Fighting a "Forest God"

Story by Karleen on SoFurry

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A little RP I did with a friend of mine. His "Bearnuki" character doesn't have a proper name as of yet, but I don't think that matters too much.

A short RP I did with a friend of mine. We just drew up a couple characters and went for it. Neither of them have F-List profiles or anything like that at the moment. This is set in the Concordia setting that a couple of my other RPs are set in.

At 5'6" Zihna wasn't exactly the most impressive ranger when it came to stature. Though her athletic, muscled body mixed with her slight form did give her in edge in both being relatively stealthy and surprisingly strong when challenged. She came from a family of foresters, so physical labor was some she was born with and years of physical activity are fairly evident in her hardened body.

Short, red hair adorns her head doe shaped head. It's messy, more often than not, and occasionally when it gets long enough she has it done up in a short pony tail. Her face is adorable and naive looking, as is to be expected, though her big, brown eyes seem a little sharper than the usual obliviousness her race is known for. The rest of her has a similar contradiction to it, a certain cuteness mixed in with someone who favors a certain harder lifestyle than most.

Her chest isn't outrageously large but her breasts are of a decent size, a little more than a handful. Her ass and thighs follow a similar vein of still being practical for her job whilst also being relatively attractive. Her fur seems always quite clean with a faint scent of roses mixed in with her more animalistic scents. It's brown, of course, with white speckles here and there, in particular a few spattering across her rear and on her face, almost looking like freckles on her fur.

Currently she's wearing very functional leathers, dressing her from head to hoof in basic, albeit weathered, armor. Around her neck, a hunter green cloak is clasped, said clasp being an untarnished, silver falcon's head. She has the hood down as she's traversing through the forest, recurve bow strung and slipped over her shoulder.

The deer woman is a ranger, a woodswoman who wears many hats. She guides lost travelers back the main road, she culls the populations of animals who seem to be threatening civilization, she keeps tabs on the forest in general, and she solves problems for a few of the more... Remote villages. Her ward is a stretch of forest very close to the vast, dangerous wilderness beyond Concordia. So close that occasionally this or that seeps into the area, hence why reports need to be sent back to the Rangers guild.

Her job should be relatively easy being this remote. Her lodge, which could house may four or five rangers, is only inhabited by her due to the posting being so out of the way. She's nowhere near a main trade road, so really the only people she has to deal with is idiots from the college wandering out here to practice spells they have no idea how to cast or villagers from the little hamlets that dot the border. Said hamlets are usually inhabited by people who are far from wealthy in both terms of money and brains. They're simple folk and generally forgotten by the rest of Concordia.

The hamlet nearest to her lodge, Easthallow, occupies a lot of her time. Whether it be someone going missing or settling a dispute, she's the closest thing they have to a sort of sheriff out here where the laws of the city, and the enforcers of said laws, have little meaning. Recently she's heard they've turned to worship some sort of "Forest Lord." While she's skeptical of said Forest Lord being worth the worship, the boons it offered are at least tangible. Blessed seeds that seem to take to any soil and grow large, healthy specimens in a short span of time. Cleansing of water sources, protection from beasts, and offering blessings of virility and fertility. If she were a cynic she'd say a wizard, bored of whatever it is wizards do, has decided to come play god for some vagrants.

While she's suspicious that might be the case, the fact that worship of this Forest Lord has gotten so widespread does have her mildly worried. The hamlet near her is just a recent addition to its domain, and while the offerings seem rather benign, such as food, alcohol, pastries, and women, this could get out of hand. She did some poking around, going from village to village to see if she could get some idea of what this is.

All she found out was that while the women return, they usually come back naked, bathed but still smelling of quite the musk, and not remembering much from their time with said Forest Lord beyond it being very pleasurable.

Since the villagers were no real help she decided to make her way to the Offering Stone. A pretty blunt name for the rather large rock that people come to with offerings and prayers. She had to admit if it was something that came in from the wilderness beyond Concordia, this probably was not the best way to approach the situation. She had a basket of apples, salted meats, berries, and a clay jug of foul smelling moonshine. She was about to call upon whatever creature these villagers were worshiping as a sort of folk god. If it was malicious there's no doubt it would be able to tell that she's not cut from the same cloth and probably has ties to actual civilization considering how she both handles herself and is outfitted.

"Well, here goes nothing..." She murmurs to herself as she sets down the basket and the jug beside the moss covered rock. Her hands find her hips as she cocks them to the side ever so slightly. "Oh Great Lord of the Forest, Giver of Gifts and Provider of Plenty." She rolls her big, brown eyes. "I beseech you with this offering." She looks around expectantly, a sigh rolling out of her mouth.

It takes a while for her prayer to bear fruit. The 'three hours have gone by' kind of fruit. The monotony is interrupted by the occasional rustling of bushes yielding a rabbit or fowl haphazardly blundering across the ranger. But eventually her patience is rewarded just as the evening sun begins to paint it's orange hues across the forest.

The downwind smell is the first thing she picks up. A strong animalistic smell that vaguely reminds her of a bear, but laden in with all that are a plethora of other animal scents that all add up into the real stealer of the show - the smells of hot, screamin' sex and the myriad scents of female heat. The footsteps are heavy, and it's travel is ungraceful. The creature simply blundering it's way through the forest with all the unstoppable might of a meteor without any of the actual momentum.

What breaks the foliage is an immense, shaggy pile of well-muscled fat - or would the better term be a mountain of muscle laden with choice fat? Either way, there's no hiding the beast's raw power, even with the rich coat of fur it's got. Fur that's even longer and floofier along the back of the head, neck, shoulders, and even trailing down the chest before stopping shortly after it's pecs. While nowhere near as wide as he is tall, the beast only approaches that definition due to the sheer thickness of it's limbs, and it's bulk combined with it's rich pelt renders the separation of the differing parts of it's limb anatomy a brief endeavor. A rich aray of browns, from the light to dark cover it's body, darkening to a charred black past the elbows and the knees and the ringed patters around it's bushy tail. Even with the well-fed gut, it's impossible to miss that fat, bulky sheath. A sheath that seems to be propping up at least some of his belly - a state undoubtedly caused by those fuckoff huge balls contained in it's astoundingly taut nutsack. So taut and huge that it's like that they jut out in front of the beast like a goddamned platter to present it's natural cockholster to the world.

When the beast notices her, it pauses. Eyes narrow, and an annoyed huff escapes the beast. A long inhale fills its lungs before it looses it all out in a long, overly dramatic sigh, complete with some kind of annoyed sounding grunt of a growl. It immediately points one of it's fat fingers at the doe, and a brief flash of light rolls out from it's claw. She barely has any time to register what's happening to her beyond whatever sounds her armor and clothing might make when she abruptly gets a physical makeover. Hips and thighs swell, her ass expands, and her tits explode outwards. She's still got her athletic muscle, though it's much harder to notice her cultivated physicality when you've just been given assets that look like they've been snagged from some horny teen's wet dreams and fap-fodder.

It doesn't even seem to have noticed the offerings she's presented yet. Well, provided she hasn't gotten into them while waiting for his ponderous ass to show up.

The wait really wasn't something she was expecting. Granted she was never told the offerings were immediately accepted but she figured their god or whatever would at least be semi-punctual. She lets out a huff as she waits, munching on a few apples during the first hour while she leans against the rock. As the second hour rolls in, she gives the moonshine a few choice glances. After opening the large, clay jug and giving it a whiff she reels back and closes the rank liquor. She decides against touching the foul brew and instead she unstrings her bow and does some minor maintenance on it. The third hour comes in and she's just about done waiting for whatever it is these villagers are worshipping.

She's a patient doe, one has to be if they wish to be a skilled ranger, so she gives it one more hour just to make sure. It's possible that she'd been made, but she might as well give it a little more time just in case. Thus she pulls a small rock out from the forest and sits herself down on it, restringing her bow and simply watching and listening to the forest around her.

The smell that hits her would probably have most maidens plushing with its potency. While she does develop a little bit of pink on her cheeks, she seems to remain focused. She darts up from the rock she was resting on, and slides an arrow from her quiver. She notches it on her bow, and begins to scan the foliage in the direction of that cocktail of scents. Her nose wiggles here and there, and then her head suddenly darts in the direction of the heavy footfalls, her ears twitching in suit.

She bites her bottom lip in focus as she takes a step back and begins to draw back her bow, watching the direction that the creature seems to be coming from. When the immense, clearly masculine, monster erupts from the foliage the deer's eyes are wide with awe. She takes another step backward, her cheeks generated a little more pink as the source of all that sexy musk is so near.

"I am Zihna, Ra-" She starts speaking but stops as he points his finger at her, eyes narrowing and muscles straining against her hide as she has the arrow fully pulled back and ready to fire. She does fire, of course, but whether or not that arrow hits him or soars past him is a different story entirely on the account of her rapidly changing body. Her leather armor grows tight against her expanding form, and the stitching even bursts here and there unable to contain such fappable curves. She stumbles back as this happens, her bow falling from her hands as she lets out a cross between a moan of pain and pleasure, granted it's mostly pain on the account of her body being squeezed into this armor that's a little small for her now.

"W-What have you..." She says groggily, now a good distance from the rock with the offerings. She falls on her plump ass, causing her tight titties to quake within their ill-fitting confines. She shakes her head in disbelief, smacking her now plusher lips together a few times before finding her voice once more. "What the fuck did you do to me?!" She shouts, shaking her head briskly and causing her curves to shudder once more. She starts to get up from her sitting position, wobbling about as her center of gravity has changed drastically and her clothes are a lot more restrictive than they were before.

She does find her balance eventually and leans down to pick up a rock before chucking it rather hard at this Lord of the Forest. "What the hell?!" She shouts as both an expletive and question. "You better have a good explanation for this." She gestures at her new body. "And why people are giving you -those-" She points at the offering she brought with her. "You better be a licensed flesh sculptor.." She grumbles to herself, no longer looking at him but rather looking at her tits. She seems to be attempting to cross her arms over her breasts but seems confounded by their size. Instead she tries crossing them under her tits, which only helps make them look bigger and perkier.

Immediately after pointing the finger at the deer, the towering 10something foot bearnuki is already hobbling towards the offerings she'd brought. The basket is opened and the creature just shovels the food into it's toothy maw, only bothering with the odd chomp or two as it practically inhales the food. After it's demolished the basket, he's already got his claws on the jug of moonshine. A jug that he tries opening, but then obviously decides trying to pry the cork off is either too difficult or simply too much work. The crack of shattering pottery voices that the top part of the jar has simply been snapped off, and it's not long before the moonshine is poured down into his gut.

It's doubtful he even noticed the arrow sent uselessly sailing offcourse. It's even clearer that he's either forgotten her entirely or is ignoring the ranting doe as he begins to lumber away. Then she throws a rock, which beans him unceremoniously in the back. The beast stops, and looses another rumbly sigh. Rather than turning in place, the beast slowly plods back towards her in the way of a small arc. The look on it's face is a little more irritated than it was when she first saw it. The creature takes a moment to appraise the woman before plopping down onto it's knees. The earth briefly quakes from the sudden impact of the beast's mass. A lazy swipe of its massive claw pushes her onto her flank, and then the creature's massive mitt rolls her onto her front as the other scoops her abdomen up to present her posterior. The seam keeping her ass confined has completely blown open, leaking the woman's now more than generous posterior and the thick lips of her cunt on display.

"If you're going to be bothering me, you might as well be something I enjoy looking at." he finally grumbles out. "And if you're going to keep bothering me, suppose I'm just gonna have to make sure you stay put for a while." he grunts. "Maiming people who bug me just brings more bullshit I have to put up with."

The creature's scent is all the stronger when a warm, wet, and thick slab of flesh is draped across rear, and ends up hanging off the shelf of her plump posterior and dangles over her lower back. She can feel the pulse of the beast's half-hard dick begin to pick up the pace as it works its hardening flesh against her cunt and between the crevice of her ass. As it begins to harden, she will start to notice the strong upward curve of the beast's dong, along with the many thick dickveins grinding against her flesh. The occasional gyrations of his hips have his knot bumping against her inner thighs and cunt. And then he rears back and aims the tip of his tumid lance against her slot and plunges inwards.

His sheer weight keeps her in place, along with the fact that he's got one of her legs pinned. He's not particularly gentle, and his advance is more than what would be considered comfortable. The arc of her back is reinforced as banana-like curve of his fuckstick forces her posture to conform as the meaty tip applies a dull pressure to her spine from the cunt he's beating into shape. But wait! There's more! Better add the womb to the list of things being serviced, as he simply barrels through her cervix and beyond until his fat knot is mashed up against her cunt and the tip of his fuckstick is grinding all up against the other end of her womb. She's given no time to prepare before he's humping away and rattling her ovaries with the force of his jabbing dick, pounding her twat with his knot, and beating the back of her legs with the obtrusive shelf of his prodigious nutsack. Fuck, even her ass isn't given a break as it claps against the furry bulk of his belly.

"You've got to be kidding me." She narrows his eyes as the big ol' male hooks around and makes his way back to her. "You can't just go around changing people's bodies. Especially a Concordian Ranger that has half a mind to report whatever racket you've got going on he-" She's stopped as the beast pushes her down before flipping her like a hamburger patty. "W-What are you..." She starts to say before he angles her ass into the air and that thick, bulging mass slaps her on the butt. The musk fills the air and hits her nose, her cheeks in full blush mode as she remains still whilst breathing quite heavily.

"I'm not consenting to... Oh... Is it uhm." She lets out hot, moist breaths from her muzzle as his cock hardens and rubs against her most sensitive bits. "It's a lot more humid than I... Fuck, you smell so good." She lets out the last part rather abruptly, squirming ever so slightly under him as if surprised by her own words. "You. You're in a load of trouble. You can't be doing this... Y-You're not ALLOWED." Her brows shoot up when as she utters the last word the bearnuki starts gyrating and mashes his thick knot against her cunt, her voice going from groggy yet serious to spiking in pitch to a borderline moan.

"Holy shit that's big..." She mutters, one of her hands coming up to grope one of her own tits, providing some confusion as to whether she's talking about that massive bearhood thickening behind her or her new assets. She even manages to slip out a thick, fat, pink nipple from a tear in her armor. It's quite erect and she's busy pinching it right as the bearnuki spears her on his cock.

She's quite tight, of course, but it seems his magic has done away with any limitations that her lack of a sex life or experience would impose. Not to mention that fact he just doesn't seem to care, and most likely as the strength to back up the not caring. This is evident in the fact he spears right past her cervix with utmost ease, and begins fucking her womb in earnest. "T-Too big..." She mutter outs, spittle falling from her lips as not only her cunt is forced to conform to this monstrosity's cock but her entire body is as well. And conform it does, as she follows the curve his cock, causing her tits to jut out obscenely and bounce every time that knot slams into her slaving, fat pussy lips, or those nuts swing up against her bulging tummy, or that furred belly slams against her ass. Speaking of her ass, it'd be clapping together enough on its own but with that big, furry belly slamming into it? Well it pushes up against him in such a yummy way, providing a bounty of ass cleavage for him to look at as he sinks his cock into her.

"I-I need to place you under arrest." She manages to get out between moans and the sounds of not only his massive body slapping about but now her own as her curves jiggle and get moister and moister as their fuck session moves on. She reaches a hand into the satchel now dangling from her and swaying about in tune with their motions. "Why do you smell so fucking good... Why does this FEEL so fucking good." She mumbles, punctuating said mumbling with a moan. She seems to be pulling out a pair of rune covered manacles from her satchel, though the roughness of his motions and her jiggling tits are getting in the way rather significantly, even causing her to drop them back in her bag a few times.

Speaking of her gear, her quiver of arrows is pretty much spilled all over the ground at this point and her shortsword as already fallen from its sheath and sits beside them still within arm's reach of her.

The great forest demigod continues to not give a shit about the deer's desires as he continues to fuck her cervix into increasing irrelevancy. Thick ropey veins lewdly pop and squelch from the straining flesh of her overworked twat as the lumpy tip of his prick repeatedly punches her diaphragm. She can feel the jostle of his mass on the backswing of every thrust as what fat he does have takes a moment to catch up with his momentum. If she were bigger, it would help cushion any impact she'd have from his constant cervical beatdown, but her smaller size and inability to clear his knot render the woman being subjected to every quaking lunge of his bulk.

"Because you women are all fucking whores at the end of the day. If it's big enough, it doesn't matter what the fucks packing it." he grunts out. His magic had little to do with any resistance she might have had, and his spell did nothing to alter her mental state. He heeds neither her nor the manacles, and if he were to look down and see the curves of her breasts - breasts big enough to be visible past her torso - to see those breasts smacking into the ground at the apex of every savage bump? The dull smacks of her leather impacting grass, the flesh of her ass clapping against his belly, and the wet and increasingly louder sticky smacks of his swelling knot. The savage upward jerks of his pungent fuckspire and the sloshy gurgles of his nuts as they start to sporadically hike upwards for scant fractions of a second.

Searing heat rips through her insides as he finally blows his wad, sending a gurgling white fucksludge billowing out into her womb. Pressure builds inside and her belly swells like one after a hearty meal. It's not long before thick, chunky beads of cum eke past her cuntlips and stain the chocolatey flesh of his dick and thick rivulets begin to drape downwards. Stretchy bands connecting her cunt to his knot as he continues to till her fertile fields. Downward still does his seed seep, matting her thighs and making a sticky mess of his balls as even more connections are bridged.

His dick isn't even finished spewing when he decides he's had enough and yanks his spurting dick out of her twat and rises to his feet. A few more heady ropes are thrown across her legs and one even manages to make it over her shoulder. The beast grumbles as he turns to lumber off into the forest once more, this time the sticky sounds of his cum-soaked fur along his scrotum and legs churning with his footsteps amidst the wet thumping splats of spurting jizz and the odd chunk of nutbutter sloughing off.

It's not like the doe hasn't had partners in the past but this is surely something else. It's largely irrelevant what his magic has or hasn't done to her mind, for the smell of his musk and the feel of his cock is enough to have her quivering with pleasure. Mayhaps being speared by something so massive was a secret desire of hers, or maybe she's a bit pent up, after all she does live by herself for the most part. At any rate the great beast as her shuddering with pleasure with every single thrust of his mighty shaft.

Her hand shakily tries to make its way to her blade, the silvered edge gleaming in what light remains in the sky. The more logical part of her realized that this isn't exactly what she should be doing. After all, this guy's breaking more than a few laws and even though feels pretty great she does have a job to do. Her tits sway in her armor, grinding against the grass and dirt, as her hand continues to snake its way toward her blade, grabbing an inch of ground before lifting and moving an inch further.

It's a slow process, set back a few times by some particularly strong thrusts that sends her body shuddering and shaking and her hand clutching the ground like bedsheets. She catches the pommel of the blade between her fingers and begins to drag it toward her so she can get a better grip. He might be big and be a spellcaster of some note but even he would be sent reeling by a cut from her blade. Enchanted and silvered its sole purpose was to combat anything of a magical nature, whether that be a wizard with warding spells or a creature whose hide was resistant to normal steel. Her other hand grabbed some grass tightly as she finally wrapped her fingers around her blade.

Her libido was running rampant, but the feel of her weapon in her hand gave her some clarity. It wasn't much but she was ready to retal- The doe's eyes go wide as the beast drops is load into her, ballooning her womb to the point where her soft tummy fur bursts through the confines of her leather and touches the ground as if she were heavily pregnant with a couple of fawns. The feel of being so full coupled with everything else triggers her own climax, a whorish moan echoing through the forest as she drops her enchanted blade and grabs the ground once more like she's tearing into a set of bedsheets.

Her tongue lolls out of her mouth as she pants heavily, chest rising and falling with each intake and outtake of, now steamy, forest air. She rolls over to her side when the bearnuki leaves her cunt and spatters some more of his cummies onto her before walking off. She takes in deep, haggered breaths as she lies there, his musk completely coating her and her surroundings to the point where she and the forest may not even exist in terms of scent. She reaches up a slick hand to run it through her ginger locks, straightening out her hair as her breathing starts to even out to a more normal pace, as if still a little rough due to the creature's weight on her amongst other things. "This isn't over!" She yells to him, muttering something about putting his head over the fireplace at the lodge to herself as she idly rubs her bloated tummy and inches over to her blade to grab and stow it away.