's chest, a slight blush filling her face as she sat down in front of the bunny who bites her lip a little and settles back into the chair, her ears perking up happily "Mmmn welcome! Thought I might have been a little early <3"

Alexa increases the speed of her tail flicks as Belle perks up her ears, her feet tapping the ground anxiously as her eyes looked at all of the buns naughty bits. "Looks like you were eager to see me too, sweetie." She giggles and wiggles her bum in the chair. The bunny giggles softly and squirms in her seat a little blushing as she teases "mmh well of course it isn't every day you get invited out <3"

Alexa licks her lips and picks up Belle's glass of water, taking a gulp of it and setting back down with and fiery look in her eyes. Her tail standing up on end. "Let me ask you like what you see?" She jiggles her C cup orbs and wiggles her hips, making belle blush crimson as she watched the display, the bunny bites her lip curling her toes happily " o-ohh yes i think I rather do~ <3"

Alexa gives the bunny a naughty smirk as she leans back and slips off her shirt, revealing her plump breasts and chest to her. The Mithra's other hand lowering and unbuttoning her tight shorts. "Let's put this table to good use then, right? My fair Belle."

The bun blushes softly and splays her ears and her eyes darting about for a moment but being inevitably drawn back to the perky chest of her beautiful companion " r-right here? o//o <33"

Alexa unzips her shorts, letting them fall down to her ankles. Her 9 Inch fully erect cock flopping out in relief and standing up. She purrs and casts her eyes on the bunny seductively. "Yes...right here, right now." She purrs causing Belle shudder and bite her lip glancing around again as she slowly slides out of her dress letting it fall ot the ground, sliding around the table to pull her gorgeous companion into an eager kiss.

Alexa felt her cock throb as their lips met, exchanging saliva with a long wet sound. Her hands running down the side of the rabbit's waist. "Mmnf." Belle shivering and gently wrapping her arms around the mithra's neck, leaning into the kiss with a happy purr. Alexa shivering and pushing the bunny down onto the table, making out heavily with her. Soft moans escaping her mouth.

The bunny blushing and whining happily arms sliding down to pull her lover up onto the table with her and tilting her head slightly to deepen the kiss pushing her tongue into the mithra's maw.

Alexa moaning loudly into the erotic kiss, rubbing the length of her cock against the rabbit's lower lips. Her hands reaching down to squeeze the redhead's ass. Belle murmuring happily and slowly letting her fingers roam teasing over the mithra's back, shoulders, and hips one paw sliding up to grope and tease her chest. Alexa moaning louder, her nipples hardening and her hips shivering. The kiss becoming more wet and erotic.

Belle giggling playfully and teasing one paw down to tease over that shaft, she pulls back, breaking the kiss and happily panting after that lustfull display " mmh~ <3 " The mithra lowering her chest and rubs it against the others lustfully, her cocktip finding the rabbit's nether entrance. "Are you ready...Haaah...for this?" The bunny blushing softly and whimpering splaying her ears as she hooks one leg around Alexa's waist " ohh mmhh yes please <3" slowly rock and rolls her hips against the cat's shaft.

Alexa slowly shoves her cock in, gasping as it penetrates her lips. The length throbbing with each second inside. "Ohh belle! How tight you are!" She moans loudly. Making the bun giggle and run her fingers through the cat's hair pulling into soft little kisses nuzzling and petting over her head a soft eager moan escaping her lips as she pushes into the cat, she arches her back panting happily.

Soon Alexa pushes her rod in as far as it goes, then pulls it out quickly, slowly pushing it all the way back in with repeat. "Ohhnn....meow...." Her tongue lapping out as she ruts her friend, whom giggles happily and nuzzles her cheek panting as she slowly rut into her body, she whines softly tilting her head back as she dug her fingers into the cat's shoulders. Alexa grunting with each thrust, gradually humping faster. Her ass squeezing up as she went on, her face red with lust.

Belle tilts her head back curling her arms up above her head as she squirmed and shuddered each thrust forcing a soft happy moan escaping her lips. Alexa soon grabbing the rabbit's hips and crying out, shuddering and blowing her load deep inside Belle's womb. Splurt after Spurt, counting up 15 strings of spunk inside the beautiful lapine. The cute rabbit shuddering and crying out happily squirming as she pushes in deep and cum painting her insides with sticky hot seed, she wraps my arms around the cat's shoulder petting and snuggling with her.

Alexa pulls out, leaving a string of cum behind and panting. Her arms wrapping around Belle's neck. "How was it, dear?" The rabbit shivering happily and relaxing back against the table purring as she pets and nuzzles up at the cat, " mmmh <3 awesome.. thank you <3" Alexa giggles and purrs, getting off the top of Belle and sitting back down in the chair, still naked. "Wellp, I think it's time to order now, sweetie. Don't worry about being naked, it's customary to eat after a nice rut session!"

Belle giggling happily and biting her lips, squirming off of the table and settling into her seat with a content sigh "=//= mm." Alexa picking up a cum covered menu and flips through it. "What will you be ordering sweetie?" She licks the cum off the menu. The bun blushing harder, ">//> mmh Ithink I'll just have something sweet." The cat giggles to herself, looking at Belle seductively. "How does a shared chocolate covered sundae sound?" Belle smiling, ">/w/< mmhrr I'd love that <3."

Alexa orders a chocolate covered sundae with two straws, waiting for two minutes until it arrives and sliding it in between the two of them. "Looks delicious doesn't it?" The bun stares, "mmh yes it looks delicious thank you <3" Taking one of the straws and sipping at the sundae." Alexa murring and sips on the other straw, wondering if Belle was proud to be clothless too. Especially with other customers around. The bun murmurring happily and settling into her seat, not minding her nakedness one bit.

Alexa giggles and slurps on the sundae, leaning forward to kiss Belle on the lips. The bun cupping Alexa's cheek and pulling her into the kiss grinning as she tastes the ice creme on her lips. The mithra murring and picking up the glass, dumping the ice cream on her crotch and parting the kiss. "Oh no! I guess you'll have to eat it right down here!" She smirks.

Belle soon gasps and blushes grinning and pressing a little closer sliding around the table as she pushes Alexa back into her chair grinning softly as she settles between her legs slowly dragging her tongue up along the mithra's things, laping up the ice cream. The cat shudders as Belle laps up the Ice cream, a throbbing cock showing itself in the middle of the pile. "My my, how did that get there?"

Belle giggles happily slowly working her tongue up over the Mithra's thighs and crotch making sure not to miss a drop before she wraps her paws around the base of the shaft churring as she nuzzles against its underside. Alexa giggling and petting the bun's head, "You might need to suck it off, hehe." The bun murmuring happily and opens her maw slowly taking the tip inside, slowly bobbing her head along the mithra's throbbing length churring as she makes sure to clean every inch.

Alexa grabs her head and pulls it onto the cock, smirking as Belle sucks all the sweetness off and murmurs happily and splays her ears churring as she leans forward taking her cock deep into her maw, teasing and grinding her tongue against the underside. The cat grunting and shuddering, throbbing in her mouth with a lusty smile. "Your so good! <3" Belle murmuring happily and slowly grinding her tongue against the underside as she pulls back gently kissing the tip. Alexa pets the bun's head more with a smile, "Love chu!"

A Tail of Two Umbreons: Part I

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Grace walks into her room and lays down. "What are you going to do about it?" Sara goes over to a cabinet and gets out a diaper. "I'm going to diaper you so something will catch whatever leaks," she said as stood in front of her. "If you want I will...

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