Hotel Hookup

Story by CanadianWusky on SoFurry

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#1 of Randoms

A young fox uses an app to hook up with a random college wolf

Haven't written in so long, need something simple to dust off the keyboard! Hopefully this gets me putting out content again, even if they are just one-shots for now.

The elevator dinged softly, signaling that the carriage had reached the fourth floor.

From within, and slim vulpine muzzle poked out to look around, nodding to himself that he was on the right floor, before stepping out of the elevator and making his way down the hall. The young fox's steps were slow and hesitant; it was the first time he had ever done this and he was nervous as hell. His bushy, copper colored tail twitched anxiously behind him as he made his way towards room 410.

"Ten bucks says he's not even there," the lean russet fox grumbled to himself, trying to work up the courage to raise his paw and knock on the unassuming white door. Adolescent hormones, a near-non existent sex life, and a curious glance through Grindr had led him here; a random hookup with a guy he barely knew. Sighing to himself, the fox raised a paw to knock again...then paused. " I really doing this?" he wondered, using the raised paw to rub between his ears in frustration. The logical part of him said to just turn around, leave the hotel and forget it ever happened. The site was anonymous anyways, right? Who cares if he stood up some guy?

But the slight throb in his loins was urging him on, to let loose that sexual deviant he was keeping locked up. Sure it was some random guy who he'd likely never see again. Who cares? He's not getting any at school, and its not like he's the only young guy getting his rocks off this way, right? Right?

Baring his teeth in a snarl, the fox shoved his conflicting thoughts aside, told his brain to shove it and knocked. A few silent moments passed, and the fox contemplated dashing back to the elevator, when a soft click was heard and the door opened slightly. His ears perked as he looked through the space to see the black-furred visage of a wolf staring back at him. "Uh.....hi?" he squeaked out lamely. He shook himself from sounding like an idiot. "Er...I'm RedTail99. Are you-"

"Yeah, come in," the wolf rumbled, opening the door for the smaller vulpine to enter, shutting it behind him afterward and re-locking it. Dark brown eyes roved up and down the lean frame, making the fox shift his weight from paw to paw. " sure you're eighteen, kid?"

"Well...yeah," the russet vulpine mumbled, rubbing his arm as a nervous tick. "You're, uh, BigBad113, right?" He asked, looking over the wolf across from him. The black-furred lupine stood taller than him by at least a head, and was much larger and broader than he was - probably outweighed him by a good fifty pounds. Whereas the young fox looked like a runner; lean and trim, the wolf could pass for a member of the football team. His chest was thick and firm, with plump pecs outlined in his simple grey t-shirt. The V-shaped torso tapered into a hard, chisled abdomen, just showing through the fabric. His thick legs were contained in some plain jeans, which also showed off his impressive bulge as well. Well toned arms strained the seams of his shirt, flexing as he crossed his arms and stared at the fox before him.

"Yup. Wasn't sure whether you were actually gonna show or not," the wolf chuckled, showing off his startling white fangs, standing out from his dark fur. He looked to be in his early twenties. "First time hooking up?"

The fox shyly rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh...yeah. Just kinda...happened, y'know?" He shuffled towards the bed slowly, sitting on the edge of it. "I'm N-"

"Don't bother with names," the wolf snorted, smirking. "Chances are we won't be seeing each other again. Unless you end up coming to the same college campus," he said with a playful growl. "Then I might get your name." He strode over to the side of the large, queen-sized bed, and began pulling off his shirt. His ripped torso was revealed as the fabric lifted away, firm bulges of his six-pack visible even under his black fur. Tossing the shirt aside, he regarded the fox sitting numbly on the end of the bed. "We gonna do this or what?"

The vulpine sat up like he had been prodded with a hot iron. "Oh! Yeah..uh...sorry. Just, unsure" he stammered, his large ears flushed with pink inside. He went to stand up, then sat back down, his nerves making him feel so indecisive. "Uhmmmm....."

The wolf rolled his eyes, sighing softly as his muzzle quirked up in a grin. "Newbie," he chuckled, rubbing over his bulge with a paw. "Here...why don't you come help me out of my pants?"

Nodding, the fox slide over across the bed until his was eye-level with the wolf's groin, breathing slowly to try and calm his racing heart. His paw twitched towards the denim-covered bulge, then finally caressed it as the wolf leaned backwards for him, rumbling softly. Sliding over the firm shape slowly, he felt the heat from the older canid's package in his palm, his touch growing more confident as he felt up the wolf, even going so far as to lean in and nuzzle it with his snout. A large paw came down and stroked his head, urging him on as his touch grew more sure, giving the bulge a squeeze as he explored.

"Mm...there you go," the college jock chuckled, ruffling the younger males large ears. He watched as the fox deftly unbuttoned his jeans and lowered the zipper, allowing his boxer-brief encased package to flop out, unrestrained by the tight denim. He shuffled his hip side to side, letting the jeans fall to the floor and he stepped out of them, kicking them aside as his junk was played with. The fox had grown bold enough to press his muzzle into the throbbing bulge, groping and rubbing it with his paw. The Wolf could feel himself becoming more aroused as his bits were touched, making him growl in approval. "Ready to see it?"


Smirking, the college lupine slipped thumbs into his underwear and tugged them down, letting his sheathed junk flop out onto the kid's muzzle as he finally released the beast from its prison of clothing. A thick, black sheath sat atop apple-sized balls, pulsing with need as the first inch or so of veiny red cock poked from from its hiding place. He could hear the soft, sharp intake of breath as the fox looked over his revealed package, bringing an ego boosting grin to the wolf's muzzle. He knew from prior experiences that he was lucky enough to have above-average equipment that never failed to impress his partners. " what you see, kid?" he rumbled, getting another nod in response. "Give it a lick."

The fox nosed over the hefty package before his eyes, daring to dart his tongue out and gently swipe over the head of the emerging dick. He could feel it twitch and throb under his touch, and the soft growl from above let him know he was on the right track. He licked over it again, and this time the cock jumped and slid several more inches from the fuzzy black tube it hid inside. Another lick, another growl of approval and the thick, red monster throbbed further out. Gentle pressure on the back of his head urged him on, and before he could over-think it, he wrapped his muzzle over the growing spire and slide it into his maw. The salty, musky taste of the wolf assaulted his taste buds as he ran his tongue over the thick flesh, sucking it in softly as he heard the male above let out a soft moan, the large paw on his head rubbing over those ears in approval.

Slowly, he began to bob up and down the lengthening cock as he sucked, letting go of his previous misgivings and let his instincts take over. There was a cock in his muzzle that needed servicing, and he was all to happy to oblige. Up and down, up and down he bobbed, letting the thick wolf cock fill his muzzle over and over again. He could hear the college student panting lightly above his head as his sensitive organ ran over the fox's tongue again and again. The thick tip prodded the back of the vulpine's throat, making him gag lightly as he soon realized just how big the wolf had gotten, his jaw starting to strain as it stretched on each down stroke. He pulled back to the tip, sucking softly, before gulping back down inch by inch until it hit the back of his throat again, making the wolf growl in pleasure. Repeating the motion twice more, he let the throbbing canine cock push against his throat slightly, psyching himself up to swallow, when the paw on the back of his head made the decision for him. Firm pressure pushed him down further, making him swallow on instinct as the throbbing wolf cock prodded into his gullet, and he fought down the urge to gag.

"Rrff...thats it...come on kid, take it all...." the lupine panted, holding the younger male to his crotch as he rolled his hips softly, urging more of his thick cock into the slim muzzle. He could feel the warm cavern convulse slightly as he tried to push in deeper. "Just swallow...deep breath and swallow," he grunted, pulling back slightly and arching his hips forward again. He felt the kid gulp, followed by another louder one he could hear, and soon found the fox's nose pressing into his pubic fur. "Ahhhhyeah....attaboy..." he panted, his cock flexing and throbbing as it was fully encased in that wet tunnel, spurting out a few jets of precum into the fox's gullet. Holding his hips still, he let the vulpine swallow and gulp around his large dick, feeling the kid's breath against his groin from where it puffed out his nose. He scratched around those large, russet ears in comfort as he cock was gulped, before the younger male tapped his thigh. The wolf sighed, but let up on the kid's head, allowing him to pull off. Hormones wanted to hold onto that head and thrust, but it would probably end the night quickly if he ended up choking the guy.

Coughing, the fox pulled back and off the throbbing wolf dick, taking a few deep breaths as his muzzle as finally clear, and he got a good look at the beast he was deep-throating. Red, thick and easily ten inches long, he let out a soft whimper as he cupped the lupine's heavy balls. "F-fuck you're huge..." he murmured, caressing the soft fur around the full sac.

He knew the wolf was grinning even though he didn't look up. "Heh, yup. Still think you can take it?" he teased, watching the younger male fondle his hefty package. His cock dribbled out a few more spurts of precum onto the carpet below, twitching in need. "Well, either got me worked up kid and now you gotta finish me off." he grunted, stepping back. A soft whimper came from his younger lover as the big wolf dick was pulled away. "Lose the clothes, unless you want to let me use your muzzle all night." He turned to the bedside table and rummaged through his little bag he brought along, pulling out a small bottle of lube. His ears twitched at the sound of ruffling fabric and when he faced the fox again, the kid was laid out on his back in nothing but his fur, gently pawing at his own modest erection. "Good boy," he chuckled stepping up to stand between the vulpine's legs, leaning over slightly so his heavy cock flopped over the other male's.

Blushing fiercely as he looked down at the larger dick dwarfing his own six inch arousal, the vulpine reached forward to stroke the wolf's shaft with a paw. "Uh..h-how do you want me?" he mumbled, his tail swishing against the bed below, as he rubbed over the pulsing cock he had been nearly gagging on.

"Well, do you wanna watch me plow you? Or would you rather turn around and bite down on a pillow?" came the cock reply.

The insides of the fox's ears grew even more red as he considered the options. Part of him wanted to turn around out of nerves so the other male couldn't see his face as he was fucked. But another part of him wanted nothing more than to burn the image of this hunk college jock into his mind as he stuffed that big puppy maker into his tight backside. Finally, after staring dumbly at that huge cock for a minute or two, the vulpine simply spread his legs wider and hiked up his hips. "Mmm....good choice," the wolf smirked, popping the cap of the bottle he held as his free paw rubbed the younger male's thighs softly. "Kinda want to see your expression as you take it all."

Pouring a healthy amount of lube onto his cock, the wolf tossed the bottle aside and stroked himself slowly, coating every throbbing inch with the slipper substance. He took a bit and felt under the fox's own balls for his backdoor, rubbing a thumb and finger over the tight pucker he found there and grinning widely at the squeak it brought him. "Ready?" he asked after sufficiently lubed up, taking the vulpine's legs and lifting them up to give him a better shot at his target. He got a nod as an answer as he tugged the kid closer to the edge of the bed and bent his hips up, lining up his throbbing cock with the edge of the fox's hole. "If it hurts, don't be a tough guy. Just tell me to stop. Ain't like I want to hurt ya," he grunted, pressing his dick against the warm entrance. When he got no reply, he arched his hips forward and began pressing in with firm pressure, gritting his teeth and growling as the soft flesh began to part around the head of his cock.

The young fox let out a gasp as the thick tip pressed into his exposed hole and pushed, spreading him around its tapered shape as the wolf entered him. He could feel the volcanic warmth of the other male's shaft penetrated him, his legs moving apart instinctively. It wasn't the first dick he'd had inside him, but it had certainly been a while as he felt his passage stretch to accommodate the girth of the wolf's cock. "Nnngh..." he grunted, his back arching slightly as the first few inches pushed inside, his tailhole burning slightly with the stretch. It was uncomfortable, but not painful, as he bit his lip while another inch sank inside, feeling the veiny shaft throb against his walls.

"'re pretty tight back here," the wolf grunted as he sank his dick slowly but surely into the fox below. He held the kid's ankles up and apart in his paws, leaving his hips to do all the work as he pushed in halfway. Pausing to let the vulpine adjust to his girth, he pulled back until just the head was in, before sinking forwards again up to the midway point, and pushing on, earning him another moan from the young male. He could feel the warm, supple flesh parting around his cock as he sank deeper and deeper into the fox, making the wolf growl lustfully as it wrapped around his needy member. "Ahhh....mmf...yeah...just a bit more," he panted, tongue lolling out the side of his muzzle as he shifted his hips side to side. Looking down he could see nearly all of his red dick pushed into the stretched fox hole, making him grin. "How you doin, kid?"

"Mmfff! Oohh!"

Chuckling, the wolf pulled back again and thrust a bit more firmly, getting a yip from his partner as he drove in right to the base. He felt his balls clap against the underside of the fox's tail, the younger male spasming slightly underneath him as he let go of the male's ankles, letting them fall to either side of his hips. He could feel the fox's warmth around the very base of his member, holding himself there to let the kid get used to his size as he caressed the white abdomen below. He felt a lump under the fur, and looked down, letting out a short laugh as he could see and feel the bulge his cock made in the slim vulpine's belly. "Heh...check this out, bud," he said, taking the fox's paw and letting him feel it. "How's that feel, huh?"

"'re so big..." the fox panted and groaned, feel the bulge in his lower belly with his paw. Despite the full feeling he got as his insides stretched to accommodate said wolf cock, he couldn't deny it felt amazing. He had wanted to feel this ever since they swapped pics over the app, and now it was throbbing deep inside him. His legs slide up and down the wolf's lower back tenderly as the big male laid overtop him, braced by his own meaty arms, grinning down at him. Looking up into those playful brown eyes, he couldn't help but smile back as the burning sensation in his tailhole faded, leaving nothing but the throbbing of that big dick. He leaned up and stole a quick kiss from the surprised wolf's muzzle, panting with need. "Fuck me, big boy."

Slightly startled by the lip lock, the wolf nevertheless adopted his smirk once more and pulled his hips back slowly, dragging inches of thick cock over the fox's walls to make him moan, only to buck forwards and stuff him full again. "Oh, I plan to," he growled. Leaning down he returned the quick, lusty kiss before tugging out and shoving forwards again, making them both grunt. "Just hope you can take it!"

With that, the gentle thrusts became slams as he rammed into the twinky fox firm and deep, driving his thick shaft as far as it would go into his willing partner. The moans from the vulpine became high pitched and loud, reaching their peak each time the wolf bottomed out inside him. He felt every inch rake over his prostate with each thrust, only to end with those heavy balls slapping under his tail as the larger male pounded him into the bed. His legs spread apart eagerly and he arched his back, yipping to the ceiling as he was drilled. "Ahh! Ahh! Oh fuck! Yes! Ahh!"

Snarling slightly, the black-furred wolf drove his hips forward again and again, bouncing the fox underneath him as they rocked the bed, plunging his cock as deep as he could into the moaning twink. The bulge in the cream-colored abdomen disappeared and reappeared with each thrust, evidence of the size difference and just how deep the wolf was plowing him. "Nnngh....yeah...fuck...take it all, pup!" he growled. His paws came to hold the vulpine by his hips as he straightened up and shoved himself forward over and over, drilling the smaller male fast and hard. The slapping of their bodies could be heard above their pleasured grunts and cries, as well as the_squick-squick-squick_ of the wolf's slick cock shoving inside the tight passage.

The pair rutted madly for several minutes, before the wolf slowed his thrusts down to a minimum. "Fuck...turn over. All fours." There was no hesitation or complain as he pulled his thick cock from the fox and the other male rolled over right away. Tail lifted out of the way, he climbed up onto the bed and loomed over the smaller male as his paw guided his throbbing dick right back into the stretched hole, making the young fox groan loudly as all those inches slid right back in to the base. "Mmff....there we go," he grunted, gripping those hips and getting right back to his hard, fast rhythm. Loud slapping filled the hotel room once more as the wolf pounded away in to his partner, the fox barely able to brace himself on his arms as the fevered thrusts from the college hunk speared him deep over and over again.

"Ahhh! Ohhh fuck me...fuck me...fuckmefuckmefuckMEEEE!" the vulpine squealed out as those ten inches slammed in as far as they could each time. Clenching his abdomen he could feel the stretch as the wolf's big cock bulged out his lower belly, and it only served to turn him on more. Ropes of precum spurt from his neglected cock as it swung back and forth with their bodies' movements, soaking the blankets below as the continued to rut.

The wolf grunted and huffed as he pounded away into the tight fox, feeling the base of his cock start to swell up. "Nngh...knot's comin..." he panted, slowing his thrusts but putting more force behind them as he leaned over the fox's back. "You want it?" A minute or two passed, and all he heard was yips and moans from the twink attached to his cock. The wolf's arms tightened around his chest as he leaned over and snarled right into one of those large ears. "Do. You. Want. It?" he barked, each word punctuated by a hard, slamming thrust, enough that he knew the fox could feel the swelling bulge at the base of his cock strain and stretch his pucker.


"Cant' hear you." Another hard thrust.


Thrust. "Louder!"


"I," Thrust. "Can't," Slam. "Hear!" Slam. "You!" Thrust. Thrust.


Taking that as a good enough hint - one that their neighbors surely heard - the wolf launghed and picked up the pace once again, drilling the squealing fox into the bed. He held those hips high as he pressed the fox's head and chest down into the bed with his other paw, ramming himself in hard each time. The poor, abused pucker stretched and stretched as that thickening bulb slammed in over and over. He could feel it yielding as he drove in, the ring of muscle slipping further and further over his expanding knot. "Almost...nngh..fuck....come on...fuuUUCK!" he roared as it finally popped in with a wet_squelch_. The squeal from the fox below nearly caused his ears to ring as the huge bulge of flesh pressed against his prostate. The wolf was dimly away of the blankets growing wet beneath his legs, the vulpine blowing his load from the pressure on his button as he pounded away with short, sharp thrusts, his knot now too large to pull back out.

It only took another few thrusts before he tipped his head back and howled, balls pulling up against his groin as they unloaded into the babbling fox. Thick jets of pent up wolf cum surged into the younger male's passage, the now baseball-sized knot ensuring not a single drop leaked out as he bred his partner. The slim vulpine moaned and shook as his own orgasm tapered off, and he could feel the rush of warm fluids pump deep inside his stuffed hole. Rubbing over the bulge in his abdomen from the wolf's huge cock, he could feel himself swell and round out with what had to have been a heavy load. The paunch grew until it nearly covered the throbbing shape that was the lupine breeding pole shoved deep inside, as the wolf laid across his back panting as his climax came to and end. "Fuuuck...." the fox groaned, taking the wolf's weight as he laid out on the bed flat.

"Fuck..." the larger male agreed, his form nearly covered that of the smaller male as he rested atop him. He slipped his arms underneath the fox's midsection and held him close as he rolled them onto their sides. "Ugh...hope you enjoyed that as much as I did."

"Uh huh...."

Chuckling, the wolf rubbed over the bulge he made in the fox's belly, his cock giving another jump inside followed by another spurt of cum into the existing pool, feeling quite proud of himself. "You good, bud?"

"Y-yeah..." the fox grunted, flexing his rear around that huge knot. A deep growl sounded by his ear as his muscles teased the sensitive, throbbing bulb. "My gods you're huge..."

"Heh, yeah...hope you're good to lay here a while," the wolf smiled. "I usually take a good half hour to deflate." A soft moan was his answer, and he held the fox tight to his chest as they came down from their orgasmic highs, waiting for the wolf's knot to go down. The pair laid together for a time, the wolf's paw slowly stroking the bulging abdomen he gave his partner. It was about ten minutes until one of them spoke up again.


"Huh?" the wolf mumbled, ears perking as he looked down into the softly smiling face of the fox.

"My name. Its Nicholas," the younger male said as he stared up into the dark brown eyes above him.


"I graduate from high school in a few months, then will be attending the local college," the fox smiled, clenching around that knot. "Sooo...what you said earlier...."

The wolf grunted from the squeeze to his still-sensitive knot, then allowed a grin to creep across his own muzzle as he got the hint. "Tanner," he chuckled. He stroked over that paunch again. "Few months, eh?"


"Good thing I already got your number then~"

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