Elliot's Awakening p. 1-2

Story by TheNeutralOoze on SoFurry

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#2 of Elliot's Worlds

The second part of the introduction to Elliott and his story, this section is shorter and focuses a lot more on the spicy content. If you like this or the other way please be sure to leave a comment and drop a fave if you like, it helps to shape future content. <3 Ooze

I woke up somewhere dark, a starless sky shown high above me. Everything was dim similar to stepping into a dark room before your eyes can adjust though it felt like mine never would. Water flowed across me, into every crevice of my body as I floated on my back, naked and unmoving, no sign of any ebb or flow to the water around me. Although it was dark I could clearly make out trees, leafless with bone dry branches. They shown bright, beacons in my dim surrounding, bone-white, towering above me like boney finger, ready to drag me under.

Standing felt like someone dropped the whole world on my chest, struggling I moved up-right, water running down the sleek, brown fur on my shoulders and back. The pool remained placid, still and calm through my struggle to rise. Staring down into it, this emptiness washed over me, reflections of my past, thoughts and feelings flashing in the water and it suddenly began to shift.

The water rose from its position shaping into a pair of humanoid masses, grabbing at me, the smooth form caressing over my chest sensually. I felt a pit grow in my gut, worsening into a knot as I came to the realization that I liked it. Two hands rubbed over my shoulders, down my arms and before I knew it the hands changed form and I was bound, chain like forms holding me in the water, spreading my limbs to the side. Another hand ran down my chest until reaching my groin, cupping my balls and rolling over them softly, my sheath pulsing to every touch. I struggled to kick my legs, the water below me thick like cement, pulling on the chains was impossible tough as steel. The hands continued their molestation, I could feel the slick liquid push into ass, the hands now tugging out my hardening cock. Slick slurping noises echoed in my ear as the penetration continued and I could feel myself getting close, bucking my hips with the hands milking. Just as my orgasm approached the hands backed away, the water losing its form and falling away.

I leapt to my feet as quickly as I go, my softening member slipping slowly back into my sheath, and started to run, no direction just away. The water began to rise again but this time taking the form of familiar faces, my parents, disgusted and outraged, filled with disappointment. The knot returned to my stomach but a very different feeling accompanied it, regret. I reached the tree-line, the iridescent figures meandering behind me but closing the distance. Another form appeared, this one closer Cordelia Chen, the young bunny from earlier, staring at me like a child, making me feel small and unprepared to face the world. I turned away escaping her gaze to be met with another. The man from the market, a jackal, dark eyes staring through me powerful and dangerous, as if he emanated dark heat that would burn to the touch. He was tempting though, I wanted to wrap my arms around him as I burnt to a crisp in his grip.

Fighting the urge, I ran, pushing through the pain, and heaviness, ignore my yearning lust and the burning in my legs. My breath was labored and movement wild, hindered by the ivory tress, growing thicker and closer the further I pushed. No matter how quickly I moved I could still feel them, the people, shadows creeping behind me. I looked back for confirmation but before I could even make a move to, a tree crashed into my shoulder, knocking me to the ground.

Slamming into the ground I felt hands grip me from behind wrapping around, soft umber fur rubbing up against mine. I could feel lips against my neck and a tongue accompanying them as they ran up and down my collar bone. Looking down I could see the black-eyed jackal his mouth agape as he licked over my neck and shoulder, warmth spreading all over me, my dick hardening in my sheath. As my member escaped its fur prison I noticed the other figures, a blush spreading across my face. The three stood to the side, watching in dismay as the canine reached around and played with my fuzzy balls. I moaned as I felt the gentle touch play across my sensitive member and I could feel the tip of the canine's thickening dick rubbing my waiting hole. He grabbed the base of my erection as he slid into me matching the pace of his thrust with the pace of his hand, first slow and diligent then picking up the pace, my low moans evolving into a high whine. I tried to plead with the figures to look away but I couldn't get a word out as my orgasm approached, slick precum spraying out into the water. I reached my climax as the jackal squeezed my pulsing cock and I sprayed thick spurts of cum out into the water and into my legs and stomach. As I was coming down I felt warmth fill me as the liquid creature reached his peak dissolving back into the pool as it finished.

As I lay in the glory of my climax I heard a smooth voice, silky and smooth. "Elliott. It's now time for you to awaken my love. You've been gone long enough."